Israelis love Indians and Indians love Israelis

Notice how Israelis are very respectful of and affectionate toward Bharat and Sanathana Dharma. No post modernist slander about right wing Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism being associated with Nazism. Israelis love to visit India and Indians love to visit Israel:

India is probably the most pro Jewish and least anti Jewish country on earth. As the Brown Pundit Slapstik wrote,

India swooned over Bibi during his visit to India. By contrast America is having a surge in anti Jewish sectarian bigotry.

Pakistan use to be very pro Jewish too 1947 through the 1960s

as per Tarek Fatah. Tarek Fatah in these two videos explains why India and Israel are such natural and good friends.

My hope is that PM Modi and the Lokh Sabha pass legislation that allows any Jewish person in the world–provided they can pass vetting related to crime–a pathway to Indian permanent residency and over the long run Indian citizenship. This would do a lot to reduce the fear most Jewish people feel about intense global anti Jewish bigotry.

Anti Jewish Bigotry

India has no more reliable friends and allies than the Jewish people and the Israeli people.

Of course Israelis need to do right by the Palestinians. India can best help the Palestinians by being Israel’s best friend. India should simultaneously be best friends forever or BFF of both Israelis and Palestinians.

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6 years ago

India and Israel love each other because both are extremely anti-Muslim countries. Hinduism and Zionism are natural partners. The new dispensation ruling India admires “muscular Israeli nationalism” and only wishes they could pummel Kashmir into submission the way Israel has pummeled Gaza. Both countries use the “war on terror” to justify the atrocities they perpetrate on the people they rule (West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem in Israel’s case, the Valley of Kashmir in India’s case).

India is one of the largest purchasers of Israeli weapons. Under Congress, India used to be a pro-Palestinian country and the leader of the non-aligned movement. All of that has changed now…

Tarak Fatah is not representative of Islam. If you’re using him as your “good” Muslim, you will never understand the rest of us, most of whom deeply deeply dislike him and his ilk.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kabir

Islam and Judaism are very similar in practice and faith. Islam and Judaism are closer to each other than they are to Christianity, forget Hinduism, which is nowhere near any of them. I would rather say Islamism and Zionism are natural partners.

1) Both are based on monotheism and revelation.
2) Both ware skull caps, Sunnat etc..
3) Food habits are similar: Halal, a taboo on pork.

6 years ago
Reply to  Prashanth

True, the religions are very similar (both Jews and Muslims circumcise for example). But the creation of Israel on Arab Muslim land caused a major rift between the two communities. This is of course a nationalist conflict which has assumed religious overtones.

Hindutva and Zionism are both based on hatred of Muslims and in that sense they are natural partners.

Raj Darbhanga
Raj Darbhanga
6 years ago

India should stay out of the Israel/Palestine conflict. Friendship with Israel is OK to the extent that it serves interests on both sides. The domestic Muslim population will just have to accept this.

With regards to your first paragraph, although many Jews are pro-India, there are a number of American academics and “experts” of South Asia who are Jewish who have written some rather harsh, unfair criticisms of the nation and of Hinduism. Some of these folks have been challenged by American Hindu groups. One of the Jewish political magazines some years back wrote a rather brutal hit piece on Gandhi, perhaps in revenge for some things that Gandhi had said many years before about Jews/Israel (he saw them mainly through the prism of colonialism as white Europeans living in the brown man’s land). So it can be a mixed bag, actually.

6 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

Gandhiji recognized that just as Britain belonged to the British and France to the French, Palestine belonged to Palestinian Arabs. I think he was exactly right.

But I’ll leave you to it. I’m not going to comment on this pro-Israel and anti-Palestine stuff anymore because it just makes me angry, which serves no purpose. Have fun with your anti-Muslim, Zionist-Hindutva collaboration.

6 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

Well, you’ll have to choose. “Israelis” (a fake nationality if there ever was one) have stolen Palestine from the Palestinians. “Israelis” continue to take Palestinian land. Ahed Tamimi is in jail for slapping a soldier. What they don’t tell you is that those soldiers put her cousin in a coma.

Israelis are the oppressor and Palestinians are the oppressed. Those who side with the oppressor are on the wrong side of history. Those who remain neutral are on the wrong side of history.

This is my last comment to you. Have a nice life. From now on, I will only comment on my own posts. Or else I’ll leave BP to you and the other Hindutva people. You can bash Muslims and Pakistan to your heart’s content. Allah Khair Kharay.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kabir

I am with you here, Kabir. I do agree with Isreal, but I do not agree with its geography. It should have been placed in northern Europe. A portion of the northern coast of Germany should have been carved out to create Isreal. WWII Germans deserved it.

6 years ago
Reply to  Prashanth

Glad we agree on something. Yes, the Germans should have been punished for the Holocaust. The Palestinians should not have had European Jews inflicted on them. That I think was Gandhi’s point.

The Zionist claim to Israel was of course based on the Torah. But God is not a real estate agent. In any case, Israel exists. All people are asking now is for Israel to vacate the West Bank, Gaza and Arab East Jerusalem and let that territory become a Palestinian state.

6 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

Anan, India doesn’t need to be anyone’s best friend, really. Strategically, the defence purchase arrangements that exist with Israel are just about the most they can offer India, as they aren’t the biggest of markets and many larger, more important nations are courting alliance to fulfil similar security needs. Furthermore, the supposed loyalty of a pariah nation doesn’t count for much, although their indian retainers are doing their best convince us otherwise, while profiting greatly of course.
Evidently you are quite the judeophile, and that can be an enjoyable thing to take a great interest in other cultures, but you seem to be projecting your own disposition onto all of India. No doubt theres been something of a marketing blitz to make the Indian middle class think of Israel as a special friend, with all kinds of stories about backchannel goodwill that exists. I have yet to see this goodwill on a personal basis, as Israeli tourists have a reputation in our parts for being irredeemably rude.
In final assessment, which thankfully it appears even our hindu nationalists leadership are in agreement with (India voted for the resolution rejecting Jerusalem as capital of Israel), the bilateral relationship should continue to be opportunistic, much like the dealings with Saudi Arabia.

6 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

Anan, the point about pariah nations is not about conforming to other people’s taboos, but to see overtures for what they are. Israel needs all the friends they can get, hence their offer of friendship is cheap. I haven’t advocated treating them as a pariah, in fact I have visited israel/palestine. I don’t see any great civilizational connect with their nation that would inspire the sort of grand union of national souls that you might favor. The whole thing feels like a sales hustle ..”don’t miss this unique opportunity to become best friends, or you will regret it later”…there is no urgency to have a strategic partnership. Like Russia deals with Israel, we can cooperate when necessary, have tourism and social exchange, but stand apart from their geopolitical aims, which frankly seem to be aligning quite well with Islamists these days.

6 years ago

TF thinks he’s an “Indian born in Pakistan”. That makes zero sense. If your parents moved from Bombay to Karachi and you were born in Karachi post 1947, you are a Pakistani. Someone who would deny his own motherland has serious issues. He also dared to compare himself to Salman Rushdie “I am one of Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children”. Rushdie is a great writer who has written more than 10 novels. Comparing yourself to Sir Salman shows a lot of hubris.

I am proud to be ethnically Kashmiri-Punjabi. I am proud that I have ancestry from the UP. But my parents were born post-Partition, making them Pakistani. I am thus Pakistani. My grandparents were British Indians, but that is as far as the connection to India goes.

6 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

Why would I not care about Palestinians? They are my fellow Muslims. Their land has been stolen by Europeans who happen to be “Jewish”.

6 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

Buddhists are not particularly nice people. They have their fanatics, just as every other religion on earth does. What Buddhists in Myanmar are doing to Rohingya Muslims is basically ethnic cleansing.

Aung San Suu Kyi recently had her award taken away by the US Holocaust Museum because they recognized that she is not doing anything to stop the ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya (if not actively abetting it). There is a campaign to take her Nobel Peace Prize away.

As for India, I believe the Indian government wants to expel Rohingya refugees. They are Muslim after all.

Side note: How was Obama an “enemy of Israel”? Because he said that the Occupation must end? And then he turned around and gave Israel a whole lot of money. It is true that on a personal level Obama thought that Bibi was fairly obnoxious. I don’t know how much that really changed US policy.

Brown Pundits