Genetic distances across the world

There was some discussion online about variation among South Asians. I decided to compute a few pairwise Fst statistics (measures between population variation) with some South Asian, European and East Asian populations (along with Iranians). I plot them below in two graphs. Also I ran Treemix.

I don’t have any major conclusion, just draw your own conclusion.

Here is a Google sheets with Fst values in a matrix.


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2 years ago

I have read multiple times that the distance between NE and SE Asians (at opposite ends, the most extreme distances) is greater than that between Europeans and South Asians. Is this a true conclusion? If the distance between Mongolians or Siberians and Indonesians is examined for example? Are there better examples?

2 years ago
Reply to  Razib Khan

This was the chart I was referring to, the genetic distance between Malaysians and Mongols or between Malaysians and Samoyed or between Polynesians and Mongols or between Polynesians and Samoyed is much greater than the genetic distance between Europeans and South Asians:comment image

When comparing NE Asians, Arctic populations, Siberians, indigenous American populations and SE Asians, it would be easy to find a genetic distance among them greater than that between europeans and South Asians.

2 years ago
Reply to  Racelearner

Malay-Mongol gap is smaller than Kalash-Paniya gap.

Distance to: Malay
0.26268126 Mongolian

Distance to: Kalash
0.29183025 Paniya

2 years ago

Maybe a little off topic Razib, but what would you estimate the AASI percentage in Iranians to be, both east and west?

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