We know very little about the past
All groups studied, from British and Bengali people to Peruvians and Puerto Ricans, had a dense cluster that closely matched the Altai Neanderthals. Some populations also had a cluster that matched the Altai Denisovans, which was particularly pronounced in East Asians.
The surprise was a third cluster — not like the Neanderthal DNA and only partially resembling the Altai Denisovans. This, the authors concluded, was a second and separate pulse of Denisovan genes into the DNA blender.
As a child I was curious about whether the Vanaras were some type of Hominid species that is now extinct. Many have speculated on this. What does everyone think about this?
Sri Lankans?
We should be very very dark skinned till the pesky Europeans mixed with us for 500 years.
Sri Lankans have a high % of ASI (from a sample of 7)
Bandara is an honorific in old Sinhalese. Bandar?
[…] Where do humans come from? […]
[…] Where do humans come from? […]