Saeed: Pak and India are one nation!!!!

….Saeed….said she did not understand why India and
Pakistan were considered different nations….so much of
similarity between the two countries…..both countries were
indeed one nation….

No, no…not THAT Saeed… is Sanam Saeed from Zindagi Gulzar Hai.

BTW, India and Pakistan…one nation…gosh, those are fighting words!!!! Only a British (West) born actor can say such incendiary stuff. Hopefully her career does not suffer from plain-speaking, at any event she can migrate to India (we hope).

The big question in our mind….is the saree is un-islamic or not? General Zia-ul-Haque was the foremost proponent of this theory. But we imagine it has become conventional wisdom now amongst the more deeply faithful across South Asia and even amongst expat populations. 
Our keywords “saree un-islamic” brought up this intriguing thread.

Enquiry: my husband and i married in love marriage, we are both british born asians, he is half pakistani and indian, while i am bengali….
My husband is very religious, and even though before marriage i did not
wear hijab, he asked me to wear one after marriage and i happily did so….

But he is a bit more
extreme when it comes to things like clothing, he does not like me
wearing sari which is very commen in bengali culture for us women to
wear. he thinks the revealing flesh around the midriff is haram.

i have
explained to him that i can conceal such an area with my sari (which is
what most bengali girls do anyway) and i have even demonstrated it to
him, but he still says it is not right and does not permit me to wear
one outside of our home.

Response: In regards to wearing a saree, i have a few bengali neighbours and most
of the women folk wear sarees especially on Eid and other formal
occassions and it is clear to me that it is not appropriate for a women
to be wearing outside and around non mahrams even if the waist is
covered because it is still worn fitted to the body so the bodily
definitions can be seen and it is also of bright colours etc.

When you are around your husband and mahram members of your family then
it is fine but when non mahrams are around and when going out then one
should be very careful and wear full hijaab and jilbaab.
…..It is a good thing that a husband wants to protect his wife from the
evil gazes of other men. You should be happy that your husband only
wants your beauty for his eyes and not the eyes of other men.


Pakistani model and actor Sanam Saeed said she was glad that
Pakistani shows were having a positive impact on people in India – which
was the same effect they had on people in Pakistan.

In an interview with the Times of India,
Saeed, who was has been associated with Pakistan’s entertainment
industry in various avatars, said she did not understand why India and
Pakistan were considered different nations when there was so much of
similarity between the two countries stressing that both countries were
indeed one nation.

The 29-year-old was grateful and happy that Zindagi Gulzar Hai,
the drama where she enacted the role of a girl from the lower
middle-class, was the first serial which broke the ice across the
borders in recent times.

“India uses Bollywood, rather cinema, to
tell its stories. It is one of the largest filmmaking nations in the
world and so your talents get to tell stories about politics, love and
drama through films. In Pakistan, our medium is the small screen.

don’t make many films, and hardly have theatres. A majority of people
seek entertainment while sitting at home and TV gives it to them, so we
excel on that part,” Sanam said.

The British-born actor, who
shifted to Karachi at the age of six, also said that she selected roles
which showcased a woman’s struggle.

Elaborating on how the people
in Pakistan only had TV as a form of entertainment, she said she tried
to do shows which had inspirational value and enacted characters that
could be role models for young girls and help change people’s


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