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1 year ago

SBF and the tango with Democrat funding is so eerily familiar with what goes on in Indian politics.

Pakistan is finally calling out the emergence of the Indian MIC as a threat in policy discussions. Too late IMO.

Two brown faces in the ongoing G20 summit – both practising Hindus.

Elon Musk doing a live surgery on ailing Twitter middle management without any anesthetic is just the best!

Iranian society needs to set a Zoroastrian factor in play. Otherwise it is exactly the kind of opponent that Political Islam has evolved to outwit and defeat.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ugra

Islam already defeated Zoroastrianism. Zoroastrian don’t help themselves either by prohibiting conversion even in non-Islamic countries.

1 year ago


Pensions in India. This is why people pay 30 lakh bribe for a government job that pays 5 lakh/year. This is what the reservation fight is all about.

India haramkhor logon ka mulk hai. Look to your left there is a haramkhor, look to the right there is a haramkhor. Every Indian is a morally bankrupt haramkhor out to swindle you. Other than IT/Pharma/Auto people everyone in India is like this. If you have parents or relatives in government service (which most Indians in America do), they are haramkhor too.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bhimrao


That chart is clear. India is fine overall. It is hotspots like Bihar and Uttarakhand that breach into high ratios.

Telangana, Maharashtra, Karnataka are all doing well (sub-20% ratios)

Have to remind myself everytime I read a “India-bitch” post from you, it’s actually your own region you are bitching about.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ugra

I will concede this. The other places that I have lived in India (Bangalore, Pune) did not have the same level of desperation for government jobs. This is not something to be smug and happy about for you either. It is my region but your country too.

Scorpion Eater
Scorpion Eater
1 year ago

“Elon Musk doing a live surgery on ailing Twitter middle management without any anesthetic is just the best!”

LoL. It’s more like performing autopsy on a live person. the result is foregone.

1 year ago

India’s first private space rocket(“Vikram-S”) launched into space today.

The company, Skyroot Aerospace, was profiled by the Indian Express last week.


1 year ago
Reply to  principia

Slight correction it did not cross the Karman line, so not a ‘space launch’. Today they launched just a small suborbital sounding rocket launch so not that big a deal. Solid motor, (possibly) rotational stabilization, nothing too fancy either. Most likely showing off to investors and testing subsystems. With this launch they have (almost) reached the level of top tier amateur rocketry folk in America.

But a big achievements nonetheless, big congratulations.

S Qureishi
S Qureishi
1 year ago

Qatar bans alcohol sales in the world cup in a big FU to European crticism.

Western fans will now experience a superior way to live.

1 year ago
Reply to  S Qureishi

Good for Qatar. Europeans still have the same arrogance of their grandfathers without the same power and wealth. Now if only Qatar would do something about the US team displaying the gay flag.

1 year ago
Reply to  S Qureishi

Qatar has spent USD 200 Billion+ on this stunt. That is more than the entire annual GDP of UP. They own FIFA and every other national football association’s ass with it and will enjoy them as they see fit.

Have you guys been following Saudi takeover of pro golf with their LIV tour which is taking on PGA?

Also, if I was at the Olympic Association. I would now figure out a way to make Saudi or UAE host the summer games given no one else wants or can afford to host them.

Oil and Gas pricing is such a scam, these folks don’t do any more work than last year when the prices go up. Their ‘crop’ does not get spoilt by rain or tough winters. It is a commodity that does not behave like a commodity.

1 year ago
Reply to  S Qureishi

Qureshi, incest and being a vassal of the White man for 4/5ths of your ruling Poobah’s existence isn’t “superior”.

Europe is taller and lives longer for a reason while your ilk, for the most part are mirroring their TFR the only advantage (if you call it that) you had.

S Qureishi
S Qureishi
1 year ago
Reply to  Sabit

Tall people that cannot reproduce go extinct. That is clearly inferior.

1 year ago
Reply to  S Qureishi

>Tall people that cannot reproduce go extinct.
Uighurs aren’t tall, no need to bring them up.

>That is clearly inferior.
Xi dada agrees hence the laudable vocational education and training centres policy. A tad harsh towards the Uighurs in my opinion.

S Qureishi
S Qureishi
1 year ago
Reply to  Sabit

Tall people that cannot reproduce go extinct. That is clearly inferior.

1 year ago
Reply to  S Qureishi

Europeans whoring themselves for money. This is classic.


‘In lengthy, and sometimes angry, opening remarks at a news conference on the eve of the start of the tournament, Infantino rounded on European critics of the host nation over the issues of migrant workers and LGBT rights.

“I am European. For what we have been doing for 3,000 years around the world, we should be apologising for the next 3,000 years before giving moral lessons,” he said.’


Paisa bolta hai…

1 year ago
Reply to  S Qureishi

this will probably the last time any ‘muslim’ country will host such an event. after ,tricking; them to host these events for ‘prestige’, all other lobbies , such as lgbtqxz, human rights, pro israel, anti muslim etc who are opposed to them will gang up and make the hosts miserable.
now there will be banners in support of iranian anti hijab movement, workers rights, gay rights and all other irritants.
india will experience the same, including kashmir related when its turn to host will come

1 year ago
Reply to  brown

2030 Asian games in Doha, 2034 Asian games in Riyadh. Abhi toh party shuru hui hai… Olympics

S Qureishi
S Qureishi
1 year ago

Saudi Arabia has realized it is much more profitable to use their excess oil profits to buy Western sports teams, real estate, and businesses than to fund Wahhabism in Muslim countries. I followed Saudi investment in EPL (Newcastle FC) and the general British soccer fan is just livid, as one by one, their teams are being bought out by the oil sheikhs.

The oil&gas market is rigged, always was since these are the most precious commodities, and governments with deep pockets or geopolitical concerns will always interfere in this industry like they do in agriculture or the airline industry. Many countries have big O&G reserves however, but Arabs seem to be the only one that got obscenely rich out of it so kudos to their business and political acumen.

The funny thing in this Qatar alcohol ban in stadiums is that it comes 2 days before the start of the world cup and seems to be in response to all the LGBT criticism the country was receiving from European media and politicians.. despite NYT claiming that “beer is a fixture at sporting events around the world”, it seems nobody outside of EU or USA really gives a shit about it.

1 year ago
Reply to  S Qureishi

“ Arabs seem to be the only one that got obscenely rich out of it so kudos to their business and political acumen.”

Per capita oil reserves, not acumen. they are blessed by the Parabrahman in that regard.

S Qureishi
S Qureishi
1 year ago
Reply to  Sumit

No it is good business and political acumen if you are an oil rich nation and avoid getting invaded or destroyed with your resources plundered. Also 20 years ago everyone was predicting that the Arabs would squander it all. The 2005 movie Syriana even has a dialogue where the protagonist predicts that the Arabs will go back to sheep herding in two generations. However nothing of the sort seems to be happening, quite the opposite.

1 year ago
Reply to  S Qureishi

No it is good business and political acumen if you are an oil rich nation and avoid getting invaded or destroyed with your resources plundered

Tell that to the Iraqis.

More generally, Saudi Arabia has a per capita GDP equivalent to a fairly poor European country like Lithuania (nominal, not PPP). The only truly rich Arab states are microstates like Qatar, UAE etc. And even they aren’´t as rich as Norway, Denmark etc.

Arab states have done better than Venezuela, but that is damning with faint praise.

S Qureishi
S Qureishi
1 year ago
Reply to  principia

Principia, what are you talking about? The Arabian peninsula was the most impoverished region in the world just 70 years ago, now it’s one of the richest. Qatar is the richest country in the world and that is including 90% of its population that is temporary migrant. UAE is right up there as well. Saudi’s PPP GDP is better than Britian or France, and that is also inclusive of its migrant population.
Ive been to Eastern and Central Europe, sorry but they don’t even hold a candle to these countries.

Sumit- the era of plunder is never over. Outside the Arabian peninsula, most of the oil and gas rich nations or regions are under turmoil or in political impasse and few in the shadows directly benefit from it. Whether that’s Iraq, Venezuela, Libya, Nigeria, Iran, Russia or Ukraine. Canada is politically impotent and getting exploited by US companies. Pakistan does not have the capability to either extract its natural resources, nor the political structure to avoid squandering the said resource. If Pakistan was blessed with so much oil, I guarantee you the country would have been another Venezuela or Iraq.

1 year ago
Reply to  S Qureishi

Oil discovered in saudi in 1938, by that time appetite for outright plunder has been low.

Geopolitics game in 20th century was a matter of balancing American interests with your own to maximize rent extraction.

Pakistanis are much better at this sort of thing than the Gulf Arabs, but have been dealt a much worse hand in terms of per capita resources.

So now Pakistanis go to find economic opportunities in Arab countries instead of the other way around.

1 year ago

I hate living in the here and the now. I would like living 50 yrs from now. Much better data to figure it all out from.

1 year ago

This is admittedly tangential but interesting nonetheless.


The reporter at the NYT reveals that Weinstein repeatedly invoked their shared Jewishness to make her cut him some slack. When people are asking how Weinstein got away for so long, I think this must be part of the answer. Chappelle’s monologue on SNL about Jews in Hollywood and the Kyrie/Kanye blow-up points in the same direction.

Still, kudos to Kantor for rejecting the tribal appeals. For some, their gender identity is stronger than their religious one. I suspect we will see similar things going forward in the 2nd and 3rd generation of South Asian diasporas, as they complete their assimilation to Western norms. Being brown or (insert religious identity) will be less important than being a woman when there is a clash between the two compared to FOBs.

1 year ago
Reply to  principia

Most Jews no longer practice their ancestral religion. But it’s hard for most people to be perfectly rationalist so they have been practicing the religion of far left politics for the past 3-4 generations.

Similar dynamics happening among the 2nd generation browns in the West.

1 year ago

So IK no longer blames the US for his ouster.


LOL, turns out the lion that roared was just a mouse.

1 year ago
Reply to  principia

Baeja gave the warning shot. He legit saved Pak. Off terror list. In better graces of US. China still helping. Imran towing the line.

1 year ago
Reply to  thewarlock

Azadi khoon mangti hai… taking the enemy head on like the Turks did with their army.

Pakistan does not have the balls for a proper revolution. Khoon mein gaddari aur chugal-khori hai yahan ke logon mein. Darponk bin pendi ke lote types…

But Imran has done as good as can be expected. Even Rahul Gandhi is copying him with his yatra.

1 year ago

$200K undergrad degrees are worth it for Americans because:
0) Tech jobs.
1) Even though average American makes 50K-ish, decent ones make a lot more by the time their kids are in college. A couple: wife nurse, husband local trucker can bring in upwards of 130K/year in most places, with some brain (buying some local business) they can and do go upwards of 200K/year by the time they are 50 and their children are 18 and ready for college. This is why you see Indian doctors in suburbs living with plumbers.
2) Where do you spend all the money 401K gets you? There is only so much travel, iphones, and house you can buy. Education pretends to be a nobler pursuit. Something you have to do (like property tax) if you have to live among elites.
3) Marriage: finally and most importantly, education gives the polish, the twead jacket, the sueade shoes, the cashmere muffler to make your projeny marketable. He might have a IQ of 105 but education gives the right words, how to be classy. Intro to high value spouses, basically get to know folks whose fathers own the local car dealerships, food processing plants, concrete business, ACE hardware, 20 FF restaurants… Right marriage can be far more valuable than the right career in the US. This is why FOB Indians never get the ‘elite’ status gora people, and have to settle for just nerdy Chemistry/Engineering grad students whose parents were losers or FOB. The ‘elite’ are out for the ‘elite’

‘Everyone is cheap. They are just cheap at different stores.’ -Russell Peters

1 year ago

Storm grows over identikit ‘fake fans’ in Qatar as FIFA president Gianni Infantino claims it is RACIST to claim World Cup supporter groups are paid actors
Videos shared online show large groups of men, mostly of Indian origin, wearing the colours of national teams including England, Germany and Argentina, leading to speculation they had been ‘hired’ by Qatar to build atmosphere for the competition.

The groups of fans are kitted out in football kits and near-identical banners reading ‘England fans Qatar’ and ‘Germany fans Qatar’ along with drums and instruments not usually associated with supporters from those countries.


1 year ago
Reply to  Roy

Lol. This shows the moral bankruptcy of woke political posturing.

There are genuine Indian fans of European FC clubs. (Yes it’s weirdly popular among some subsection of urban west-phile people) but not that many.

And also not of random national soccer teams.

The guys look like migrant workers who were given the day off.

So the FIFA president is using racism as an excuse to go on the attack against critics.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sumit

actually did some more research, and I think maybe these are genuine fans.

there are instagram accounts of called “england fans kerala” with and stuff. maybe it is a mallu thing.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sumit

Hopefully they form some teams and Indian soccer rises more. It is growing slowly. It can be a good sport for Indians.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sumit

They are real fans. Came up in a google search. Kerala has a football culture not known to most Indians.

1 year ago
Reply to  Roy

Will some enterprising Indian journalist in Qatar find out what Indians in Qatar get paid for the World Cup hustle?

1 year ago

Just learned that creatine boosts iq for vegetarians . Though other studies show it makes no difference for young adults. what to make of it?. If this has some value, it could help India, the country with most vegetarians.

1 year ago
Reply to  phyecho1

I take creatine for strength training. Solid dose of 5g a day isn’t even that easy to get from eating a good amount of meat. It is one of the safest and best supplements. Not sure about mental data. But physically definitely beneficial for explosive stuff. Nice little summary with some good food sources.


H. M. Brough
H. M. Brough
1 year ago
Reply to  phyecho1

We’re going to need a lot more than that.

Being a doctor, my (Hindu, trad Brahmin) family badgers me ceaselessly with medical complaints. Anemia comes up disproportionately frequently, and some of the cases I get are surprisingly refractory. I send them to Indian labs with robust workups, try to find other causes (eg parasites/malabsorption, chronic disease), but oftentimes all I find is just really bad iron deficiency. My anecdotal patients are not science, but I looked up various papers on this topic and they all corroborate my experience.

Something’s gotta give. I’m more sympathetic to traditionalism than most people, but if you want to keep Tradition X, you have to find a way to make it work (Y). Or someone else will come by and offer Y, while also bundling in cultural change Z.

1 year ago
Reply to  H. M. Brough

so, what deficiencies can we add to this list, iron, vit b12(takes care of creatine), vit d , perhaps some exercise. I am asking. Even if it makes 5 iq points for some, for others it would add more than 5 to 20. Marginal improvements are all fine. One seriously needs to study all this and how much it costs, both given age. All this inspired by this thread.


How a women essentially became mad and lost all sense due to poor vit b12. And once doctor fixed that was back to close to being normal. For her, it must have made a massive difference.



Somewhere from 47% to 70% of adult population and 80% of pre school children suffer from vit b12 deficiency. It seems massive. And if literature on this study has some basis. it could give perhaps upto 10 iq points in significant % of people. I believe, India should begin with nutrition, we also have massive malnutrition leading to wasting away of millions of our children. And i am not worried about tradition, one can create powder and take in water or milk while making it tasty everyday. A simple change.

1 year ago
Reply to  H. M. Brough

Do they also tend to have B12 deficiency which then leads to anemia ?

Heard this from a relative who is a GP in an Indian heavy area.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sumit

I notice enough obese heavy animal diet eaters with B12 deficiency too. Some of it is drugs like metformin. Sometimes digestive issues for a variety of causes, especially those affecting the terminal ileum. Elegant diagnoses like pernicious anemia do come up.

Not sure if it’s more just a vegetarian Desi thing. Again, not sure what my family does right. We don’t have it. Maybe lot of dairy. Not sure.

Vitamin D is the main issue that comes up. But that’s most melanated people in the type of climate I grew up in.

One thing is for sure. Go to the doctor. Get your blood work done. Fix your issues.

General advice. Regardless of veg vs. Non veg: Eat mostly plants, enough protein .6g/kg, sleep enough, drink enough water, lift heavy on a good strength program, do some form of cardio at least a 150 min a week, and don’t stress too much.

1 year ago
Reply to  H. M. Brough

@HM. My whole family is Jain. From my knowledge, even in extended, the only ones anemic on labs are those few with beta thal trait. And that’s just a couple.

Idk what my family does right with vegetarian diets. But my mom, dad, sister, and I all have normal hemoglobin. Mine is like a 15.5 usually. Higher a few times because I got blood work after working out and was a bit dehydrated. I have good strength and muscle.

You are right though. Many vegetarian Indians have a trash diet. They barely eat actual vegetables. They eat very little protein. All carbs and fats. People need to eat with intention. Desis are really bad about this. I notice the young generation is better though.

I also see plenty of obese Americans with a massively protein heavy diet also show up with IDA. This is despite a rather exhaustive serologic and GI workup negative and no cause of bleeding found. So I don’t think we know just everything yet.

On another note, I do take creatine 5g a day which is hard even to get from a meat heavy diet. That requires like over a pound of steak a day, just to give an idea.

One can do a vegetarian diet right. It is easier to screw it up. But it’s quite doable. But a samosa, jalebi, kachori, idli, roti, super watert dal, potato subjzi, and rice diet just doesn’t cut it at all.

1 year ago
Reply to  thewarlock

@thewarlock, even family you have in India? I’m a Jain Gujju Baniya as well, but I see women with low hemoglobin all the time.
Most Baniyas originating from ‘Gurjaradesh’ seem to be quite similar, I believe it is due to some kind of founder effect. But I have met some of them who are quite stocky and big-boned, distinct from any other Indian population, except some NW upper castes.

1 year ago
Reply to  light

In India, not sure of numbers. Most sure in my own family and extended American family. My mom said her Hb was always normal.

I have some big boned family. But I am not big boned. I just strength trained a lot.

For women, it can be a greater propensity for heavier menstrual bleeding for whatever reason. Beta thal trait is also there. Hard to say exact effect. But there was a meme on ABCDesis reddit about S Asian women in general being anemic. Many of them do eat meat still.

The men I don’t think have this stereotype. My male cousins in America all tend to gave Hgb 14-16 range.

1 year ago
Reply to  light

Testosterone increases Hgb, do that’s probably why men are fine. This is to the point that some guys on steroids donate blood regularly just to have a normal Hgb.

I think it’s via Epo upreg pathway. But I have to double check.

S Qureishi
S Qureishi
1 year ago
Reply to  thewarlock

Warlock is romanticizing vegetarian diets. The reason why people seem to be unhealthy on vegetarian is simply because vegetables are quite unappetizing on their own and need to be paired with fats to make them palatable. This is why Indian cuisine uses vegetable oils so lavishly. Not just that, since vegetables are lacking in calories and have low satiety, the bulk of the caloric intake comes from grain which itself brings other problems. Once you go past the psychological hurdle of eating meat, a meat based diet is almost always better than being vegetarian.

Personally I feel better than ever since I eliminated vegetables from my diet, reduced use of grains ( bread/rice) and drastically reduced the use of vegetable/seed oils substituting it with butter/ghee or olive/coconut oil. Now only eat meats, dairy and fruits with occasional grains ( roti/ rice). It pretty much resolved a decade long issue of dandruff which now is almost gone.. Improved chronic sinusitis which led to better sleep quality. Blood results are all good and only vegetables I eat are onions and tomatoes. So it seriously leads to questioning the efficacy of veggies at all.

1 year ago
Reply to  S Qureishi

Different people thrive on different diets. If that works for you, then good. This can be gut microbiome or taste or whatever. I don’t agree with meat eating philosophically. But that’s a different story.

I like the taste of vegetables. But call me crazy. Only meats and dairy can be quite high in saturated fat, which isn’t so great for cardiovascular health. So be careful. But if you keep it lean enough and get all your macros and micros, then go for it. Shouldn’t change much health wise.

You sound like you’re on a Stan Efferding style vertical diet. Elliot Hulse likes it too.

1 year ago
Reply to  S Qureishi

The most meat heavy diet Eskimos have a very poor life expectancy. More plant based and carb heavy people like Okinawans live the longest. There are enough examples like this.

Heavily plant based diets are better. Evidence shows this. But if heavy meat base works for you and your body handles it well, then good.
But data wise, for the general population, more plant based is better. Grains aren’t the evil boogeyman either. Excess calories ans refined sugar varieties tend to be the main culprits along with excess salt and saturated fats.

Red meats are also loaded with carcinogens. But that’s another story. Leave it to the individual. People can gamble with their bodies how they see fit. But on a broad level, more plant based is superior.

1 year ago
Reply to  S Qureishi


Anyway, looks like this is coming. I’ll wait a bit to see effects. Maybe even a couple of decades because this will be a Frankenstein. But I’d consider a small amount of this, if it pans out the way its described.

For those with a lot of heart disease family Hx, I would checkout the Ornish Diet.

1 year ago
Reply to  S Qureishi

Lol both you and Warlock are too extreme. Personally, eating both meat and vegetables in moderate amounts is the way to go.

S Qureishi
S Qureishi
1 year ago
Reply to  S Qureishi

Eskimos (innuit and other native peoples) have slightly lower life expectancy due to a host of reasons other than diet. They live in some of the harshest conditions on earth that are not suitable for habitation and no study is done to study the effect that has on quality and quantity of life. The natives are a defeated people, and the biggest reason of lower life expectancy is suicide. High cost of living, rampant poverty, high alcoholism, smoking and drugs and relatively little physical activity in the cold. This is not a group that you want to study for effects of a meat only diet.

Most of the science based nutrition advice is misleading and contradictory and changes based on the decade we are living in.

The safest bet is to go back to what humans and their primate ancestors ate for millions of years before the agricultural revolution as our bodies are best adapted for that . That means meat, organs, bone marrow, and fruits, should form the bulk of the caloric intake.

I don’t think there is any plant based diet, since plants in plant based diet barely even makeup more than 20% of the calories.. rest of it is coming from oils, grains, nuts and dairy. Similarly, most people who are considered meat eaters, barely eat enough meat (they barely would have 20% protein, if not less) to call their diet meat based. Fact is, bulk of the calories in both groups come from grains, sugars and oils and these are problem foods. If you eliminate them, you can still sustain a meat based diet but it’s going to be really hard to sustain a vegetarian diet

1 year ago
Reply to  H. M. Brough

But I agree. If vegetarian desis want to be lazy and not think, it is conceivably easier to get better health outcomes from a meat heavier diet, calories equated. And that will come with loss of other cultural elements, as you more theoretically and eloquently stated. Stuff like colon cancer may increase. But that’s a small price to pay, if insulin resistance comes down.

But I am optimistic people (the masses) can thrive on a vegetarian diet just fine. No animal products like vegan is harder. But vegetarian is perfectly doable. Wrestlers of Northern India have done it for a long time. I look at the diets of vegetarian wrestlers from India and mine accidently ends of mirroring theirs. It is interesting.

1 year ago

Qatar’s hosting of the Footbal WC will be a huge boost for the cultural awareness of “Arabic/Islamic oil-state degeneracy”.

Football basically assisted the “Europeanisation” of the continent in the last 75 years with a substitutive process of strengthening local identities. In doing so, part of the identity has been co-opted into the game itself.

The social function of football in channelling young adult males into societal groups is still very strong. There is also strong evidence of loyalty being passed from father to son – like a filial rite.

Just like the Americans “don’t get football”, the Arabs don’t get it either. You don’t invite your Italian neighbours to an Italian meal you have cooked – unless you are Italian, of course.

Just seeing clips of football ceremonies in Qatar being stopped for 2 minutes because it is prayer time. This is sacrilege – the Arabs won’t understand it at all.

It is not money envy either. Arabs have almost no sporting achievements – none in the modern era of high powered male group games.

Upstairs I saw Quereshi and Principia discuss GDP, money and living standards. Group sports are a strong indicator of developmental indicators especially “peak male” pursuits.

Eastern Europe has a very strong “alpha male” culture that is also backed by sporting fitness and achievement. India has successfully broken into a cloistered Anglo sport with BOTH money and sporting achievements. Therefore it commands respect. And is welcomed.

The average male on the street sees no GDP per capita, PPP or nominal for the Arabs – all he sees is a group of pretenders posturing like alphas. No respect for that.

The aftermath of 9/11 caused an American political re-orientation that resulted in net research momentum for fracking, wind/solar and EVs. Basically “Pivot away from Arab oil”.

This World Cup will also produce unintended blowback – what exactly is unknown to me.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ugra

Zidane , Benzema, Mohamed Salah. They are kind of a big deal in a sport that requires maximum athleticism and skill.

1 year ago
Reply to  girmit

I don’t agree with Urga at all, but there are different types of Arabs.

Gulf Arabs aren’t that known for athletic endeavours.

Qatar offers citizenship + payments to athletes from other countries to play for them.

Qataris have a different type of old school “alpha male” mentality.

1 year ago
Reply to  girmit

You scraped the Arab barrel for sporting successes and you come up with two Frenchmen of African origin and an African!!

How many Arab countries have won any sort of professional team sport being played among high HDI countries??

South Asia has better HDI than the Arabs on the sporting front.

I also know where you are coming from. Some BP members are excessively phenotype focused and overestimate it’s valence in all areas.

The whole Arab world is a sporting backwater. I don’t know what’s happening there but you look at the metrics – these guys do very badly at team sports.

I suspect that Arab Islam is basically a middle aged hierarchical manager’s religion. It does not do a lot for young males in terms of incentivisation and group dynamics. Alpha males are culled into obedience very early on.

S Qureishi
S Qureishi
1 year ago
Reply to  Ugra

Qatar is current AFC champion.

And Benzema is not scraping the barrel, he is current Ballon d’oR winner.

And lol @ thinking Cricket is a ‘team sport’.

Ugra should remind us which team sport Tamils excel in

1 year ago
Reply to  S Qureishi

How many ethnic Qataris are there on that team?

They run this thing called the Aspire academy and try to bring the best athletes from around the world to play for their squad.

I don’t think this is a bad thing. But they are derided as “mercenaries” by some.

There are only something like 250,000 Qatari citizens in a population of 2.5 million. And then a few lower caste naturalized citizens.

There are various caste rules to keep the citizenship exclusive. (For eg. Qatari Citizenship on passed only through the male line)

This is a different sort of old school “alpha male” or dominant group behaviour as I was saying earlier.

You can compare with some poor Dagestanis excelling at wrestling while living under Russia’s boot with decadent Qataris. And come to your own conclusions about which is more “alpha”.

S Qureishi
S Qureishi
1 year ago
Reply to  S Qureishi

4 our of 11 on the pitch were ethnic qataris, but most others were also born their and naturalized. But leave that aside, Saudi Arabia just beat Argentina. Argentina had 36 game winning streak, unbeaten since last 3 years, Copa America champions, and 2022 favorites to win the World Cup.

All Im saying is, these are stupid theories about ”team sports”.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ugra

There is so much to learn from the oil mafia OPEC. How to do extortion, how all the ‘free market’, ‘effect on ecology/economy’ … everything is a lie. Create something people can’t live without and squeeze hard.

People outrage over stupid things all the time. OPEC, Google search, … these are the real deal. Emirates airlines, Gmail, … are all subterfuges.

1 year ago
1 year ago

Bringing up a topic from the past…but this really surprised me….


Looking at the Indian data, the middle castes of S.India (Kapu, Reddy, Naidu) have almost the same melanin index as the Rors of Haryana (43 to around 42).

Am I reading something wrong?

Is that the very same Rors that people can’t stop talking about being the ‘purest Aryans’ in the land? The almost pure ANI race? And they’re not much different in skin colour to South Indian people? What’s the deal-io?

1 year ago
Reply to  Biju

Skin color is a tiny proportion of overall genome. It can be biased easily via selection. Might imply that Rors may have even selected for darker skin and others for lighter? But go read my about the complex relationship between phenotype and genotype. Razib has some good old posts.

Most Rors to me just look classic NW non dalit caste. If I didn’t know and guessed genotype based on phenotype (not most accurate as above), I would have guessed 30% steppe 30% aasi and 40% IVC like a steppe shifted N Indian Brahmin. But their steppe levels average in upper 30s to almost 40%.

1 year ago
Reply to  thewarlock

@the warlock How do I find your articles? It’s just surprising to me that there’s such little difference there…even in facial features the difference is not that extreme. Differences are overestimated across Indian groups due to pride and a “my caste is special” feeling. And to emphasise this on Facebook they’ll post a pic of the lightest person in their community next to the darkest Paniya person to make their point lol. But I take your point genotype is not phenotype.

@sumit Maybe but it’s hot in South India too!

1 year ago
Reply to  Biju

More tanned maybe?

1 year ago
Reply to  Biju

Being out in the sun more often? There are other genetic indicators which put Rors as being squarely distinct from south Indian middle castes such as the highest frequency of the lactose tolerance allele in southern Asia. Skin color on the other hand can be affect by other things.
Overall, outside of Rors, even geographically there is a difference. For example skulls from Haryana, Punjab and UP in general (without any info on caste) have a lower height-length index than South Indian skulls.

1 year ago

For the first time a European leader calls out the hypocrisy of present day colonial practices of another European country. Watch the videos with subtitles in English

Italy’s prime minister, Giorgia Meloni — you’ve got to listen to it in Italian with the sound on — pretty well demonstrated that this was someone who full well knew the damage and hypocrisy of France, whose policies effectively enticed migrants to dump their homelands and come up to Europe for the welfare. Meloni’s edgy working-class Roman accent speaking in the sharpest of furious tones, pretty well conveys the Italian sentiment and is something to hear.


1 year ago
Reply to  sbarrkum

Her comments are not new for Italian politicians. Italy and France have a weird hateboner and most of the hate seems to come from the Italians, tbh.

The leader of the leftist-populist “5 star movement” also used to rant about the CFA franc. While I agree that it is essentially a colonial instrument, her idea that if the CFA franc was abolished then all of a sudden West Africa would flourish is nonsense. Even more stupid is the implication that migrant flows would stop. I would favor getting rid of it, but nobody shoulve have any illusions that the ground reality would materially change.

Honestly, this rant is just a way for her to kill two flies with one stone: pretend that she can do anything about the illegal aliens flowing in while simultaneously blame someone else for it.

This is what politicians do and she’s good at it, hence that’s why she is the PM.

1 year ago

Think the Gay/Progressive-Muslim alliance in the West will end after this World Cup?

1 year ago
Reply to  HJ

Think the Gay/Progressive-Muslim alliance in the West will end after this World Cup?

No, because their common enemy, the white conservative right, is still too strong (and by some measures, at least in Europe, getting stronger).

White leftists will always care 10X more about the white right-wingers than about moslems because deep down they don’t view moslems as one of their own. They also have a more accurate understanding of how weak moslems are in the West.

I remember reading some crazy stuff 10 years ago when some Israeli-funded activists were pushing “Sharia law will take over the West”. Of course, that was always a psy-op to drum up support for war in the Middle-East against Israel’s enemies by creating shared “buy-in”. But nobody believes this now. Moslems are weak domestically and abroad. The four major powers (USA, China, Russia and arguably India) are all non-moslem.

And besides, I am actually starting to root for the Qataris in this world cup. It’s pretty insufferable to see entitled white liberals trying to publicly shame them for not being pro-LGBT enough. But this is confined to the international arena. Domestically, white liberals will maintain optics because they care much more about other whites politically and will ally with almost anyone as long as it can hurt their rivals within the white camp.

1 year ago
Reply to  principia

Reminds me of the numerous Roman and Byzantine Civil Wars where they fought amongst themselves but in the end the Germans and the Turks conquered them all.

1 year ago
Reply to  principia

I agree with your broader point btw. This is definetely how the whites view the situation. But they are stupid to do so. Whites are declining in all social, economic, cultural and demographic measures. Whats more, its happening in their own countries. White liberals might think that they can use minorities in their petty civil wars against white conservatives but at some point the minorities will decide to just get rid of their overlords. We have seen situations like this throughout history.

1 year ago

This is potentially important for South Asia, particularly Bangladesh and Pakistan:


China and Qatar have just signed a massive LNG contract. Apparently, Qatar will begin exporting huge volumes starting from 2026. Having a long-term contract is important because you don’t have to pay spot prices.

Europe is scooping up all available LNG on the market, leaving next to nothing for poorer South Asian countries. Now this hammerblow comes from China.

As an aside, the antics that white liberals (often European) permit themselves to do against Qatar’s world cup bid is stupid given Qatar’s importance in solving the natural gas equation now that Russia is out. But Europe will manage. Neither Pakistan nor Bangladesh have the money to outbid either Europe or China.

Of course, the world could have avoided this nonsense if there was a rapid nuclear build-out but most of the developed West preferred to close down or degrade their nuclear capacity in the wake of Fukushima and now not only is Europe paying the price but so are poorer countries.

India in this context probably has a better hand, given that they use relatively little natural gas and mostly rely on coal + nuclear for baseload and increasingly build out renewables on top of that.

1 year ago
Reply to  principia

But Europe will manage. Neither Pakistan nor Bangladesh have the money to outbid either Europe or China.
Do proposed price caps affect LNG too.
Anyway, there is Russian oil and gas.
Sri Lanka has been buying Russian oil at sharp discount (I recall a number in the USD60’s/barrel). Long term contract and on credit too as SL is broke.
The added advantage is the Russian oil is heavy crude, and ideal for the one and only refinery in SL at Sapugaskanda. It was built by the Iranians in the 60’s to process Iranian crude.
Because Sapugaskanda refines heavy crude that means we get diesel too.
So now with rationing (QR code) there are no lines for fuel. Black market price for fuel without QR code is about 5% more. During the fuel crisis with long lines, 50-100% more above controlled price.
Question is what happens if stricter US/EU sanctions are applied. I fairly confident SL will find a work around. We are good at that kind of thing. However, with that kind of mentality and ethos, I doubt we will be a rich country as its always a work around, not the discipline, commitment to go that extra mile to become truly wealthy. It will be country with a low key easy going life.


Mitchell Porter
Mitchell Porter
1 year ago

Has Indian Twitter experience changed after the massive layoffs?

1 year ago

Indian Twitter is better off. Not in any technical sense though. Removal of the left’s shadow bans and reflexive curbs on Hindu Twitter.

Koo, the Indian rival to Twitter, was set up to grow a right-leaning ecosystem. Too bad that they are now robbed of a selling point.

1 year ago

Responding here because the reply button disappears once a thread gets long enough.

Qatar is the richest country in the world


So according to World Bank’s 2021 numbers (I am not using the 2022 “projections” from the IMF since those numbers are just guesses), Qatar is the ninth richest country in the world. That’s respectable but far from “richest in the world”.

Of course, this all assumes that all guest workers are properly counted. If they are not, then Qatar’s per capita GDP is even lower and would certainly move them from ninth position to well below top ten.

Saudi’s PPP GDP

PPP is a fake meme.

I’ve been to Eastern and Central Europe, sorry but they don’t even hold a candle to these countries.

Eastern Europe includes countries like Moldova (genuine 3rd world) with countries like Czechia (arguably 1st world). It has crazy amounts of economic diversity, much like the MENA region come to think of it.

Is Saudi Arabia really that much better than the Czech Republic? I highly doubt it. I was talking explicitly about Saudi Arabia and not UAE/Qatar when I made the comparison. Moreover, I mentioned Lithuania and Czech Republic and not the entire region.

You’re moving the goalposts here by including the entire gulf region (instead of just Saudis) and comparing the entire Eastern European region, instead of a like-to-like comparison between Saudi vs Czechia/Lithuania. I stand by my comments that there’s nothing indicating that Saudis are far ahead. Saudi Arabia only has a per capita GDP of $25000. That may be impressive to a Pakistani but it isn’t to a Westerner.

1 year ago
Reply to  principia

PPP is not a fake meme.

It is the reason why iphones get manufactured in China and India. It is a measure of monetary relativity between two different pegs.

You are asked to spend 1000 USD in New York or 80000 rupees in Bangalore and survive “x” number of days. The difference in x is the measure of relativity.

Actually PPP will help you articulating your point about Qatar and Saudi Arabia. These two countries are food insecure, water scarce, population deficient and technical manpower insufficient.

But over-compensated with energy sufficiency.

Other countries that have a better distribution of these varied resources can quickly overtake Qatar on PPP.

Which is the case for Eastern Europe!

1 year ago

IMO Qataris are totally lying about the $200 billion cost. Numbers don’t add up even if you add roads.

I was digging and found this:
8 venues for FIFA, the biggest one is built by (company from) China, second biggest by Italy, then in no particular order one each built by France, Romania, UK(Cyprus), India, Turkey. The gimmicky temporary (probably cheaper?) 8th one was built by a Qatari company.

$200 billion is total BS.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bhimrao

This lines up with Qatari foreign policy. They bought a few dozen each of F-15s, Rafale, and Eurofighters even though they are similar, competing aircrafts from different countries.

S Qureishi
S Qureishi
1 year ago
Reply to  Bhimrao

Agreed, don’t think it cost even a fifth of what the stated cost by Qatar is. They already had most of the infrastructure, just had to build a few stadiums, hotels and one train line.. all are concentrated within 50 mile area. Chinese companies built it for cheap with South Asian labour. I would guess that half the cost was in the bribes that were paid to European politicians and FIFA/UEFA.

1 year ago
Reply to  S Qureishi

S Asian migrant laborers are some of the hardest working people in the world. Absolute hell to work in the sun like that. Of course, beats working in S Asia it self, where the pay is a fraction and the sun is just as strong.

1 year ago
Reply to  S Qureishi

They are counting random shipping ports and almost all housing development to make up the number. Everything is inflated. I don’t think even $20 Billion was spent, forget the $200 Billion with a B.

‘Chinese companies built it’

I would like to believe that this is not true. Pakistan does this in awarding contracts but not inviting global tenders is a very sub optimal thing. China is good, but not that good.

L&T India’s premier EPC company has built one stadium, roads, and metro tunnels. Well over $1 Bn in last ten years.

Afcon (Shapoorji-Pallonji) the largest civil engineering firm in India won bits of the contract for the port terminal.

If anyone asked me I would never hosted it, I would have built a Disney-Land or Universal-Studios theme park, large art museums (like the Abu Dhabi Louvre), Opera house, a kick ass touristy mosque like the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi or the Hassan II in Casablanca, now the Imam Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab Mosque in Qatar is cool and over time I might begin to see it as graceful and the Abu Dhabi one as kitsch but at the moment the Qatari one appears ugly. Qatar’s airport is already amazing so good job, the airline is very good, I would chill on the religion bit otherwise reasonably well off folks (like myself) will never visit for tourism. I would have built enough items to fill a 7 day itinerary for a family on vacation. Basically if I was in charge Qatar would be more like UAE.

Qataris are becoming alarmingly obese, perhaps worse than the Americans.

1 year ago

LMAO I don’t know if I said this before but Anthrogenica is just a forum filled with deluded North Indians (actually, Indians in general) just jerking each other off and inflating each others egos. Just Punjabis out there sucking each other off about how they apparently look like this or that when in reality everyone here in Canada or elsewhere knows they are as TYPICAL as it gets LMAO.

I mean genetically speaking, they fall straight and undeniably on the ‘Indian’ cline anyways lmao there is nothing wrong with that either . like damn

Razib, if you feel like I shouldn’t be mentioning this kind of stuff or talking about this other-website stuff, tell me. I apologize and will not do so again.

1 year ago

Why is S Asia bad at soccer? It is a low cost game. All different body types can stylistically adapt to it. S Asia should pick soccer over cricket. Probably better health wise too.

1 year ago
Reply to  thewarlock

Low bone density, height, and muscle mass. Can’t compete in contact sports.

Can do well in hockey but won’t translate to football.

Punjabis claim to be big and burly but look like dwarfs in front of Europeans.

Even Japanese and Korean find it hard while being so much more skilled. I’d put Japanese skill level and tactics at par with tier-2 European teams.

Last world cup they lost to the Belgians even after leading early. The Belgians treated them like kids, scoring headers for fun.

It is what it is.

S Qureishi
S Qureishi
1 year ago
Reply to  Prats

I disagree, football does not require raw physicality that much to excel. You just need to be able to run fast for long periods of time so cardio is essential, and secondary are footballing skills that come with lot of practice, lastly is management and tactics. Muscle mass is actually an impediment past a certain point (Ronaldo walks around 170-175 lbs at 6’1).

The only reason S. Asians don’t play football is a because cricket has overshadowed everything else in this region. Before cricket became this popular, the region was poor and footballing infrastructure was non-existent.

1 year ago
Reply to  S Qureishi

That certain point is way beyond even your above average subcontinental.

England is a good case study. The total “Asian” population there is higher than the total Black population. Yet there aren’t any desi players of note. On the other hand just look at the national team to see Black representation.

An odd one like Zidane Iqbal or Hamza Chaudhury who makes it turns out to be mixed race with sturdier Arab/African blood in him.

If India fixes its sports system and if a significant number of non-matronly ethnicities (i.e. not Bengal, Kerala) direct their interests toward the sports, then we might start to see India qualify for the odd world cup. We’d probably be an also-ran getting drubbed 8-0 in group rounds.

Bangladesh is not going to qualify for the world cup in the next hundred years no matter their HDI or GDP. Bengalis are not meant for athletics.

Pakistan has some physically robust races but they’re also not going to qualify because of a lack of system and liabilities like Sindhis and Punjabis.

1 year ago
Reply to  Prats

Wait are we talking about the type of ‘football’ of where a 5’7 145lb guy is considered the GOAT ?

S Qureishi
S Qureishi
1 year ago
Reply to  Prats

People are overplaying genetics on this blog, understandable. But football is not physcial. Look today Japan just beat Germany convincingly.
Skill matters more in football than physicality. Almost all football superstars current or past were not genetic outliers (Ronaldo, Maradonna, Pele, Zidane, C Ronaldo, Messi, etc they are all skillful)

You can make the argument for American sports that are limited by genetics because they are heavily physical (which is why blacks dominate in it).

1 year ago
Reply to  Prats

You need speed and skills to win a match, yes. But you need more to sustain a career. A single muscle injury or a ligament tear and you are done. Modern football is extremely athletic.

There are way too many small tricky players who fell by the way side due to injuries. Michael Owen et al.

If you say that some 100% desi person will one day play in PL then I’d agree. Given the sheer number of people and growing interest, you’ll produce some outliers.

If you tell me a subcontinental team with a squad of 30-odd will regularly compete with the likes of France, Germany then nope. That’s never going to happen.
Not unless we start getting a lot of African immigrants. That might actually happen in a few decades. But keeping that aside, I don’t foresee it.

1 year ago
Reply to  thewarlock

Ashis Nandy pointed out that cricket plays into both Brahminic and Kshatriya identity narratives. A test match batsman, with an emphasis on restraint and technique appeals to the Brahmin’s sense of sacrifice and discipline. An aggressive player’s sense of adventure and risk (sudden death) plays into Kshatriya ideals of valor and conquering fate.

I think Kohli combines both facets. Harsha Bhogle mentioned that Kohli is like a monk when he himself is batting. He has near perfect technique and is ultra disciplined. When he is fielding and captaining he is more adventurous and perhaps even reckless.

Personally, I like cricket more because it really gives insight into the player’s mind and thinking process.

1 year ago
Reply to  Vikram

‘it really gives insight into the player’s mind and thinking process.’

The only unique value that cricket provides is to see the batsmen of a losing side endure and turn the tide in a test match. But I don’t think it is because cricket is special, it is because playing for 5 days is special, it does not get captured in shorter formats. If football/baseball/basketball/Tennis was somehow 5 days long it would have something similar. We already see this same test cricket like endurance challenges in motorsports. Other than this 5 day thing there is nothing special.

Ashish Nandy is talking like classic Indian uncle in a barbershop. This is nonsense.

IMO Cricket sucks but we don’t win at anything else. Something about it screams colonialism and British aristocracy. Maybe it’s the weird rules, weird gear, … it has breaks for tea 😂 This is not a game of commoners. If it was not for the advertisement opportunity at the end of every over it would not be so popular in India.

1 year ago

Here is the passage from Nandy’s book, pretty interesting,

“To the Brahminic, the posture of moral superiority and self control of the gentleman cricketer was bound to be attractive. The Kshatriyas and the Kshatriya-like (Jats, Yadavs etc) found him attractive for his defiance of fate, emphasis on style and sense of honour. Both appreciated the gentleman cricketer’s emphasis on rituals or forms over substance, …., which were associated not only with the Bania and some of the ‘low’ (Dalits, tribals, artisan castes etc) cultures in India but also the colonial masters.”

Reminds me of Tendulkar vs Sehwag.

1 year ago
Reply to  Vikram

Don’t you think this sort of Brahminical psycho-analysis is over done?

I have a hard time taking any of it seriously anymore.

1 year ago
Reply to  Prats

‘Don’t you think this sort of Brahminical psycho-analysis is over done?’

What is there to think about it? Bamans masturbate too much. Rest of us should not have to see them do it all the time.

‘I have a hard time taking any of it seriously anymore.’
There is nothing to take seriously. Banias run circles around Bamans daily without making us all endure this nonsense.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bhimrao

“Bamans masturbate too much.”

I thought the Nandy family was old school Bengali Christian. This is less masturbation and more navel-gazing.

1 year ago
Reply to  Prats

I think the passage by Nandy is a great example of how caste actually affects India and its culture, in contrast to the AASI/Steppe obsession a lot of diasporic folks seem to have.

Brahmin, Kshatriya, Bania and Muslim are more psychologies than genealogies.

1 year ago

African Sri Lankans, mainly the Sri Lanka Kaffirs, are a very small Ethnic group in Sri Lanka who are descendants of African mercenaries, musicians, and labourers taken to what is now Sri Lanka by Portuguese colonists during the period of Portuguese colonial rule on the island.[3] There are currently around 1,000 African Sri Lankans. They live in pockets of communities along the island’s coastal regions of Trincomalee, Batticaloa, and Negombo. The Portuguese colonists used them to fight the Ceylonese Kings.

The main African Sri Lankans are known as Kaffirs. This term is not used as a racial pejorative as in other parts of the world. Some were originally Muslims, while others practiced African religions, but many have now converted to Catholicism and Buddhism. They speak a lyrical creole language with a mix of native Sinhalese and Tamil.


1 year ago
Reply to  sbarrkum

Manja Music of Sri Lanka
Its the music of the Kaffirs (not a derogatory word in Sri Lanka). They were brought mainly by the Portuguese from Angola and Mozambique. The Tabbowa/Sirambiadi community in the west coast is a mix of African descendants and Sinhalese. Their music is now very much part of the Sri Lankan tradition. Below the group Ceylon African Manja performing in their village. This is youtube clip of the same group in a more formal setting.


1 year ago

this is a rice eaters world cup,japanese have won against germany, and japan were certainly a better team in the second half.
saudis have won against argentina , and i am sure they are also rice eaters!!!
i agree with some comments above:
i) most players except the south american ones are almost skinny.
ii) almost all play the dreaded tiky taka passing and it looks so bad on north europeans. sice they are skinny, they cannot kick and run as they were doing earlier. tiky taka is good for southern europeans who train under sun and get tired easily.
iii) with more money being poured, india will qualify.

1 year ago


‘Gen Bajwa also discussed the army’s performance and actions in Bangladesh during the 1971 civil war, which said were topics that most people avoided.

“I want to correct some facts here. Firstly, former East Pakistan was a political failure and not a military one,” he said.

He said the number of soldiers fighting was not 92,000 but 34,000 and the others were in different government departs. He added that these 34,000 soldiers were confronted by an Indian army of 250,000 soldiers and 200,000 members of the Mukti Bahini.

“Against these heavy odds, our army fought bravely and gave exemplary sacrifices which were acknowledged by Indian army chief field marshal Manekshaw.”’

1 year ago


Give them appropriate financial compensation and proceed. This is critical development

1 year ago

Japan beating Germany is great tbh love it love the underdog story

partially because I’m a weeb😂

1 year ago

Aussie Salvatore babones demolished the biases and flawed Cherry picking behind v-dem and freedom house rankings. EAC-PM was AWOL or ineffective till now. Comes with me too article

Sad. Makes you wonder everything else they yap about. Hope modi also realizes the cluelessness of these intellectuals in countering anti India propaganda.

1 year ago

I’ve gone from mildly amused to properly annoyed at the antics of the Europeans at the world cup. The latest controversy is how the Belgian foreign minister CONFRONTED the FIFA president with the “onelove” armband which is used to signal allegiance to globohomo. Seriously, just look at it:

comment image

The Qatari World Cup is probably the best thing to have happened to football in a very long time. Seeing white liberal imperialists seething is simply invaluable.

S Qureishi
S Qureishi
1 year ago

New converts to a religion are always the most enthusiastic, sometimes stupidly so.

All these Euro countries legalized same sex marriage in the last 5-10 years now lecturing Qatar about LGBTQ.

Good that Germany got a thrashing for their political posturing. Spain should end their misery on Sunday.

1 year ago

ashish nandy/psychoanalyst/psychiatrist was a master of rhetoric, like dave chapelle, saying all things to all people, good and bad. Until he was taken down by ashitosh as news anchor. When he ran one statement on sc/s on corruption even if he said in a supporting context. sc/st act. That was his final act on politics, he wrote one article on modi after he became pm. An article of hope.

1 year ago

@aryamsa is racist , casteist, despicable supremacist. And to all brahmins who might revel in momentary pride. This will put off everyone against you. And will become evidence against you.report him and kick him out of twitter.

1 year ago
Reply to  Phyecho1

Link what you are referring to?

1 year ago

oodibaba, see the wig the chief justice is wearing while administring oath to the new governor of bengal.
funny and sad.

1 year ago

missionaries have entered UP/MP now. Punjab has been a success already.
BJP relies on christian leaders in parts of gujarat in st dominated regions now as well.
The problem of islamists is known to people. There is very little to that problem. The problem of missionaries are a much bigger problem

1 year ago

26/11 anniversary brings back memories of diggi raja and Congress endorsing 26/11 as rss conspiracy long after kasab and isi involvement revealed.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bhumiputra

Pakistan ass fucked us on 26/11.

I remember (later) watching clips of Pakistanis on TV (gandu tarziyanigars) doing their thing in the aftermath. Mumbai attacks changed me forever.

I didn’t have internet or cable. DD News was giving out the muted government version. Next day (27 or 28) we got to know what had happened, the Newspaper headline read ‘War on Mumbai’.

Americans have 9-11, Indians have 26-11.

1 year ago



Delhi+ HP + UK + J&K + PB + HR:-
GDP – $400 billion.
Population – 10.5 crore.
Population density 371 per sq km.
TFR – 1.8
Per Capita Income – $3809

Gutkapur :-
GDP – $450 billion.
Population – 48.5 crore.
Population density – 1143 per sq km
TFR – 3.2
Per Capita Income – $927

1 year ago
Reply to  Ugra

$3809 is still very poor. Moreover, given that Lok Sabha MPs are elected according to outdated demographic weights, those rich states have little to complain about.

If Modi pulls the trigger and updates the weights then it means the Southern states get locked out of power forever. I wonder how that would change emigration patterns. Already in Israel, there’s talk of seculars leaving Israel since they feel that the religious right has simply outbred them and will dominate them electorally. I wonder if similar sentiments would arise in the South if BIMARU got its due in terms of parliamentary representation.

1 year ago
Reply to  principia

The account that originally posted this is a Punjabi chauvinist one.

Punjab’s GDP/capita has been stagnating for a long while and it’s squarely at India average now.

UP on the other had started its industrialization journey under Yogi. I’d like to bet that UP will overtake Punjab in GDP/capita by 2035.

I am not as sanguine about the future of Bihar since the state has a severe resource crunch and lacks leadership.

The decline of Gutkapur can be traced back to the decline of Calcutta and to a lesser extend Kanpur due to the communists. These used to be major economic engines of the region.

1 year ago
Reply to  Prats

one can only hope this is a troll account

“One of the reasons for the Aryan victory over mulnivasis was that the staple food of the natives of India was millet and rice and over cooked meat while the Aryans ate corn, wheat and milk.”

Corn is mesoamerican.

Wheat cultivation in India dates to 6500 BCE.

And IVC had a lot of dairy production (based on pottery analysis from Gujarat IVC sites).

Today tribal people (genetically IVC) in south india, are vegetarian and have a “holy milkman” priest traditionally, who is a brahmachari (celibate)

1 year ago
Reply to  Ugra

Not cool man. If anyone posts a meme with **dark as coal** skinned Tamils in tatters, next to fair skinned Haryanavis in a baraat, @Ugra and other Madraasis especially the NRI ones will start whining. The level of unnecessary hate towards my Bihari people in something. I won’t cry racism here, but ‘gutkapur’ wtf BC? Madraasis are channeling their inner Bengali or what? Tum bade switzerland mein ho? Kolkata is objectively the worst large city in India, ghinapan aur badboo se aadha Chennai bhara hai, Bangalore’s traffic is perhaps the worst in the world. Why such mocking of the poor? What have they done to you or your state? Did they take the jobs you wanted? Did they take your women? Did they fuck with your culture? are they separatist?

‘I wonder how that would change emigration patterns.’

Already the sole goal in life of ALL Andhra people is to emigrate to the US at any cost, by hook or crook. Many Tamils are like this too. They don’t need anyone pushing them.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bhimrao

Why such mocking of the poor?
Because despite all our intellectual posturing, humans are hierarchal&tribalistic animals. The bulk of hatred Indians get from the West is simply because we’re a poor foreign non-white nation. Same rule applies within India, we are a lot more tolerant of the poor if they’re “our” poor.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ugra

Should HP+Punjab+UK be then called Ganjedipur?

Should Punjab+Haryana be called Cabiya-nagar? or (Visa-)Fraudiya-nagar.

Or Tamil Nadu be called Fair-and-Lovely-pur, or Periyar-premi-sangh. Chennai could be duba-nagar, or machlli-para?

1 year ago

I have these Rajasthani friends who mock UP-Bihar too. Jaat culture is broken and they can’t digest that relatively darker skinned UC folks crush them at every conceivable competition. But even Sindhis do it, BC humne sharan di, humein se bakchodi! KPs are racist assholes too. Rassi jal gayi par ainth naa gayi, that too for (meat-eating) farji-bamans.

And then this mocking easily goes from mocking of culture to mocking of individuals (like myself).

I hate on certain qualities of people, I don’t like Bengalis who support communism, don’t vote left and be my friend. I hate Periyarite Tamils who mock Hinduism and vote DMK, cease doing this and be my friend. I hate separatists in Kashmir and shit on Khalistani cab drivers. Don’t do this and be my friend. But Madraasis don’t mock UP-Bihar in similar spirit.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bhimrao

I remember my super caste-ist/regional-Chauvin-ist Rajasthani Soni (lower-middle-ish caste idk?) tiffin delivery guy. He used to spit in the same (knee-deep) flooded street that he would wade in to get me my tiffin, and then complain about hygiene of mess owned by non-Rajasthani/non-UC people.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bhimrao

Biharis and UP my brudas. I pass well among them

1 year ago
Reply to  thewarlock

Gujjus are chill, that is why they get to rule India. Let us see how long people tolerate token Madraasis continuing to hog major cabinet minister seats (Sitharaman, Jaishankar, Chidambaram, Naidu,…) in the center.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bhimrao

‘But even Sindhis do it, BC humne sharan di, humein se bakchodi’

I mean even Punjabis and Bengalis got a piece of their land by fighting. Sindhis just picked up their stuff and ran towards India.

‘KPs are racist assholes too. Rassi jal gayi par ainth naa gayi,’

KPs think that they really matter in Hindutva worldview. Just like Bongs think WRT to UCC. Both are in for a rude shock.

‘Let us see how long people tolerate token Madraasis continuing to hog major cabinet minister seats’

Folks know that they are token, so they dont mind that much, as long as the power rests with the North.

1 year ago

UP / Bihar and more broadly the Hindi belt are the very core of India.

It is really unfortunate that they are relatively poorer compared to the rest.

I think this actually drives some of the separatist sentiment. As some people don’t want to be associated with Bihar and regard their sub-ethnicity as unique and superior to Indians (UP+Bihar) by comparison.

If UP+ Bihar was the richest part of the country rather than the poorest, separatist sentiment would not be as much of an issue.

1 year ago

Bangladesh’s GDP per capita has increased to 2824 USD from 2500 last year.

Looks like the motherland is making some great progress so that’s nice to see 🙂
It’s also doing quite better than India and stuff in that and HDI rankings as well

India also has way too much open defecation compared to BD where it’s nil.

Ofc it’s still a developing country. Hopefully it develops even more, to greater heights.

1 year ago
Reply to  PencilMan

While Bangladesh’s per capita income is indeed higher than India, it still lags way behind in other consumption indices.
Bangladesh has annual motor sales of 50000 per year, which is equal to the car sales in Lucknow, the 10th largest city in India. In per capita electricity consumption, Bangladesh is around 500 kWh , which India crossed 20 years ago.
While commendable economic growth and other social indicators, it is a good example for some indian states to emulate but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gajamardanam

Gajanadhgam whatever,

Cite your sources. I cited mine. Bangladesh is far cleaner, safer and efficient than India. Maybe you should focus your energy on your high open defecation rate instead of making these comments, lol. Seriously high rates of open defecation there, ew.

“Get ahead of ourselves”
lmao what. Bangladesh has a higher life expectancy, lower crime rates and a higher quality of life than India even with the cons😂

Sumit The Lowborn
Sumit The Lowborn
1 year ago
Reply to  PencilMan

Glad BD is doing well.

But the chauvinism to doing well ratio is too high in typical subcontinental fashion. So I will push back.

“Bangladesh is far cleaner, safer and efficient than India. ”

I wouldn’t say “far”, I would say “marginally”.

I just checked they are pretty close margin of error range on nominal per capita GDP and hdi metrics.

India has marginally higher purchasing power adjusted per capita GDP.

India is a big diverse place, so regions BD will be a lot better, and other regions will be better than BD.

Open defecation is something Indian Hindus and tribals need to sort out, but directionally improved a lot in the last 20 years so I am not too concerned.


1 year ago

The only answer is beating BD comprehensively on GDP per capita. Nothing else matters. Their cricket team just can’t help doing unprovoked Naagin dance.

1 year ago

Sumit the Lowborn,

Purchasing power is a meme lmao how do you still not get that yet? Also, Indian Hindus are 85-86% of India and it’s not marginal, in fact, the data shows them to be major streetshitters while the level in Bangladesh according to the United Nations and USAID development studies is effectively ZERO. So no, it’s a major difference. The average Bangladeshi has a higher income, higher quality of life, a safer environment, cleaner areas and longer life expectancy than the average Indian.

lmao it’s a major difference in terms of cleanliness though BD is obviously not developed and needs to do even better.

Sumit The Lowborn
Sumit The Lowborn
1 year ago


chill bruh. lmao. this is not a personal attack on your identity. just an attempt at a realistic discussion.

In any event…

PPP seeks to adjust for cost of living when measuring standard of living. Living on $100k in NYC is very different from earning $100k in Memphis. Similar things apply to countries.

How is that a meme ? I would argue it is actually not possible to use per capita GDP as a measure of standard of living without these adjustments.

But lets just use your metrics, of “way ahead” and “major”…

India ranked 0.633 (rank 132)
Bangladesh ranked 0.661 (rank 129).

GDP per capital (Nominal) (IMF estimate – the chinese news article you lined is talking about per capita income)
Bangladesh $2,734 (the chinese news article you quoted was about income per capita)
India $2,466

To put this in perspective…

Nominal GDP differences within India (2020 figures so would be a bit higher now)
Highest GDP per capita state in India ($6,227) – Goa
Lowest GDP per capita state in India ($661) – Bihar

HDI Differences within India
Highest HDI state in India 0.782 (Kerala)
Lowest HDI state in India 0.574 (Bihar)

The open defecation I acknowledged is a problem in India at 15% (per world bank), but this is down from 74% in 2000. Bangladesh was at 15% in 2002 so not too long ago, just for comparison.

I am trying shame Hindus (I am a Hindu) a bit by mentioning it is their problem not downplay the issue.

All the best.

1 year ago

Delhi, the capital shouldn’t be included in a fair comparison
Also how is the TFR 3.2? Those states lie in 2-3 Range

Anyways both regions are still very underdeveloped. One is slightly shittier. Have fun enjoying that

1 year ago

@bhimrao, i want my people of up/ bihar to succeed. But how is that possible by electing morons/. lalu and nitish. nitish in last 10+yrs did not attract any industry or investment. I cant think of any south Indian chief minister surviving that long without much success given the low base it is starting from. And now they kicked out bjp as well. I hope, bjp runs a development model promised election. blames nitish for never giving bjp a turn or doing any development. cant do anything, perhaps should quit.

1 year ago
Reply to  phyecho1

Tbh, I thought that post by Urga was the usual exchange between him and saurav. But yeah that twitter account is biased against UP/BH. I would not surprised if that mindset has similar attitudes towards South Indians and MH/GJ.
All ethnicities in IN excel in stroking their own ego at others expense. There is a difference though. Punjabis excel in extracting rent from the rest of India because of their supposedly martial status and border regions. NCR is artificially inflating the gdp of the punjabi region. Plus MSP. I can’t think of any city other than NCR generating any private sector jobs.
My sympathy for Biharis is tempered by what phyecon@ said + job protests a few months back. So much so that now modi is organizing job melas in central government. I hope Biharis don’t turn out to be wannabe Punjabi moochers.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bhumiputra

I did not like the image and ‘gutkapur’ thing Ugra posted. Madraasis cry hard when they get bullied about their eating habits or skin color. Here is another post from the same person with a similar image:


I don’t care either ways. UP-Bihar is beyond my ability to fix.

But on one hand we have Yogi Adityanath organizing Kashi Tamil Sangamam, people in my own family are venerating Madraasis like Sri Sri Ravishankar and Sadhguru while Madraasis are tag teaming with Punjabi bigots. This friendship must have been forged in the lines at the American Embassy. These same people (all Punjabis, UCs, Bengali Bhadralok, Madraasis) then become champions of community service, equality and humility in America. Two faced parasites.

You will never see a Gujrati do this behavior.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bhimrao

‘But on one hand we have Yogi Adityanath organizing Kashi Tamil Sangamam,’

Thats; because N-Indians think the whole of India as their own, and have a national outlook. Sometimes to a fault (in my view)

Indians of other regions don’t share the same view/issue.

1 year ago



calling someone as lowborn


I will fucking hate the people here for not reporting the person. The ass keeps deleting his tweets. What are the people doing?. I request all people here to please Report him! ASAP.

1 year ago
Reply to  phyecho1

Yes to archiving the casteist shit and throwing it back at their face when they start spouting universal human rights + egalitarianism bs. But no to reporting and banning.
Best revenge is to succeed in life and pass on those habits to lots of one’s own kids.
Do you think chinghiz was bothered by his supposed low birth? Heck the Germans were literal barbarians while Rome and Greece were flourishing as civilized states. Look at the scorecard since 1500s

1 year ago

I am talking of aryamsa calling others lowborn, including one of the contributers here, emissary. Being outright racist/iq etc, turning caste into race based on differential steppe contribution/genetics. He is calling for all ucs of certain ethnicities to unite, also rejecting people of south. Please follow the thread. This is not some west vs Indians etc. He is not spouting universal values etc.
What are you guys doing when a member contributing here is being treated in such a poor way among others ?. Have some shame. Report!!!

1 year ago

Let me make this very clear, I will dunk on social genetics and all such things if this means one starts apeing and importing western style scientific racism. Infact it becomes more than necessary. ‘Facts’ absent wisdom is unacceptable. Those interested in ‘facts’ should be the first also to stand for that wisdom as well in a forthright manner. Without that responsibility, it is unacceptable.

1 year ago
Reply to  phyecho1

I will dunk on social genetics and all such things if this means one starts apeing and importing western style scientific racism

I’ve been following “Hindu trad Twitter” on and off for some years and I can tell you that these people don’t need Western theories of race to be bigoted. Many of them already held strong views of certain castes/communities’ supposed inherent inferiority. They simply use these Western notions to re-inforce views that they already had.

In other words, it’s just a way for them to legitimise their bigotry rather than their outlook being changed fundamentally in some way.

1 year ago

Few points
1) It is right by Indian law.
2) Right by Twitter conduct rules.
3) It is not just some disinterested analysis. But ties into and exhorting political views based on it.
4) He is abusive. Even here, moderators believe in blocking people who cross a line. Twitter too has those policies in place to people who are abusive. To report people for being abusive is not sjw. It is common sense.
5)Also, If one does not believe in reporting, they should absolutely call them out on it on twitter. I dont see people here doing that either. I do not exist on twitter, lurk around some of the handles here from time to time on issues.
One cannot be politically neutral.
To principia, no, wading into race/iq/social genetics etc was never a thing. Old traditional ideas were based on lineage. It can change the dynamics of the conversations and thereby politics in a much worse manner. That person’s political point of view taken to logical conclusion is horrible. This is not the same old bigotry. And I will not have this attempt to deny this change taking place . Nature and intensity of bigotry also changes with the kind of arguments people make. That is common sense. Many people did not see audrey types from the beginning. Now people understand “bad faith” actors. Bad faith actors exist in all sides. If people want to have meaningful conversations, these people have to be selected out.

Brown Pundits