Magic number for the NDA?

The momentum is unquestionably with the Man. And unless massive amount of cooking the books is going on by corporate media (not out of the question) then the signals are flashing danger. Be afraid, be very afraid.

It is almost as if the “vote for secularism” mantra being preached by virulent communalists to their sheep like folk is causing the (equally foolish) Hindu masses to join up in mass revolt. It is a sign of the times and nothing good will come from polarizing communities.  

The original credit for this development of ghetto mentality of course belongs to the proponents of the 2-nation theory. If you sow the wind-seeds for fracturing communities be prepared to reap the whirlwind of communal massacres. If you tilt at windmills of “Islam khatre mein” then be prepared to face the real dark forces head on (and the worst enemies are actually lined up behind you).

NDA could come within touching distance of the majority mark in the Lok
Sabha, two separate polls done for TV channels predicted on Friday.
While one gave the BJP and its allies 259 seats, just 13 short of the
272 needed for a majority, the other gave the saffron alliance between
234 and 246 seats.

A key difference between the two polls is
that while the first one, done by Hansa Research for NDTV, includes the
TDP among the BJP’s allies, the second one, conducted by CSDS-Lokniti
for CNN-IBN does not. Considering that the CNN-IBN poll predicted 13-19
seats for TDP, including this would mean both polls are making almost
exactly the same predictions, at least at the pan-India level.

The BJP on its own will win 214 seats predicted the poll done by Hansa
Research for NDTV, and the one done by CSDS-Lokniti for CNN-IBN forecast
a similar tally of 206-218. If these predictions come true, Narendra
Modi will certainly be India’s next prime minister riding on the
strongest ever showing by his party in a general election.

UPA will win 123 seats according to the NDTV poll and 111-123 according
to the CNN-IBN poll. Of this, the Congress will win 104 or 94-106 seats,
depending on which poll one looks at. Either way, it would be the
party’s lowest tally in a Lok Sabha election eclipsing the previous low
of 114 in 1999.



Brown Pundits