Is there an article (or maybe you’ve written previously?) like a Dummy’s Guide to Population Genetics on the topic of Ancestry Percentages.
Like when we say e.g. Indian Brahmin from some Region has X% Steppe Ancestry and Z% IVC Ancestry, etc.
What does this mean?
Is it that, 100 of those above mentioned Indian Brahmin men were sampled and from that X% were found to have had Steppe R1a y-dna and Z% of those 100 had y-dna from males who lived in IVC era, so on.
Asking because I recall reading it doesn’t mean that as a lone Individual (from those 100 sample) they have X% & Z% “at the same time” in them (since Y-dna supposed to only go from father to son in male line).
And if so then it must mean that there are people who belonged to different male lineage lines in Elite Groups (or vice-versa, like lower caste having male line descendants of men who were Social Elte)?
Or it really is “at the same time” and not just y-dna is meant & contribution from mothers lineage is also included (so liked mixed?).
TLDR, what is this %’s thing in Ancestry in Population Genetics.
Apologies for silly Q.
8 months ago
was justice sanjay kaul’s monologue in the article 370 case needed? he mentioned about state and non state actors doing violations. he could have instituted a suo motto case against these forces. a peace and reconciliation commission he wants is a non starter.
8 months ago
Am I still banned?
8 months ago
Any new upcoming ancient DNA papers based on South Asian ancient DNA?
8 months ago
Razib, you’ve probably mislead a lot of people about Bengali/Bangladeshi genetics. You may be right in the sense that there isn’t caste stratification amongst jati/caste lines being distinct groups or communities but there is definitely some degree of CLASS stratification, as in lower classes may have lower/no Asian, lower/no Steppe and much higher levels of AASI/SAHG ancestries.
BEB 3800 clearly models as someone with a Santhal grandparent for example.
BEB 4186/4185/3600/3940/3941 are clearly some type of “Dalit”/Scheduled Caste group.
Take it in the 1000 Genomes people got these samples from a middle class hospital or something. If around 7% of this sample had these kind of different genes, then honestly it’s safe to say from phenotypical observations and stuff that the actual number of people who score like “Scheduled castes”/”dalits”/Tribals are much higher.
Even though looking though Google Images and Youtube videos from news channels in Bangladesh, there is NO WAY in hell that only 7% score differently and that 93% of us are homogeneous. There’s definitely a larger assimilated “Scheduled” group population that scores like BEB 4186/4185/3600/3940/3941 and they are a substantial minority.
For example, I have 70+ Bangladeshi results from GEDmatch from people who have posted their pics publically on either Facebook or Instagram or Linkedin or Youtube and they all look like standard BD people, they don’t have the strongly tribal or BEB 4186/3600 population looks that a substantial minority of Bangladeshi folks from Bangladesh have.
8 months ago
I am an Indian-American. Suppose that I had a bi-racial first cousin. Would I be more related to my hypothesized bi-racial first cousin versus one of my second cousins?
Hey Razib.
Is there an article (or maybe you’ve written previously?) like a Dummy’s Guide to Population Genetics on the topic of Ancestry Percentages.
Like when we say e.g. Indian Brahmin from some Region has X% Steppe Ancestry and Z% IVC Ancestry, etc.
What does this mean?
Is it that, 100 of those above mentioned Indian Brahmin men were sampled and from that X% were found to have had Steppe R1a y-dna and Z% of those 100 had y-dna from males who lived in IVC era, so on.
Asking because I recall reading it doesn’t mean that as a lone Individual (from those 100 sample) they have X% & Z% “at the same time” in them (since Y-dna supposed to only go from father to son in male line).
And if so then it must mean that there are people who belonged to different male lineage lines in Elite Groups (or vice-versa, like lower caste having male line descendants of men who were Social Elte)?
Or it really is “at the same time” and not just y-dna is meant & contribution from mothers lineage is also included (so liked mixed?).
TLDR, what is this %’s thing in Ancestry in Population Genetics.
Apologies for silly Q.
was justice sanjay kaul’s monologue in the article 370 case needed? he mentioned about state and non state actors doing violations. he could have instituted a suo motto case against these forces. a peace and reconciliation commission he wants is a non starter.
Am I still banned?
Any new upcoming ancient DNA papers based on South Asian ancient DNA?
Razib, you’ve probably mislead a lot of people about Bengali/Bangladeshi genetics. You may be right in the sense that there isn’t caste stratification amongst jati/caste lines being distinct groups or communities but there is definitely some degree of CLASS stratification, as in lower classes may have lower/no Asian, lower/no Steppe and much higher levels of AASI/SAHG ancestries.
BEB 3800 clearly models as someone with a Santhal grandparent for example.
BEB 4186/4185/3600/3940/3941 are clearly some type of “Dalit”/Scheduled Caste group.
Take it in the 1000 Genomes people got these samples from a middle class hospital or something. If around 7% of this sample had these kind of different genes, then honestly it’s safe to say from phenotypical observations and stuff that the actual number of people who score like “Scheduled castes”/”dalits”/Tribals are much higher.
Even though looking though Google Images and Youtube videos from news channels in Bangladesh, there is NO WAY in hell that only 7% score differently and that 93% of us are homogeneous. There’s definitely a larger assimilated “Scheduled” group population that scores like BEB 4186/4185/3600/3940/3941 and they are a substantial minority.
For example, I have 70+ Bangladeshi results from GEDmatch from people who have posted their pics publically on either Facebook or Instagram or Linkedin or Youtube and they all look like standard BD people, they don’t have the strongly tribal or BEB 4186/3600 population looks that a substantial minority of Bangladeshi folks from Bangladesh have.
I am an Indian-American. Suppose that I had a bi-racial first cousin. Would I be more related to my hypothesized bi-racial first cousin versus one of my second cousins?