The best of Goldman shines if not Kashmir then Cali?

Kashmiri Pandit Neel Kashkari is planning to run for Governor of California; it seems that Indian-Americans (FCs at that) are just gravitating towards the civil service & politics.

Of course even more interesting is his background as a Goldman banker, who really do seem to be Masters of the Universe.

Just a short sample of the very familiar household names of these GS Alums (via Wikipedia):

BP’s new home

So it seems that we are exiled from our old home where more than 3yrs of memories (and arguments, discussions, opinions) reside.

I of course have always been more comfortable with blogger than Word after all my first blog has always managed to eke out a home here.

I’ve never known whether BP still has a space despite an exploding twitter conversation on the Sub-continent. Are we marked out for extinction or does there exist a hazy middle ground between snap 140 character opinions and prestige journalism.

I guess it’s up to us to find out. Welcome back world..

Brown Pundits