The Height of Hubris; “White Weddings.”

In our podcasts we are touching on (but not necessarily addressing directly) “The End of Universal Western Civilisation.”

Initially I thought Razib was jumping the gun since after all I live in the Citadel of Whitedom and in Britain one internalises the view that the British Empires lives on except the Americans, say instead of the Scots-Iran, do the work of actually running. But glory still remains to the Greece of the Modern Age and throughout Oxbridge one can still see wide-eyed American students drinking in the Old World (then they get bored one year after their prolonged Grand Tour and can’t wait to get back home).

However I think in many journalistic studios, which are still very white and even the coloured people there are conditioned to think white (it’s a thing), they presume that Western civilisation will *evolve* into a Universal Global One.

An example of this is this story: Are our weddings too white?

This is a clickbaity article but surprisingly written up by the Beeb (I guess that’s why Kushal of Carvaka Podcast dislikes the BBC so much).

I found the tone presumptuous and condescending as though no other culture gets married and strangely enough in my timeline I saw this pretty amazing Nigerian wedding video:

It’s all about really opening one’s blinkered vision and seeing the world for it is and will be rather than what it was. The Social Justice Warriors are now virtue signalling on every possible topic, for instance:

Transwomen are women but at the same time Men must keep their opinions on abortion to themselves and leave it to those “who can get pregnant.”

So do Transwomen (who are women but cannot get pregnant since they were biologically male) have a right to opine on abortion or not? I sense this is one of the logical paradoxes that our Philosophers of New Athena have not yet grappled yet with.

Back to the story on “White Weddings” the only interesting about this brave Pakistani lady who defied immense social and religious pressure (her family boycotted the wedding) to marry a Nigerian man:


Two years ago Sophia married Ayoola Olatunde, a British Nigerian, and since her Pakistani family didn’t approve, many, including her parents and brother, chose not to attend. But she was still determined to reflect all the aspects of their joint heritage, including their Britishness.

Sophia and Ayoola Olatunde

While the industry catering to traditional South Asian weddings is huge and well-established, she found firms weren’t prepared to provide things that veered from very traditional styles. She says although most of her friends seem to be in inter-racial partnerships, Asian wedding firms appear to be even more resistant to change than the mainstream wedding industry.

Sophia couldn’t find caterers that would fuse Asian and African food traditions. “They said there would have to be two caterers, two kitchens.”

So in the end they ate chicken in pastry with a dash of turmeric. “It was delicious,” she says. “But very British.”

They managed to create a sense of mingled cultures with her in Punjabi dress and the groom in a green tailored jacket. Her bridesmaids wore saris. His family was in Nigerian dress.

Since she is Muslim and her husband a Christian they asked a humanist celebrant to conduct a non-denominational service and the DJ provided a particularly successful blend of pop, Punjabi music and Afrobeat.

But for the most part, she says, it felt like she was planning two parallel celebrations.

“I wanted a balance of cultures, but in the end I had to find separate ways. I would love for someone to offer the fusion.”

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4 years ago

I went to my Nigerian friends wedding last year, it was the best wedding I have ever attended in my life. It was like a village party where music and communal dance is central to the celebrations. Both sides of the family take part from the grandparents to the grandchildren. Very different to asian and european weddings.

Brown Pundits