Kashmiri Pandit Neel Kashkari is planning to run for Governor of California; it seems that Indian-Americans (FCs at that) are just gravitating towards the civil service & politics.
Of course even more interesting is his background as a Goldman banker, who really do seem to be Masters of the Universe.
Just a short sample of the very familiar household names of these GS Alums (via Wikipedia):
- Mark Carney – Governor of the Bank of Canada[207] (now BoE)
- Chetan Bhagat – Author
- Fischer Black – Co–author of the Black–Scholes equation and the Black-Derman-Toy model
- Jon Corzine – Former CEO of MF Global, Inc., former Democratic Governor (2006–2010) and U.S. Senator (2001–2006), New Jersey
- Jim Cramer – Founder of TheStreet.com, best selling author, and host of Mad Money on CNBC
- Rahm Emanuel – Mayor of Chicago (2011–)[208]
- Arthur Levitt – Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (1993–2001)[209]
- Dambisa Moyo – Zambian economist and author of Dead Aid: Why Aid is Not Working and How There is a Better Way For Africa
- Henry Paulson – Former United States Secretary of the Treasury (2006–2009)
- Romano Prodi – Prime Minister of Italy (1996–1998, 2006–2008) and President of the European Commission (1999–2004)[210]
- Robert Rubin – Former Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, ex–Chairman of Citigroup
- Gene Sperling – Director of the National Economic Council (2011–)[211]
- Lawrence Summers – Secretary of the Treasury of the United States (1999–2001)[212]
- John Thain – Former Chairman and CEO, Merrill Lynch, and former chairman of the NYSE
- Robert Zoellick – United States Trade Representative (2001–2005), Deputy Secretary of State (2005–2006), World Bank President (2007–2012)