How should we respond if someone says “mean mad asian man”?

Please see starting 1 hour, 4 minutes in:

A serious and important question for the entire Brown Pundit community: Should we do anything if someone such as Mr. Micheal Eric Dyson calls us a:
“mean mad asian man and the viciousness is evident”?

I don’t know the answer, but the attack is coming. Already a plurality of the world’s billionaires are Asian. And soon a majority will be Asian. When I was fifteen I saw academics from American university attack “Asian fat cats”; and call Hindus/Buddhists “Nazis” and “Fascists.” Back then American academics were anti conservative muslim too (81% of American muslims voted for GW Bush in 2000).

Mr. Jordan Peterson is not an American and very likely most of his fans are not Americans. Mr. Michael Eric Dyson acknowledged knowing almost nothing about Jordan Peterson personally and launched this attack abroad, in Toronto, before a very large Jordan Peterson supportive crowd. Mr. Dyson knew the foreign crowd would boo him. He said it anyway.

If Jordan Peterson with his enormous international prestige can be attacked in this way, any of us can be attacked as a “mean mad asian man” far more easily. [Asian woman can be attacked as a “mean mad asian.”]


Americans, unusually provincial by global standards, are generally unaware of the degree to which the rest of the world watch what Americans say. My fear is that attitudes such as Mr. Eric Dyson’s will fuel and exacerbate global anti-Americanism. Mr. Eric Dyson is personifying the caricature of the “Ugly American”.

Mr. Dyson’s harsh advocacy of the tyranny of modernism/marxism/ structuralism/Freudianism/Subaltern studies/post modernism fills people around the world with fear. Imperialist, orientalist, hegemonic, exploitative Europeans intentionally oppressed their “darkie” subjects with a colonization of the mind to promote inferiority complex and damage self confidence. The universalist meritocratic meta narratives of advanced ancient civilizations, cultures, sciences and philosophies were deconstructed, delegitimized, negated and replaced by a post modernist universalist norm and a post modernist meta-narrative.

It is only now that Asians and to a lesser degree Latin Americans and the African continent are slowly breaking out of this colonization of the mind.

It is incredibly offensive and dangerous to in the slightest way indirectly imply that “darkies” are not potentially very wise and very powerful.

It is also misleading to imply that European ideas of post modernism are not in themselves a universalist norm and universalist meta-narrative aimed at negating and replacing other universalist norms and meta-narratives from ancient cultures around the world.

Almost all tyrannical systems are led by well intentioned leaders who think they are doing good; the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Mr. Eric Dyson is such a person and I hope his philosophy doesn’t come to power.

I also fear for the future of the African continent. To the degree people around the world see content of this kind; Asians, Latin Americans, Europeans, North Americans will insist that work, business, student visas not be given to people of African ancestry. This would be devastating to the economy of the African continent. [I believe that Asian countries, Latino countries, Europeans, Canada and the US should issue more student visas, work visas, business visas and tourist visas to people of African ancestry.]

I believe Mr. Eric Dyson does not represent most African American people and that most African American people would regard his saying “mean mad white man and the viciousness is evident” to be inappropriate.

PS. Zachary wrote an interesting article on “Why is white such a problematic term”.

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Tim Lynch
6 years ago

Eric Dyson is a race baiting charlatan who uses straw men arguments consisting of what all the right people “know” to be true to bludgeon appointments into submission. All people of the world have, at some point in history, suffered the indignity of slavery. Only one people spent years and billions to fight slavery and that was the Western Europeans who happen to be white people and also happened to believe that enslaving other men was a sin.
Asian men have faced pernicious discrimination in this country in my life time with the arrival of the boat people from Vietnam. They arrived penniless yet within one generation had moved up and out of the ghetto’s and into the upper middle class. That American blacks cannot do the same has nothing to do with white people keeping them down and everything to do with lover average IQ’s, higher average testosterone levels (in both male and females) and a dysfunctional culture that stigmatizes academic achievement while encouraging horrific levels of inter and extra racial violence.
Dyson is just a mean racist shitbird who should be avoided at all costs but will no doubt be all over facebook and youtube because he fits the left’s narrative about dem poo black folk. He’s an insult to every American regardless of skin color.

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim Lynch

Victim blaming is not attractive. There are structural injustices that still exist and that African-Americans face every day.

6 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

The US was built on the backs of slaves. Seriously subaltern studies is not the problem.

That’s all I’m going to say because I don’t want to get into another “debate” like the one on Palestine.

6 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

Plantation slavery was something pretty unique to the US and the Caribbean. There is no evidence that “Pakistan was built on the backs of slaves”. Pakistanis were not importing people from Africa and having them pick cotton. This thread is also not about Islam. Not everything is about Islam.

Slavery is the original sin of the US just as the Holocaust is the original sin of Germany and the Nakba is the original sin of “Israel”.

The legacy of slavery lives on and there are structural injustices that African-Americans face daily that non African-Americans don’t have to face.

I think you live in some world of your own where “postmodernism” (which you still don’t understand) is the root cause of every problem. There is no point arguing with you on this.

P.S. Only Allah is omnipotent and omniscient. These qualities don’t apply to human beings.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kabir

My only point is that human beings are very limited. It is almost impossible for us to step out of our own heads and truly understand what is happening in someone else’s head. This is what omniscience is. “Debates” on BP have shown that I don’t understand what is going on in your head and you don’t understand what is going on in my head. Omnipotence is being all powerful. The only people who think they are all powerful are people who are diagnosed with schizophrenia. Most rational people recognize that we all have to deal with circumstances outside our control (structural and economic factors). God (in whatever form you believe in Him) is obviously not limited. Lord Shiva can destroy the world. Allah can smite entire peoples. The Abrahamic belief is that God said “Let there be light” and so it was. If I say “Let there be light”, nothing happens.

Slavery has existed in many forms yes (the Old Testament is evidence of this) however Plantation Slavery was unique to the US and the West Indies.

I can only refer you to Ta-Nehisi Coates on this issue. But obviously if you think he is a “postmodernist” you may not give very much credence to his arguments.

6 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

I have not deeply examined the history of the global slave trade (nor do I have the time or the intellectual energy to do so). But I know that Turkish slaves became very powerful and sometimes became rulers (Jannissaries). We also had “slave dynasties” in South Asia. I believe Qutubuddin Aibak was a slave.

I do think there are some very significant differences between Plantation Slavery in the Americas and slavery in other parts of the world. But again, this is not my area of expertise.

I find your lack of respect for single mother headed households and LBTQ people kind of problematic. If two gay men want to start a family why are you being judgemental about that? Also, some single mothers do a wonderful job of raising children while some traditional heterosexual two parent households are incredibly toxic environments.

Finally, psychology has come a long way since Freud. Freud is now referenced more in Literary Criticism than in psychology. But as someone who has studied psychology academically and also been under treatment, I can say with reasonable confidence that people who think they are omnipotent are generally either having a manic episode or are schizophrenic. Most rational people recognize that there are circumstances in all our lives that are beyond our control and we have to deal with them as best we can.

Xerxes the Magian
6 years ago
Reply to  Kabir

American slavery is Sui generics in the sense that 18% of black Americans have European ancestry.

Considering the vast majority of that ancestry is male ancestors that means up to a third of slaveholders were fathering their own slaves.

There’s something very evil about enslaving ur own offspring for belonging to a different race. Black America is more SWASP than some of white (Ellis Island) America..

6 years ago

Yes, you just read Faulkner or Toni Morrison and you find Plantation owners fathering children by slaves (which is rape) and then raping their own slave daughters. There was some very sick stuff happening in the American South.

6 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

Raping slaves was not illegal. You don’t ask consent from your property. If these people were not considered people, then consent was not really an issue.

There was a time in England when you couldn’t be charged with raping your wife. It was assumed that by entering into a marriage, she had agreed to sex on demand.

In India, Maneka Gandhi still thinks marital rape is not a thing. This discussion is not even being held in Pakistan.

6 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

AnAn, Have you seen the famous TV series Roots or read the book of the same name by Alex Haley? Just wondering.

6 years ago

Zach say, “…18% of black Americans have European ancestry.”

If you apply the one drop of blood rule, most African Americans are of European heritage.

“…up to a third of slaveholders were fathering their own slaves.” “There’s something very evil about enslaving your own offspring…”

Thanks for the insight, I never thought of this angle. This is the abomination of the institution of slavery as practiced in the U. S.

Xerxes the Magian
6 years ago
Reply to  hoipolloi

Yes it’s a pretty novel way to look at it- the crime of Afram slavery was also that Southern landlords didn’t recognise their own children but instead saw them as slaves.

Of course more research needs to be done on this but in the Muslim world I suspect the sons of slaves had a much higher status than slaves but a lower status than freeborn mothers.

This of course may paradoxically have to do with the higher status of (white) women in the West and strength of monogamy; kind of how like white women put an end to mid 19th century Anglo Indian mixture in India.

If there were no white women in India but just a steady supply of white men; we very well could have seen a Latin American or Mughal type of India where the upper classes/castes were fully Europeans with Indian mixture but fully Indian etc..

Independence would have led to a very different course with Johnsons and Smiths leading the revolution instead of Nehrus and Gandhis.

The Brits of course learnt from their mistakes in the Americas and sought to enmesh their British officials firmly in the English system, which ultimately was a mistake.

The Crown repeats the same mistake with British Royalty; instead of Meghan moving to London why didn’t Harry move to Toronto?

That would have entrenched Canada in the Monarchy for another 3 generations.

Old Blue
Old Blue
6 years ago

It’s interesting that this discussion mirrors the debate in that both failed to even approach a robust discussion of whether or not political correctness is progress. The original post also offered discussion of the debating style of the participants. The comments focus on race, slavery and the comparative wonderfulness of any other slavery to slavery found in colonial and confederate America.

Political correctness is not limited to discussion of race, nor slavery, nor whether or not structural impediments to individual growth exist. Yet, in both the debate and these comments, those have become the main items for discussion. I submit that these things, while clearly being topics that can support a lively, even heated, discussion, are peripheral to the original proposition. Even a robust discussion of the concept of, “the ugly American,” or of the direct personal attacks by Michael Dyson in response to the ideas discussed by Jordan Peterson would be on point. Both topics are important and deserve examination. But, no; it’s much easier to glom on to the old tropes. It’s easier to stay on the subject of how offended one is by history, especially the histories of others, than to discuss how the attempted suppression of free, and even offensive, speech, and therefore free thought, is progress.

It boils down to fear that opposing thought, verbally expressed, may gain traction. It is the belief that anyone’s feelings are more important than the thoughts of others. It boils down to attempting to create consequences for thought as if it were equivalent to action. Is this progress, or is it an attempt to control others; people over whom we do not and should not have control?

Alternatively, in watching the debate, my perception was that two participants discussed concepts and two participants spent a lot of time engaging in ad hominem attacks, which seriously devalued their arguments. What do any of you think of that?

6 years ago

Kabir says: “Plantation slavery was something pretty unique to the US and the Caribbean.” “Slavery is the original sin of the US …” “The legacy of slavery lives on and there are structural injustices that African-Americans face daily that non African-Americans don’t have to face.”

When I first arrived in U.S. I had similar thoughts and still do. There is a glimmer of hope though. American white society for all its faults try to make amends to these injustices. For example, they purposely made sure that some one like Obama became President.

6 years ago
Reply to  hoipolloi

Obama is biracial and was raised by his white relatives. We haven’t yet had a truly black President. Also, the racist backlash to Obama led to Mr. Trump.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kabir

Kabir, I too had similar misgivings about Obama’s race. No body mistook Obama for white while he is growing up. It is Michelle, his wife who is a full blooded American black, a descendent of slaves. She was the First Lady kind of completes the picture.

P.S. While we are at it Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was repeatedly taunted by his political opponents that he is not a real Muslim. He had a nice rejoinder. If you had not heard of it, ask me I will reply. 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  hoipolloi

Yes, the First Lady was a descendant of slaves and Obama also identifies as Black. But I don’t think his election means that racism has ceased to exist in the US.

Michelle Obama 2020!

6 years ago
Reply to  Kabir

Obama was voted in twice. Why didn’t American racism rear it’s head in 2012 to make sure he didn’t get a second term? Or even a first?

I dunno. Too many blue states in the Midwest that went for Obama in 08 then went for Trump in 16. It’s hard to believe but it makes some sense. In both cases voters sensed that this figure was a break from the norm and they wanted to back someone more unorthodox. Not that you’re necessarily wrong but something feels amiss with the “Trump was voted in due to racism” thesis.

6 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

We obviously differ in our understanding of rationality.

Also, the purpose of psychotherapy is to help people lead functional lives. Probing spiritual or mystical experiences is not really the domain of the psychologist.

I can tell you that people with delusions of grandeur or omnipotence are usually not very functional. That’s why they are entering treatment in the first place.

6 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

People with true manic depression are often unable to hold down jobs and commit suicide at higher rates than the general population. Some psychiatric drugs save lives, though yes some drugs are way over-prescribed.

6 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

The first slave revolt was in Haiti, I think. South America is very colorist with terms like “mestizo” etc that are very specific about how much black or native blood someone has. I haven’t really studied too much about South America so I can’t comment much.

Asian Americans tend to see themselves as the “model minority” and are big on academic success (which is not necessarily a bad thing) and generally want to assimilate into White society. I didn’t really hang out with Asians who were not Indian or Pakistani so I can’t generalize. The “Desis” were very much into attaining the trappings of upper-middle class success and were not really into black culture. But I do feel that “Desis” tend to hold unfavorable views of African-Americans and some of that is based on the views their parents have brought with them from the mother country.

I’m not saying that there are not problematic aspects to African-American culture but let’s not ignore the legacy of slavery and structural factors. There are studies that show numerically that African-Americans are paid less than Whites for doing the same job. I can’t pull them out for you now, but I recall seeing them somewhere.

6 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

Yeah, English major here. I don’t run “multivariate regressions”. I don’t even know what those words mean nor do I care.

See I can frankly admit my own limitations….

6 years ago
Reply to  Kabir

“IQ” is really racist. Provide everyone with the same educational opportunities and then see what happens. White kids (and Desi kids) can afford expensive college-prep and SAT tutors. Most African-American families can’t. There is the further question of whether someone who aces the SAT is really smart or whether they have just been taught how to take tests. And I say this as someone who didn’t do badly on the SAT myself.

We lived in Bethesda and our public school system had a lot of money for academics, choir, theater, etc. Just 10 miles away in DC proper, the schools have no money for anything. DC is a largely African-American city while the suburbs are largely White. This pattern holds across much of America. But schools are funded from property taxes, so obviously the rich areas will have more resources.

6 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

Divorce is a very personal issue. A lot of black fathers are in prison because of the “war on drugs”.

I never claimed “Black Lives Matter” is perfect but they had a point regarding the disproportionate use of force by police against African Americans where they would not use force against Whites.

6 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

AnAn you are surely joking when you say Only a very small fraction of Americans in prison are in prison because of nonviolent drug crimes.

After the passage of Reagan’s Anti-Drug Abuse Act in 1986, incarceration for non-violent offenses dramatically increased. The Act imposed the same five-year mandatory sentence on those with convictions involving crack as on those possessing 100 times as much powder cocaine.[39][44] This had a disproportionate effect on low-level street dealers and users of crack, who were more commonly poor blacks, Latinos, the young, and women.[45]

As of 2006, 49.3% of state prisoners, or 656,000 individuals, were incarcerated for non-violent crimes. As of 2008, 90.7% of federal prisoners, or 165,457 individuals, were incarcerated for non-violent offenses.[6]

By 2003, 58% of all women in federal prison were convicted of drug offenses.[47] Black and Hispanic women in particular have been disproportionately affected by the War on Drugs. Since 1986, incarceration rates have risen by 400% for women of all races, while rates for Black women have risen by 800%.

According to the American Civil Liberties Union, “Even when women have minimal or no involvement in the drug trade, they are increasingly caught in the ever-widening net cast by current drug laws, through provisions of the criminal law such as those involving conspiracy, accomplice liability, and constructive possession that expand criminal liability to reach partners, relatives and bystanders.”

6 years ago
Reply to  sbarrkum

Well said.

A lot of Black people go to jail for possession of marijuana. Which is something that White people rarely go to prison for. The “War on Drugs” is inherently racist.

6 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

AnAn, I get the impression that you are cocooned in a safe suburbia (quite possibly University town) and do not know anyone from grittier neighborhoods.

You really should read Linh Dinhs Postcards from End of America

6 years ago
Reply to  sbarrkum

I don’t do data sets. Not that kind of person. But I’ve read that African-Americans caught with any kinds of drugs are punished more severely than White people caught with the same drugs. There were articles written on this and I’m sure the journalists who wrote them quoted some numbers somewhere (I glaze over when I see numbers–liberal arts major remember).

There is now a movement in many US states to decriminalize marijuana. That should see less Black people being sent to jail for non-violent crimes. Even in something like cocaine, the forms that mostly Black people use (crack) are punished more severely than the forms White people use. In dramas, it’s always the White guys in the club doing powdered cocaine from the dollar bills and nothing seems to happen to them at least as far as the law is concerned.

I have mixed feelings about being lax on marijuana and certainly am against hard drugs. Just noting that sentencing is racially disproportionate.

6 years ago
Reply to  sbarrkum

The drug war got off the ground with significant support from the black community, specifically poorer blacks. It’s a little known history that’s been buried.

“Michael Javen Fortner shows in this eye-opening account that these punitive policies also enjoyed the support of many working-class and middle-class blacks, who were angry about decline and disorder in their communities. Black Silent Majority uncovers the role African Americans played in creating today’s system of mass incarceration…”

Poorer whites have also been more supportive of draconian drug laws than higher class whites. Criticism of tough drug laws has a “class problem,” somewhat funnily enough.

6 years ago


15% are nominally in jail for drugs in state prisons. But note that many of them are guilty of many other crimes and drugs are what was chosen to lock them up.

An article on crime is planned.

6 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

I don’t know about Utah. But you just read novels coming out of the Black experience (Toni Morrison for example) and you learn that raping your slaves was fairly common across the American South.

There is also a memoir called “Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl” which I skimmed long ago. Horrifying stuff.

Brown Pundits