A Golden Land of Fire

A powerful imagery of the important (and overdue) #MeToo movement.

India is bathed in a golden light and the fact that its society is reverberating from #MeToo shows just how far advanced India & Indians are compared to anyone else regionally.

That India is able to acknowledge a universal issue in a far-teaching and comprehensive manner is a vindication of her long & liberal democratic tradition..

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6 years ago

Click on the graphic to see it properly

Soon the world will have two thought (manas), intuition (buddhi or subtle thought), feeling (ananda maya kosha) leaders :
—the US
—and India.

If China opens up the world will have three, but China still has a ways to become an open source architecture the way the US and India are. Europe is not united and will simultaneausly integrate into both the US and India. Most of Asia will unite behind India (Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myamnar, Nepal, Bhutan, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Turin, Jordan, Lebanon). In the short run mostly because of China. But once this happens India is the type of glue that can keep Asia together. India is like everybody’s favorite grandma.

Turkey and Germany will lead their own mini thought, intuition and feeling revolutions with their own global allies.. Germany and India will likely tie themselves to each other. They share ancient civilization ties to Arya Varsha (along with the Baltics, Slavs, Serbia, Greece). German Indology has always been far more complimentary and respectful of Arya Varsha and Hindustan than the rest of Indology.

Turkey will be more independent, but closely allied to both India and the US. Turkey and Indonesia will lead the muslim world and the Hindu muslim world (both simultaneously). Indonesia is likely to integrate into India.

Brazil will lead Latin America closely integrated with the US, Europe and Asia.

Africa is likely to integrate into America (African Americans will likely lead Africa over time) and to a lesser degree India and Brazil.

Especially important is the probability that Indian and American culture, thought, intuition (technology), feeling will increasingly integrate together. This globalization could be far deeper than any other before.

India isn’t likely to be the strongest, the smartest, the most organized (you can repeat that many times over), or the best by the large majority of measurable data metrics. India leads by sweetness and heart.

India is Yudishtira (along with her allies in Arya varsha Iran, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Loas, Cambodia, Thailand)
America is Bhima (the most powerful and with the most potential)
China is Arjuna (practices and studies very, very hard, very high IQ . . . son of Indra)
Nakul and Sahadev are the rest (maybe especially Germany, Turkey, Russia, Japan and Brazil?)

6 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

As much as I would love for this to be the case, I’m not at all optimistic.

6 years ago


We are not as good as our friends might think, aren’t as bad our enemies think we are

6 years ago
Reply to  saurav

Agreeing with this, accusing the criminal is one small step. Getting a case filed in police, moving the case through the courts, obtaining a judgement, and enforcing the judgement in any state is a Himalayan venture. See for example, SabarImala judgement; regardless of the merit of the case, there is no way it will be enforced.

If wishes were horses, we would win a triple crown every day.

6 years ago

Its really interesting that in all his hullaballo almost no prominent right winger name has come to surface. Either the eco system is so secretive and misogyny ingrained or (i dont know why i am saying this) they are genuinely better people than the left?

6 years ago
Reply to  Saurav

The scandals have hit the Modi government. Several women have accused MJ Akbar of sexual harassment dating from the time that he was a newspaper editor. Interestingly, the female ministers in the government have argued that the survivors need to be believed while Amit Shah has cast doubt on their credibility. Predictably, Akbar says it’s all made up and he’s threatened to sue the survivors.

Sexual harassment is not a partisan issue. Women in South Asia face a lot of sexual and gender-based violence regardless of whether we are talking of the right-wing or the left-wing.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kabir

Bro i get that, Akbar cannot even make his family vote for the BJP if his life dependent on it. The reason for BJP sticking with Akbar is bit similar to Kavnuagh case where Republicans dig their hills in not necessarily out of love for Kavenaugh but because they would be seen as losing to democrats(in India’s case the left liberals) Almost all the accusers are from that back ground and the BJP has no incentive to get them justice. Its not like “woke” women will start voting for them. In both cases the act(s) was committed in the previous avatar and the current parties dont see themselves incumbent to act on it since they are not directly responsible for enabling the accused to commit the crime.

6 years ago
Reply to  Saurav

It is true that Akbar committed the alleged acts before he joined the BJP but by not taking any action the government has sent the signal that sexual harassment is not a big deal.

The #Metoo moment in India is interesting but the reaction of Indian men is not particularly heartening.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kabir

Women in South Asia face a lot of sexual and gender-based violence regardless of whether we are talking of the right-wing or the left-wing.

I’d say almost all women in India face low-grade sexual harassment at some point in their lives, from “eve-teasing” (“catcalling” in the West) to casual misogyny at home and in the workplace. But are the rates of actual violence very high here? We have been hearing about some high-profile rape cases over the past few years; are they the tip of the iceberg or exceptions for the most part? (I’m looking to genuinely understand the situation here. Not challenging anyone’s narrative.)

6 years ago
Reply to  Numinous

In the last few weeks, women have come forward from Bollywood, TV and the English-language media. In the case of MJ Akbar, several of his ex-employees have accused him of kissing them against their will and other inappropriate behavior (such as greeting them at the door in a state of undress).

It would be a fair assumption that most women who experience such incidents never speak up about them. Hopefully, this will change now.

6 years ago
Reply to  Saurav

Its really interesting that in all his hullaballo almost no prominent right winger name has come to surface.

I don’t follow the news closely enough to know if this is accurate, but it’s possible that the inherent conservatism of right-wingers makes them less likely to be embroiled in sexual scandals. Plus their lifestyles are overwhelmingly likely to follow traditional gender norms (favorable to the patriarchy, unfavorable to women, but accepted by both genders), so chances of strife are fewer. And strife is what I believe creates more space for sexual violence. Where tradition meets modernity, where women try to take baby steps toward gaining more rights and freedoms, that’s where men are probably more likely to lash out.
(This is about India; in the US, right-wingers have been much more likely than left-wingers to be caught in homosexual scandals, for example.)

But with right-wing and left-wing getting to be more about tribe than deep-seated belief in liberal or conservative values, I’d imagine the rates of right-wingers being accused will rise. People like Trump (or the teenage Kavanaugh) are no one’s idea of conservative or family values, but they identify with the right-wing.

6 years ago

Saurav, what does “right wing” mean? I don’t know what it means.

6 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

Conservative/traditionalist/reactionary. Someone looking more to the past for salvation rather than to the present or the future. More family- or clan-oriented than individualist.

6 years ago
Reply to  Numinous

It is more complicated. Actually Individualism is anything but leftwing. Till few decades back , leftism meant Dictatorship of the Proletariat and/or Public ownership of means of production.
Nowadays that kind of leftism has lost it’s way . Individualism abhors identity politics , whereas leftism , of present day anyway, takes up identity politics . Old style clan/tribe/nation oriented politics also encourages identity politics. You can have a combination of Conservative Individualist or even Traditional individualist where an individual asserts his / her right to follow a particular tradition.

Identity politics is where leftism and rightism can merge , even though they may be championing different clans and groups and their visions.

6 years ago
Reply to  VijayVan

It still doesn’t answer why right wing guys are less accused than “woke” guys, in such high degree. If you had asked me before this all started , i would guessed (incorrectly) that right wing men would be more accused than left wing ones , because of many issues on the right. But the right has pleasantly surprised me this time.

6 years ago
Reply to  Saurav

The right-wing derives inspiration from celibate icons like Modi ji and Yogi ji.

6 years ago
Reply to  Saurav

Don’t tell me ….

6 years ago

In Tamil entertainment industry , one playback singer Chinmayi ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinmayi ) started the metoo in Tamil medium. She accused a well-known songwriter and a wanne poet Vairamuthu. Few other women have followed suit and accused Vairamuthu and some other males in the entertainment business . The reaction of women has been cautiously welcoming , and empathizing with me2 women. However, the reaction of men especially in the entertainment and politics has been disgusting and dismissive of the whole thing. These men are asking for proofs, evidence and what not and why they did not goto police immediately, etc. Dravidian politics has made sure a deceitful and hypocritical male establishment in politics and entertainment , which are quite intertwined in Tamilnadu has the field day in rubbishing their claims. On top of that, old Dravidian movement tendency to scapegoat brahmins is also kicked in and evident

6 years ago
Reply to  VijayVan

“On top of that, old Dravidian movement tendency to scapegoat brahmins is also kicked in and evident”

Don’t understand how (still) BJP,hindi and North Indians havent been dragged into it yet .LOL

6 years ago

In Tamil entertainment industry , one playback singer Chinmayi ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinmayi ) started the metoo in Tamil medium. She accused a well-known songwriter and a wanne poet Vairamuthu. Few other women have followed suit and accused Vairamuthu and some other males in the entertainment business . The reaction of women has been cautiously welcoming , and empathizing with me2 women. However, the reaction of men especially in the entertainment and politics has been disgusting and dismissive of the whole thing. These men are asking for proofs, evidence and what not and why they did not goto police immediately, etc. Dravidian politics has made sure a deceitful and hypocritical male establishment in politics and entertainment , which are quite intertwined in Tamilnadu has the field day in rubbishing their claims. On top of that, old Dravidian movement tendency to scapegoat brahmins is also kicked in and evident.

6 years ago
Reply to  VijayVan

Literally, this is not a thing of great interest in TN outside of the facebook revolutionaries.

I came back for Dasara in the US after a week in Chennai, and the prominent issues of interest are:
Fuel prices
Rs-$ rates and impact on inflation
Lack of recovery of economy after GST and demonetization
NEET, engg college and lack of people interested in eng admissions

The ability of foreign resident Brahmins to translate everything to “Dravidan-Brahmin” conflict framework is a sight to behold. Outside of Mrs. Zach’s, Gujarati Patel and Marwari communities, the TamBram are the people who have reaped the harvest of education expansion and neoliberal globalization. If one walks into a Golu in Mountain View or a college reunion, one can count the large number of CEOs, directors, fund managers that one will feel ashamed for their own lives. The investment poured into Kanchi Kamakoti mutt, temples and religious trusts over the last 20 years disproves the notion of the victory of Dravidian (party) principles in TN. The Vairamuthu-“fill-in name singer” conflict is a poor representation of the me-too movement. A better representation would be the one where a singer accused many actors of poor sexual conduct a year or two earlier.

My hypothesis is that, contrary to popular (at least in bramin-sympathetic internet) consensus, the Dravidan desire to limit Brahmin domination of enrollment and central government focus on developing limited merit-borne institutions, had the precise opposite evolutionary impact; it made them attain the most economically advantageous position in the world, without the accompanying issues of children being encumbered by their parents wealth. This was the best outcome for both, the Dravidan parties and the TamBrams.

6 years ago
Reply to  Vijay

You are a denyalist of the Dravidian reflex is to blame Tamil brahmins . As a sample, if you can follow Tamil , listen to this interview in Tamil by a Tamil media journalist of Dr.Shalini – guess she is a psychologist of some sort


This is not the fevered imagination of foreign resident Brahmins to translate everything to “Dravidan-Brahmin” conflict as you blythly assert
Your reaction exactly proves what I am talking about.

Dr.Shalini has been level headed and come out very well in the interview.

PS: Here ‘Dravidian’ is not a race or even a language , but a political ideology/movement.

6 years ago

Looks like M.J.Akbar has resigned. A small victory for me2

6 years ago
Reply to  VijayVan

He still hasn’t admitted that he’s a sexual harasser but at least he’s out of government.

6 years ago

I thought controversy was good 🙂

6 years ago

It ok man, just that i felt you went a bit dramatic around the end.

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