Shame on Pakistan- 10years on from 26.11; In Memoriam.

Vidhi observed a minute’s silence, as she mentioned at Friday’s dinner, the Pakistani attack on India on 26.11 was when India & Indians forever distrusted Pakistan.

When police asked Kasab what he understood about jihad, Kasab told the interrogators “it Jihad is about killing and getting killed and becoming famous.” “Come, kill and die after a killing spree. By this one will become famous and will also make God proud.”[79]

“We were told that our big brother India is so rich and we are dying of poverty and hunger. My father sells dahi wada in a stall in Lahore and we did not even get enough food to eat from his earnings. I was promised that once they knew that I was successful in my operation, they would give 150,000 rupees (around US$3,352), to my family,” said Kasab.[79]

Police said they were shocked by his readiness to switch loyalties after he was apprehended.[79] “If you give me regular meals and money I will do the same for you that I did for them,” he said.[79]

Young Moshe is a living symbol of an eternal Indo-Israeli friendship:

“Time Heals, They Say, But…”: Baby Moshe’s Grandfather On 26/11

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6 years ago

They have Dahi wada in Pakistan. Cool.

6 years ago

Honestly speaking, most people outside of Bombay have forgotten about 26/11. It doesn’t register in the same way as 9/11 does with Americans.
Maybe because people got jaded with all the terrorist attacks during that period. Or maybe because India didn’t launch an almost 2-decade long war that is still going on. So people have moved on.

Luckily, we haven’t had any more major attacks in the last few years.

There was a brief spate of train derailments in UP a couple of years back that was suspected to have been sponsored by the ISI but it’s been put a stop to for now.

6 years ago
Reply to  Prats

Prats, India is providing considerable assistance to the Afghan National Army and Afghan Air Force. Afghanistan is hoping India sharply ramps up India’s help in 2019.

6 years ago
Reply to  Prats

Prat, the ANSF absorb more than 500 times as many killed in action and the US armed forces. The US has not been at war in Afghanistan for many years. This is Afghanistan’s war. A de facto war between Afghanistan and Deep State GHQ you know who.

Reply to  Prats

// Honestly speaking, most people outside of Bombay have forgotten about 26/11 //

I hope you are not being serious.

6 years ago

“I hope you are not being serious.” — Yes, he is . I actually forgot 🙂

6 years ago

I concur with Prats and td.

Reply to  Numinous

Reflects rather poorly on Indians. But then I know how shitty we generally are… tant pis!

6 years ago

Better shitty than living in a imagined present. I feel an acknowledgement is still a start


Hoping is not imagining. Maybe in Indian English…

6 years ago

Slapstik, you mustn’t take all the talking heads here seriously.

6 years ago

On 12 March 1993 Al Qaeda linked networks bombed India’s stock market in Bombay (now Mumbai).

The single-day attacks resulted in 257 fatalities and 713 injuries. India’s main stock market was shut for some time. Fortunately India avoided a financial crisis.

The Bombay attack was probably coordinated with Al Qaeda’s first attempt to hit the World Trade Center New York on February 26, 1993.

India has a long history of being attacked by Jihadi Islamists (many Al Qaeda or Al Qaeda linked), who have killed 70 K Indians.


Should nonmuslims directly help liberal muslims?:
This appears to be the strategy of RSS, BJP, Hinduttva. What are everyone’s thoughts?

6 years ago

ajmal saying he will do even if Indian govt pays is nonsense , a lie he probably wanted to believe in himself. The whole point of “jihad” is that it is unique and hard to match by “secular govts”. As one Indian general wrote an article about this. Its not something India can match with to force costs. Trump has also taught a lesson to democrats,liberals. Dont go believing in your stories so much that when reality smacks in your face you are left deluded still. One consequences of this has been that at least some liberals on Indian side have began to question this apologetic line their friends keep making “we are all the same people” with, “No we are not!”.

We are not the same as you pakistanis.

6 years ago

Violent Islamists like Kasab or train and plane bombers say in no uncertain terms what motivates them ie Jihad and Jihad has been defined in many classical Islamic texts as fight to increase the military and political dominance of Islam over non Muslims.
In spite of that many politicians keep parroting the line Islam is non violent and would like us believe Jihad means something
helping old ladies to cross the road

Milan Todorovic
Milan Todorovic
6 years ago
Reply to  VijayVan

That is the story of wars in Bosnia and Kosovo. There is a temporary silence and low intensity terror against individuals (in Kosovo) but with secret preparations to continue Jihadists’ run on much larger scale when the time come.

6 years ago

The funniest thing is that US seems to have done more even though there was like 6 american people killed. India did shit for its 160 odd killed. Dont go by all the song and dance on TV , most people dont care. Its a rhetorical tool and sometimes even i am amazed as to how effective it has become. Met pakistanis who seemed to be genuinely saddened by the event.

“Honestly speaking, most people outside of Bombay have forgotten about 26/11. It doesn’t register in the same way as 9/11 does with Americans.”

Indians in Bombay and MH didnt give a shit about 26/11 themselves. Why would other parts of the country give a dam? In India nothing moves unless there is a political cost/reward attached to it. The Govt of the day won more numbers of seats and swept Mumbai and MH, in the election held just 6 months after the event. This to put in crudely is tantamount to “rewarding” the Govt. So yeah you reap what you sowed. The NSA at that time have justified not taking any action against Pak (as if they could) by regularly using this as evidence. But said next time we would/should do something (as if they would have)

India and Indians dont mostly care for national security. I am pretty sure 10 years after the event anything has substantially changed

6 years ago
Reply to  Saurav

Why wouldn’t Pakistanis be “genuinely saddened” by 26/11? Most of us do not support terrorism. The deaths of over 160 innocent people are not justifible, no matter what India’s policies are in Kashmir (or whatever the supposed justification for the attack was).

It is good that the Indian government did not respond the way the US did after 9/11. It’s been 17 years since the “Global War on Terror” was launched and I don’t think it has really solved any problems. It is true the US has not suffered a similar attack, but has all the “collateral damage” been worth it? Racial profiling, increased Islamophobia etc are all consequences of the GWOT.

Pakistan should take serious action against the perpetators. But at the same time, 26/11 should not be used simply as a stick to beat Pakistan with. We need to move forward.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kabir

Need to move forward in the direction of our arse.

6 years ago
Reply to  Saurav

We have people dying in this country on a daily basis because many of our drivers can’t be bothered to drive on the right side of the road if it’ll save them a few metres of driving and a few pennies of fuel.

6 years ago
Reply to  Saurav

Indians do remember 26/11 and attack on Loksabha and hijack of Indian planes on the eve of the new millennium. Of course, it is difficult to remember the exact date/month, and the terrorist atrocities themselves are remembered and who was behind it.

6 years ago
Reply to  VijayVan

It is nonsense to say if you can’t remember an event date/month/year format US style, you don’t remember or care.

I still remember Kennedy assasination or IG’s radio address on the eve of Bangladesh way even though I can’t put date month.

6 years ago
Reply to  VijayVan

remember is different from memorial. If you cant remember date and show up as a society to speak about it, collectively, the lesson from the pain has not been learnt.

6 years ago
Reply to  bharat

….and it will never be learnt

6 years ago

I am not sure what some of the commentators above are talking about. Violent deaths in India are at an all time low and have been falling continuously for more than a decade.

For me 26/11 is a day to remember the bravery and dedication of Tukaram Omble. Hope we name one of our landmarks after him soon.

6 years ago

India is an amazing success all considered.

India and every other country is waging the war on terror. Every train station, airport, prominent temple/mosque/Gurudwara/Church/spiritual center in India has massive security. There have been many terrorist attacks against Ajmer, other Shiite/Sufi places, and many famous temples. Indians being a mature people accept this and move on while remaining vigilant. Bharatiya culture is to respect and love our enemy with all our soul (Jnaana maarga), all our heart (Bhakti maarga), all our mind (Raja Yoga), all our might (Karma maarga). Love the Jihadi, love the Islamist, love the terrorist and move forward with our lives. No one forgets the daily terrorism threat; but we do our work and move forward with peaceful loving tranquility or Stitapragnya. Doing our work without expectation is Nishkaama Karma.

India is not alone in her predicament. Takfiri Jihadi Islamism is the greatest security threat for every country in the world today. A potentially existential threat to our species.

Kabir wrote:
“It is good that the Indian government did not respond the way the US did after 9/11. It’s been 17 years since the “Global War on Terror” was launched and I don’t think it has really solved any problems. It is true the US has not suffered a similar attack, but has all the “collateral damage” been worth it? Racial profiling, increased Islamophobia etc are all consequences of the GWOT.”

In 2008, India offered military help to the Afghan Government (GIRoA), Afghan Air Force (AAF) and Afghan National Army (ANA) after the terrorist attack. Karzai wanted to accept this help. However Bush and Secretary of Defense Gates said no.

When Obama was elected he was generally a push over who lacked spine. One of the only times in his presidency when he showed a spine was in 2009, when he imperialistically, hegemonically and condescendingly ordered the Afghans not to accept Indian help. Obama was incredibly nasty and mean to Karzai–the sole legitimate president and leader of Afghanistan.

Karzai asked Obama why he supported the Taliban (and implicitly Al Qaeda). Karzai was genuinely asking the question and not being rude. Karzai wanted to know and understand. Obama in one of the biggest mistakes in his life lost his top. In a fiery rage Obama stopped the meeting and left. Karzai was insulted in front of this ministers and everyone. Karzai correctly never forgave Obama for his grave personal insult.

A few years later Karzai could no longer control his anger an would publicly blame Obama for backing the Taliban, Al Qaeda, (including Jaish e Mohammed, LeT, LeJ/Jundullah/Sipah e Sahaba, IMU/IJU, TTP/TNSM, Sirajuddin Haqqani, later Daesh . . . the whole zoo) after every terrorist attack against Afghanistan

Kabir, Turkey has far tighter security than India, America, UK. Especially related to Pakistani nationals. Do you blame Turkey for “Racial profiling, increased Islamophobia”? How about Indonesia? Malaysia? Iraq? All of them view Pakistani nationals with great suspicion and subject them to very tight security. Iraq in particular is viscerally anti Pakistani. Much of the “Iraqi resistance” from 2004 to the present has been Punjabi and Urdu speaking.

I know the suspicion of Pakistanis is unfair. The only way to end it is to end the 14 century Islamic civil war and the Pakistani civil war. These ends through freedom of art and thought. Which allows dialogue. Which melts hearts through the sweetness of love.

I would be particularly interested in your thoughts on the question above:

“Should nonmuslims directly help liberal muslims?:
This appears to be the strategy of RSS, BJP, Hinduttva. What are everyone’s thoughts?”

6 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

I don’t think “the sweetness of love” is a viable solution to anything as I’ve made clear many times. This is all vaguely new-age spiritual stuff that has no basis in any kind of rationality.

Muslims don’t need the kind of “help” that Hindu nationalists are giving. Making them the “Other” and lynching them for their dietry choices while trying to erase any Mughal heritage by renaming India’s cities is hardly helpful. The best thing for all Indians–Muslims included– is a return to Nehruvian secularism. Any majoritarian, Hindu Rashtra type stuff is extremely problematic.

As for India giving military help to Afghanistan, this is a red line for Pakistan. The US had good reasons for not wanting to create an even messier situation in South Asia, where two nuclear-armed countries are using a third country to fight a proxy war.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kabir

“As for India giving military help to Afghanistan, this is a red line for Pakistan. ”

I am pretty sure India does not have the heart to send troops to Afghanistan, but having said that shouldn’t the final say rest with Afghanistan officials.

6 years ago
Reply to  Saurav

Afghanistan can take whatever decisions it likes but if those decisions are contrary to Pakistan’s national interest, Afghanistan shouldn’t be surprised if Pakistan takes action.

We cannot let our rival use our neighbor to encircle us from both sides.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kabir

Barki india is not pak’s rival bro. It is pak’s Daddy with a big D 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  Kabir

Barki bro u shd not comment on geo-pol honestly. Big fan of ur erudition on other topics.

Brown Pundits