I also wore my Apple Watch and Oura ring, both in airplane mode. My best meditations always had the least variation in heart rate. When I wasn’t focused, it would jump around a lot. Here’s a night of sleep on the 10th night (my resting heart rate was consistently below 40). pic.twitter.com/9fiz8s8DR5
— jack (@jack) December 9, 2018
Not sure why Jack is getting flak over his interest in Vipaasana. It is showcasing one of the things that is wrong about Western culture today where sincerity and earnestness is ridiculed. https://t.co/VNUabUfGwV
— American Desi Anonymous (@AmrikanDesiAnon) December 9, 2018
Jack Dorsey, cofounder of Twitter & Dropbox(?), isn’t a favourite of mine with his “smash the Brahmin Patriarchy.”
I follow him on Twitter and stumbled on his thread about how he celebrated his birthday with Vipassna meditation in Myanmar.
I found the above tweet to be the most interesting because it highlights the contradiction of Westerners pursuing Eastern mysticism.
Using iWatches and Ouras to somehow hack meditation is so woke & Silicon Valley but at the same time it eviscerates the wisdom of the East. One doesn’t meditate simply to self-actualise, one meditates to attain oblivion (of sorts).
The fact that Jack doesn’t grasp this and makes it about endurance just goes to show that much as he tries he’ll never grasp the East in the way only Easterners can.
It’s bring to mind:
Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,
Meditation can be used to achieve multiple goals. If Jack wants to use it to reduce stress and improve his cardiac health there is nothing wrong with it.
I remember I was telling V that I wanted to meditate and she said an interesting thing that it’s never wise to open the third eye before your time.
It’s difference between living a tradition (and growing up in it) versus approaching it as an outsider..
Jack’s tone is just too glib.. of course I could just be jealous that he started two separate billion dollar companies (before 30) and I didn’t..
Twitter and Square!
Honestly, this piece feels like a cultural appropriation rant, though I suspect you would not like it to be called that. I also don’t think there is any consensus or received wisdom on what the ultimate purpose of meditation should be.
And hey, what is wrong with smashing Brahmanical patriarchy : )
This will all stop after he gets seriously ill and insists on healing via chakra alignment.
The racial animus on this site seems to be reserved for white males. BP is silent on an african american woman calling Priyanka Chopra a “scam artist.”
Yes I thought that was very wrong; the lady apologised right?
There isn’t “racial animus”, don’t seek victimisation where there is none.