Why China will be the Greatest Power in Asia-

It’s using “woke SJWism” to punish Dolce & Gabana. Shanghai was meant to be their biggest fashion show in 35 years.

The ads were racist (a Chinese model struggling with pasta) and China is now making full use of that faux-pas to drive in a lesson in National Honour. As one e-retailer said “the Motherland is more important than anything else.”

I don’t know what to make of the article below.


The Abrahamicisation of Hinduism is one thing but is it worth projecting those values? I know that copulating deities are on temple walls so I’m just asking how do Hindu deities need to be treated.

A funny story last night; V asked me if I knew what the Shiva Lingam was. Apparently she had just found out what it actually was since she had been told throughout Hindu school that it was one of Shiva “limbs.” The Victorian legacy in India is fascinating to observe.

Also this moved me greatly:

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5 years ago

Well said re China. It brooks no nonsense. That is the way to get national honour and respect internationally. Compare with Twitter saga in India – imperialism gets so many native yeah sayers. Indians don’t realise the line dividing national self esteem and social justice. No wonder Clives and Hastings had a cake walk

5 years ago

The ads were racist (a Chinese model struggling with pasta)

If an ad were made in China showing non-East Asians struggling to use chopsticks, would that be racist?

5 years ago
Reply to  Numinous

Depends on who made the ad /purpose/ audience

5 years ago
Reply to  VijayVan

Sure, I guess, but if we ban all attempts at joking about cross-cultural tomfoolery, would we be left with anything to joke about at all?

5 years ago
Reply to  Numinous


5 years ago

If the Chinese get offended this easily they will not be as great as they could be.

One of the worst imperialist aspects of the West is imbuing the rest with a nonsensical grievance offence taking culture versus their more ancient live and let live . . . everyone has the right to think and produce art as they choose . . . culture. We need to return to the second.

5 years ago

china knows what power really is, India suffers from false positive of Gandhi/independence/non violence that congress gave themselves complete credit for it and propagandized it enough that they believed it ignoring hard power altogether. Consequences are there for all to see. Indians rather than see british leaving as consequence of empire exhausting itself out saw it as their “moral victory”.

The only lies for which we are truly punished are those we tell ourselves.
-VS Naipaul

5 years ago
Reply to  bharat

Everyone has a right to decide with whom they do business with. They don’t have to justify their decision to you. Every country has the same right. If you can find a market for your art when you make it, go ahead.

5 years ago
Reply to  VijayVan

US: We cant spy on you when you start using Chinese equipment.

US government has launched an “extraordinary outreach campaign” aimed at international telecom companies and friendly foreign governments to try and convince them to drop Huawei as a supplier over concerns that equipment produced by the company could be vulnerable to Chinese spies.



To be perfectly clear, liGga, literally means mark or sign (from verbal stem lag-; to aim or mark).

The usage for phallus is secondary.

5 years ago

Hello Slapstik,

I am not disputing your etymological explanation from within Indo-European for the word liGga, but would just like to bring up the other possibility of ultimate Austroasiatic origins for this word (and some others such as lAGgala, ‘plough’, lAGgUla, ‘tail’, etc.) (my reference at the moment is this here: https://books.google.com/books?id=uJsnDwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=Spirits+and+Ships:+Cultural+Transfers+in+Early+Monsoon+Asia&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj34K7y5ureAhVCSN8KHd9-BYkQ6AEIKDAA#v=onepage&q=austroasiatic%20langula&f=false). What do you think of this latter proposal?

Also, I’m only barely familiar with Indo-European linguistics and did not do the requisite homework before writing this comment but I still greedily want to ask you about the details of the derivation of the word liGga from the relevant Indo-European root through etymological means. As in, the Indo-European grammatical mechanisms involved and the meaning alterations they bring to the root with those mechanisms. I can superficially see that some kind of vowel gradation or such thing is involved and also some kind of nasal infixing is visible (I don’t know their grammatical function of these activities in the Indo-European language though), assuming the PIE root is also similar to the Sanskrit root that you gave.

Thank you very much again, wonderful Slapstik!

5 years ago
Reply to  Santosh

Santosh, do you hope to find answers to this question in Gunung Padang Java (one of the largest pyramids in the world with parts carbon dated to 13 K to 28 K years ago)? So far the post modernist marxist academics are trying to block studies of Gunung Padang in collaboration with Islamists. Hopefully the Indonesian government allows Gunung Padang to be studied.

It would be interesting to find out how the Linga was used and perceived 13 K to 28 K years ago.

We also have a Shiva artifact from Tibet that was carbon dated to 28 thousand years ago.

5 years ago
Reply to  AnAn


I don’t know but for my purposes, some possibility of connection at the Proto-Austroasiatic and later linguistic timeframes of Southeast Asia and India is sufficient. The history of that word beyond Proto-Austroasiatic (if it is indeed an Austroasiatic-origin word) into Pre-Proto-Austroasiatic is not very relevant for the question at hand and I don’t think the Proto-Austroasiatic language goes that far back in time into 13 kya and such, anyway.

5 years ago
Reply to  Santosh

What language do you think was spoken near Gunung Padang Indonesia? Parts of it are carbon dated to 28,000 years ago. The pyrimid would have needed very advanced technologies for construction. We in the modern era (say post Christ) have not yet managed to construct anything as impressive. I have managed impressive stuff, but not the kind of stuff that would last mostly intact for 13 K to 28 K years.

I suspect many of our ancient languages and cultures are much older than we now think.

Reply to  Santosh

The derivation (vRddhi) from lag- is putative. The word liGga is attested in the upaniSad-s so of old provenance. The congruence in meaning to lakSa (mark, sign, aim) in RV suggests commonality of root (lag- lit. to stick, adhere, mark in nirukta)

The vRddhi mechanism within Sanskrit isn’t tight. But since it is pre-Paninian it could be a dialectical form.

Austroasiatic could be possible too, but needs more evidence.

5 years ago

Agree with Slapstik’s definition of linga.

For me the metaphorical meaning has to do with the plexus of nerves and subjective experience through the brain and nervous system during deep meditation.

The linga to me represents Hiranyagarba or the multi-dimensional multi-verse. Of which our big bang which started circa 14 billion years ago is one of an infinite number of manifestations. For me the symbol of multiplicity is the fact that there is more than one foci. [One focus is a perfect sphere, which a linga is not.]

When prana pratishta is done perhaps the linga is tool to affect the brain and nervous system to slow surface thoughts and facilitate Yogash Chittah Vrittih Nirodhah or Chitta Shuddhi. Enabling mystical experience. Or Shunya nirvana as our Buddhist twin sisters would say. Or Satori as our Sanathana Dharma Buddhist Mahayana Zen twin sisters would say. Or Toa as our Taoist sisters would say.

The linga is defined in great length in the Shaiva Agamas. Which I have only read tiny fragments of. The size of the Shiva Agamas is enormous. Probably over 100 volumes remains of them (despite almost all of them being lost).

Generally speaking Hindus focus on 5 elements and their 5 sub elements or 25 tattvas total. Of which only one is partly real/partly illusion. 24 are illusion. Trika Kashmiri Shaivism introduces 11 more Tattvas. Of these 24 are illusion, 7 are partly real and partly illusion, five are real.

This is close to Mahayana Buddhism (Tibetan, Chinese, Japanese with other extant branches) and they share many dual hatted Maha Siddhas.

In Buddhist terminology these correspond to the Jnaana heavens and Aparupa Lokas. (some Buddhists might aver that the Aparupa lokas are higher than the 5 true real tattvas.) However these details are only relevant for those who have touched nirvikalpa nirbija Samadhi (or Shunya Nirvana in Buddhist terminology). For those as Savikalpa Sampragnyata Sammapati Samadhi and below these details seem meaningless. In fact all the distinctions between the 10 darshanas appear complimentary and surface level with no deep Buddhi level differences between them.


5 years ago

“It’s using “woke SJWism” to punish Dolce & Gabana. Shanghai was meant to be their biggest fashion show in 35 years.”

It has used every thing of the “west” to fight the west, that’s why i cannot wait for the chinese world order. A decade or two under the chinese world order and Chomsky would be wishing for the american world order to come back. But then it wont come back.

“The Abrahamicisation of Hinduism is one thing but is it worth projecting those values? I know that copulating deities are on temple walls so I’m just asking how do Hindu deities need to be treated’

The article you have linked is the perfect illustrates a hindu SJWs /woke fight of what’s “Indian” culture and how much intermixed its with its dominant religion that she cant tell her apart. I am pretty sure had she just posted the pic and not about her letter, many of would have thought she is a right winger. She talks about Colonization and Hindus etc in the same sentence as if it was a “Hindu” experience instead of Indian experience. Case in point lines below

“Hindu, Buddhist and South Asian culture continues to constantly be exploited through Western capitalism in the name of spiritual awakening and sexual exploration.”

P.S I am fascinated about how different a northern and southern/bengali hindu immigrant community reacts to the same scenario. The former, even for a SJW’s, as hard as they try to distance from religion from Indian cant escape it. While i would assume the latter would have put her arguments in more “Indian/South asian” or ethnic sense and try to minimize the religious angle to it

5 years ago
Reply to  saurav

”“Hindu, Buddhist and South Asian culture continues to constantly be exploited through Western capitalism in the name of spiritual awakening and sexual exploration.””

Does she understand what this sentence means?

Does she understand what Buddhist Hindu South Asian culture means?

Capitalism is not western. Capitalism was the dominant economic system during the Ramayana, during Illa/Buddha (Chandra Vamsha), during the Mahabharata, in ancient Sumerian history and in ancient Iranian history.

Capitalism thrived during a golden age of globalized capitalism (spreading from Serbia/Greece to Egypt to Sudan to Malaysia/Indonesia/Bali to Cambodia/Loas/Thailand to Tibet to Turan. My view is that China was also a part of it and look forward to Chinese records to confirm large trading routes before 1,000 BC.

Most poor people benefit from capitalism.

The way ancient civilizations have been technologically exploited is through patent law (where modern companies establish patents on ancient technologies). Examples include:

By definition patent law is a government enforced restriction on capitalism. Patent law has gone too far.

5 years ago
Reply to  Prats

It was such a bad movie, might as well throw ink on srk.lol

It’s funny how the movies sort of actually portray the very communities who are protesting better than they really are in real life ( probably to compensate ). The rajputs can’t put a foot wrong in padmavat while the Kalinga folks in ashoka are shown as progressive and valiant fighters

5 years ago
Reply to  Saurav

The only thing I remember from that movie is Kareena Kapoor dancing in water.

5 years ago
Reply to  Prats

Throwing ink…….very mature!

Given that the history of that period is still not completely clear to any of us, this is a bit like throwing ink at someone for insulting Santa Claus.

More seriously, if these nincompoops want to make the “real history” of their region known, they can always make a movie. Or a play, or newspaper articles.

But then I’ve resigned myself to the fact that the cause of free speech in India is well and truly dead.

5 years ago
Reply to  Numinous

Free speech

Choose one

5 years ago

I think Indians are too quick to take offense, rather than thinking critically when someone says something anti-India. I am originally from India (do not live there anymore), and Indians need to take a chill pill. They need to learn to laugh and poke fun like how it is done on Saturday night live. I do not think one should take offense at pictures of God on a bathroom wall. If god or gods are offended by such, let God or Gods speak for themselves. Why is this person so offended when God (I am an atheist but for argument sake, let’s say there is a or many Gods), did not say anything to the bar owner. I find it amusing when humans try to defend their ‘God” who is supposedly all-powerful. Confession, I do not like Indian culture as it is the most suffocating and dehumanizing on this planet. Only an utterly cruel society can have a caste system and perpetuate it for so many centuries to the present day.

5 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

“Only an utterly cruel society can have a caste system and perpetuate it for so many centuries to the present day.”

Caste society has been far less cruel than most other societies historically. No society has the moral right to cast stone on caste society as their hands are also drenched in blood.

Brown Pundits