A hectic holiday season

I trust everyone had a good holiday season. December happens to be a particularly hectic month for me as the exact first half is my birthday, followed my parent’s wedding anniversary then the Iranian Christmas of Yalda and then the traditional Holiday Season.

It’s interesting that Christmas has a remarkable effect in the UK of strengthening the national culture. It is almost mandatory catch-up with relatives time (I believe Thanksgiving has more of that role in the US). 
Other than that my friend Rahul M has a new post up on his blog on David Beckham’s latest drink Haig:
A whisky brought to you by David Beckham and Simon Fuller working along side Diageo present Haig Club. Although I don’t quite know how that works since David Beckham doesn’t actually drink. Well putting that to one side for the moment, Haig Club is a sweet single grain Scotch whisky that comes from Camorenbridge Distillery the oldest grain distillery in Scotland. This whisky is certainly different, not only because of its unique taste but because of its main market.
Brown Pundits