DoubleQuoting Myanmar and Assam..

It’s the first quote that carries the implication of genocide, but what of the rest?


It’s not a joke, is it? Myanmar..

The United Nations Office on Genocide Prevention warns of certain indicators that “provide an environment conducive to the commission of atrocity crimes,” including “increased politicization of identity” and discriminatory “measures or legislation” targeting protected groups. In addition to certain prohibited acts, such as killing members of a group, genocidal States often use legal and administrative tools to facilitate the destruction of a targeted group “in whole or in part.”

In Myanmar, successive governments have implemented measures and legislation to erase Rohingya Muslims’ identity and rights, creating an enabling environment for genocide.


It’s not a joke, is it? Assam..

UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi today expressed his concern over the publication of a National Register of Citizens (NRC) that may put large numbers of people in India’s north-eastern state of Assam at risk of becoming stateless.

It is too early to say what the nationality status of those left off the National Register, some 1.9 million according to the authorities, may ultimately be. UNHCR is concerned, however, that many are at risk of statelessness if they do not possess another nationality.


That’s a DoubleQuote — but it’s also pattern recognition, and the start of a possible concatenation of such quotes — a mala of urgencies.

BTW, it’s more than possible, as Myanmar >> Bangladesh migration illustrates, that mass migration across national borders may be a pragmatic alternative to genocide — but that threatens national sovereignty, doesn’t it?

Published by

Charles Cameron

I've mostly been blogging at, a strategy & creativity focused site where I'm managing editor, and am honored and delighted to have been invited to contribute here at BrownPundits. My degree is in Theology (Christian) from Oxford, I'm interested in religions generally and apocalyptic weirdness and religiously oriented violence in particular, but ah, music is like a breath of fresh air after that, and my love of Bach has tgranslated into an i nquiry: How can we hold contrasting concepts and worldviews in mind at the same time, the way Bach' hold contrasting melodies together in musical counterpoint? This is obviously a useful trait to develop in social setting, for diplomats, intelligence analysts and national security wonks -- and for anyone interested in a sophisticated understanding of our complex world. My own approach to the mapping of simultaneous but contrasting ideas is based in my understanding of Hermann Hesse's great game, described in his Nobel-winning novel The Glass Bead Game. I hope to begin my posting here by introducing Hesse's Game, and my own attempt to make it playable -- on a napkin in a cafe, preferably, with dappled sunshine, a cool breeze, and a curious , openmind..

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5 years ago

\ mass migration across national borders may be a pragmatic alternative to genocide — but that threatens national sovereignty, doesn’t it?\

Mass migration – it is difficult question , at what numbers it becomes ‘mass’ – need not threaten national sovereignty, in fact it can add to national sovereignty , when the target nation thinks those migrating in , add to their core national self-image and social values. In fact Israel’s national sovereignty has increased by taking waves of Jews persecuted in other parts of the world.

Even India has absorbed mass migrations of Hindus persecuted after 1947 in it’s neighborhood and has shown no stress – political or spiritual – about the matter.

Pakistan, while claiming to be ‘homeland of Islam in south asia’ has refused to take in about a million Biharis from Bangladesh even though they were Pakistani citizens and stuck their necks out for a united Pakistan against overwhelming majority in the present Bangladesh.

You are right – double quote is a verbal game until definite motives and acts are imputed to countries after which quotes , double or single – are not necessary. It will be taken as a matter of fact.

The US has to be appreciated for silently and voluntarily taking in thousands of refugees from Se Asia as well as Nepalis from Bhutan.

Brown Pundits