Twitter Thoughts

I took some time out from BP after the torrid comments section. I had deleted the WordPress app off my phone and that was that. But everything seems to have arranged itself quite nicely in my absence so it’s a good time to dive right back in. England of course are likely contenders to win the World Cup and if so – we will have a very good Brexit.

It’s also been a very humid July and I’ve reflected on why Social Media silently murdered the Blogsophere. The winning quality of Social Media is that one is interacting with individuals whereas on Blogs it’s scattered thoughts in the wind. There is no context or real depth to a comment thread because of the anonymous factor, which I think really detracts from conversations.

Other than that I spent some time sprucing up my Twitter. I left Twitter after the June 2017 elections because they refused to give me a blue tick (vanity upon vanities). After the link are a few excerpts of my recent Twitter threads. I want to eventually expand them into posts but the good thing about a Twitter thread is that it suits my “stream of consciousness” writing style.

I also started two threads, which were meant to be posts but tweeted them .

Brown Pundits