Where are all the good men?

imagine the talk among Asians in
Rotherham…..Good people will feel shame….. Lots instead will blame the victims…..girls
from disadvantaged backgrounds…..lured with cheap gifts and
false affection….children seen as trash, by rapists as well as the authorities, including the police.
It seems all our societies are struggling to deal with angry young men. Earlier there used to be epidemics, wars, and famines that helped in “mowing the lawn,” to reduce the burden of young men who have nothing to live their lives for, nothing to look for in the future. Simultaneously, women are now coming out of the shadows and they are also less willing to tolerate nonsense. Hence the men are facing a crisis situation: you may still take out your frustrations at work by beating up the lady at home, but society (not just the law) is much less forgiving these days.

We have never thought much about the love jihad narrative, but the role of society in trampling the wishes of men over women must not be under-estimated. Why should men (all communities) today get social sanction for multiple marriages?

Even worse, why should men be allowed to get away with abusing women for decades as the men in charge look the other way? Why did the courageous few fathers who attempted to rescue their daughters get arrested instead? Why did the victims themselves get arrested for drinking problems? Why did it take four reports over ten years for the police to acknowledge serious problems? Why was there no community outreach to the women (whites as well as minorities)?
Given powerful evidence of industrial scale sexual abuse, why are there still no public naming and shaming of the responsible officials? Why does it have to be women such as Prof Alexis Jay and Yasmin Alibhai Brown (see below) to stand up for other (all) women?

There have been a few heroes such as Andrew Norfolk of the Times who blew the whistle on the piss-poor performance of the Rotherham police and the child services. We wish there were more folks like him.

Society needs more good men who will lead the youngsters to a path filled with hope, instead of anger. Perhaps an institute for developing male leaders in the new age? Less of the old, my way or the highway boss, more of the enlightened leader-servant. Else we will be on a fast-track to a broken society….as the men fall down, they will also drag the women along with them.

…..report on child sexual
abuse in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, between 1997 and 2013
: About 1,400 children
were sexually exploited in Rotherham over a 16-year period,
although no
one knows the true scale of exploitation over the years. In more than a
third of these cases the youngsters were already known to child protection agencies.

Written by Prof Alexis Jay, a former chief
inspector of social work,
the investigation concluded that the council
knew as far back as 2005 of sexual exploitation being committed on a
wide scale by mostly Asian men, yet failed to act.

This is the
fourth report clearly identifying the problem of CSE in Rotherham.
first, commissioned by the Home Office back in 2002, contained “severe
criticisms” of the police and local council for their indifference to
what was happening under their noses.

But instead of tackling the issue,
senior police and council officers claimed the data in the report had
been “fabricated or exaggerated”, and subjected the report’s author to
“personal hostility,” leading to “suspicions of collusion and cover up”,
said Jay.

Council and other officials sometimes thought youth
workers were exaggerating the exploitation problem. Sometimes they were
afraid of being accused of racism if they talked openly about the
perpetrators in the town mostly being Pakistani taxi drivers.

Stone, Rotherham’s Labour council leader since 2003, said that he had
stepped down with immediate effect
following the publication of the Jay
inquiry. “I believe it is only right that I, as leader, take
responsibility on behalf of the council for the historic failings that
are described so clearly in the report and it is my intention to do so,”
he said.

Jahangir Akhtar, the former deputy leader of the
council, is accused in the report of naivety and potentially “ignoring a
politically inconvenient truth”
by insisting there was not a
deep-rooted problem of Pakistani-heritage perpetrators targeting young
white girls. Police told the inquiry that some influential Pakistani
councillors in Rotherham acted as barriers to communication on grooming

On a number of occasions, victims of sexual abuse were
criminalised – arrested for being drunk – while their abusers continued
to act with impunity.
Vital evidence was ignored, Jay said, with police
apparently trying to manipulate their figures for child sexual
exploitation by removing from their monitoring process girls who were
pregnant or had given birth, plus all looked after children in care.

concluded that from 1997-2013, Rotherham’s most vulnerable girls, some
as young as 11, were raped by large numbers of men. Others were
trafficked to other towns and cities in the north of England, abducted,
beaten, and intimidated, with some children doused in petrol and
threatened with being set alight if they told anyone what had happened.

case involving Rotherham men came to court until November 2010 when
five “sexual predators” were convicted of grooming three girls, two aged
13 and one 15, all under children’s social care
supervision, before using them for sex. In the past 12 months, 15
people have been prosecuted or charged with child sexual exploitation
offences in Rotherham.

The victims were offered gifts, rides in
cars, cigarettes, alcohol and cannabis. Sex took place in cars, bushes
and the play areas of parks.

A mortgage adviser who drove a BMW
and owned several properties promised to treat a 13-year old “like a
princess”. Another man pulled the hair of a 13-year old and called her a
“white bitch” when she tried to reject his attempt to strip her.

Vaz, chair of the home affairs select committee, which interviewed
Rotherham council officials during its own inquiry, said: “When we took
evidence, Rotherham council were in denial and Stone is right to step
down. Others responsible should also be held to account.

summer 2013 Vaz’s select committee published its own report, which
criticised the council and the police in Rotherham, particularly for the
lack of prosecutions over a number of years. That report was prompted
in part by an investigation by the Times reporter Andrew Norfolk, which
alleged that Rotherham police and council had deliberately covered up

Jay’s report is particularly critical of the authorities’ failure
to engage properly with the 8,000-strong members of Rotherham’s
Pakistani-heritage community.
Akhtar, deputy leader until he lost his
seat in May, told Jay he had not understood the scale of the child
exploitation problem in Rotherham until 2013. 

Jay writes: “He was one of
the elected members who said they thought the criminal convictions in
2010 were ‘a one-off, isolated case’, and not an example of a more
deep-rooted problem of Pakistani-heritage perpetrators targeting young
white girls. This was at best naive, and at worst ignoring a politically
inconvenient truth.”

She found that attempts by senior people in
the council and the police to downplay the ethnic dimensions of CSE in
Rotherham were ill judged. There was also a failure to engage with women
in the Pakistani community,
she said, writing: “There was too much
reliance by agencies on traditional community leaders such as elected
members and imams as being the primary conduit of communication
with the
Pakistani-heritage community.”

Other than two meetings in 2011,
there had been no direct engagement with either men or woman from the
Pakistani community about CSE over the past 15 years, she added.

issue of race, regardless of ethnic group, should be tackled as an
absolute priority if it is known to be a significant factor in the
criminal activity of organised abuse in any local community, wrote Jay. 

She suggested councillors can play an effective role in this,
“especially those representing the communities in question, but only if
they act as facilitators of communication rather than barriers to it.
One senior officer suggested that some influential Pakistani-heritage
councillors in Rotherham had acted as barriers.”

The report by Professor Alexis Jay into child sexual exploitation in
Rotherham is both appalling and yet strangely reassuring. Professor Jay,
who is clearly committed to justice and equality for all, has produced
her findings without fear or favour. This is new and rare, and I welcome
it. Most of the perpetrators were described as “Asian” by the young
victims, some only 11 years old.

White experts and officers have for too long been reluctant to
confront serious offences committed by black and Asian people.
extreme tolerance is the result of specious morality, that credo that
says investigating such crimes would encourage racism or enrage
community activists and leaders, or, worse, make the professionals
appear racist. 

So, instead of saving children who were being gang raped,
drugged, assaulted, threatened and terrorised, they chose to protect
rapists, abusers, traffickers and drug dealers. And themselves.

I can imagine what the talk will be among Asians in
Rotherham today. Good people of course will feel shame. Lots, however,
will not, and instead will blame the system or the victims – young girls
from disadvantaged backgrounds who were lured with cheap gifts and
false affection. Such children are seen as trash, low life, by their
rapists as well as the authorities, including the police.

perpetrators are not paedophiles in the normal sense of the word. Racial
and cultural odium as much as ugly lust and power drives them to abuse.
Most of them are also irreversibly misogynist. It is a lethal mix, this
sexist psychopathy.

I partly blame their families and
communities. Too many Asian mothers spoil their boys, undervalue their
girls, and demean their daughters-in-law. Within some British Asian
circles, the West is considered degenerate and immoral. So it’s OK to
take their girls and ruin them further. Some of the most fierce rows I
have ever had have been with Asian women who hold these disgusting

I ask them to think what they would feel if gangs of white
men took out their girls, gave them presents, took them places, and then
seduced, beat and passed them around. The men might say they were
rescuing the girls from oppression, showing them a good time, saving
them from a life of forced marriage and all that.

racists will have further ammunition after this report. Blame those who
did what they did, not those who are brave and just enough to expose
them. I will always fight for the rights of minorities. But I will not
defend the indefensible.


Link (1): theguardian.com/rotherham-abuse-report-finds-1400-children-were-victims

Link (2): independent.co.uk/rotherham-child-abuse-scandal-apologists-misogyny-and-double-standards

Link (3): rotherham-sexual-abuse-children


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