I stand with Sajid on Pakistani Pedophilia

Speaking to BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, Javid said stripping offenders of British citizenship would happen only in extreme cases involving individuals with dual nationality.

He was pressed on the issue by the programme’s guest editor, the Pakistani-British writer Kamila Shamsie, who pointed out that the lack of sex offender registers in Pakistan would make it easier for offenders deported from the UK to repeat their crimes.

Javid responded: “I’m the British home secretary. My job is to protect the British public.”

Seeking to clarify, Shamsie asked: “If you are sending members of grooming gangs to Pakistan, knowing that there is not a sex offenders registry, what they do there is not anything to do with you?”

Javid said: “My job is to protect the British public.”

The fact that Pakistan can’t keep a sex offender register is simply not Britain’s problem.

Kamila Shamsie once again shows what happens the selective hypocrisies is Muslim “liberals.”

Sajid is plain-speaking; most pedophiles in Britain are of Pakistani descent, why shouldn’t we acknowledge it and flood the Augean stables..

Pakistanis (including myself) should hang their heads in shame and atone for it. Even if these people were born and bred in Britain one cannot deny the Pakistani predilection for pedophilia in comparison to other communities.

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6 years ago

“Even if these people were born and bred in Britain one cannot deny the Pakistani predilection for pedophilia in comparison to other communities.”

I am not even Pakistani but I live in a Muslim majority area in London, and I know some horrific pedophilia stories that are taking place WITHIN Pakistani Muslim communities. Consensual incest amongst educated families. Large scale secret homosexuality amongst Pakistani boys. And all these people fast and believe in Allah. Its a big joke. Islamic sexual repression, the unnatural segregation of genders and unrestrained misogyny leads to astronomical sexual abuse.

6 years ago

I am talking about 2nd generation Pakistani boys with regards to the secret homosexuality, and the incest story is from Burnley (Father-Daughter abuse). But in East London I have heard many perverted stories (again these are from families long settled in UK). It is disproportionate compared to other communities. Again this is based on anecdotes but I’m not at all surprised by the grooming gang epidemic.

6 years ago
Reply to  Karan

“Pakistanis (including myself) should hang their heads in shame and atone for it.”

I don’t think Pakistani Christians, Parsis, Bahá’ís should atone for anything. You are nothing to do with it.

6 years ago

I am always surprised when my Pakistani friends say similar things of not hearing any similar stories. If I, someone not in the community knows of these things, how can they have not got exposed to it?

One friend say he knew no cases of forced marriages. I came across one young Pakistani girl on the streets of London homeless after she ran away from home to avoid a forced cousin marriage.

And the shocking story of incest I’ve heard was from a high functioning educated well off family. Abusers transcend class.

There is huge denial in the larger Pakistani community about the sexual abuse taking place because of stigma.

6 years ago

Sexual abuse is not specific to Pakistanis or to Muslims.

The Indian soap opera “Maryada: Lekin Kab Tak” was set among Hindu Jats in Haryana. Not a Muslim character in sight, but it revolved around rape, incest and domestic abuse.

Butul Miah
Butul Miah
6 years ago

|| most pedophiles in Britain are of Pakistani descent ||

I think what you mean to say here is that Pakistanis are disproportionately represented in the paedo stats.

I would be EXTREMELY surprised if what you wrote was quite literally true.

6 years ago

Can we please have some hard evidence that indicates that sexual abuse is higher in the Pakistani community than in other South Asian communities? Such generalizations should not be thrown out just like that.

As for “secret homosexuality”, perhaps they are in the closet because their religion prohibits homosexuality? Though I agree that the gender segregation in conservative societies leads to homosexual behavior even among those who are not naturally oriented that way.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kabir

“Can we please have some hard evidence that indicates that sexual abuse is higher in the Pakistani community than in other South Asian communities? ”

I am guessing you are unfamiliar with the UK and what is happening here with Pakistani grooming gangs across the country.

“gender segregation in conservative societies leads to homosexual behavior even among those who are not naturally oriented that way.”

Agree. Most of these British Pakistanis are not naturally oriented that way, they end up getting married to women eventually. Some of them have been abused by male family members which has led them to develop homosexual tendencies (in that family from Burnley, two of the sons indulged in homosexual behaviour because I suspect they also got molested by their father . They both ended up marrying their cousins from Pakistan.)

I suggest you watch the documentary ‘Pakistan’s Hidden shame’ on youtube to see the rampant homosexual behaviour happening as a result of gender segregation and abuse.

I agree there is also a large sexual abuse problem in North India.

6 years ago
Reply to  Karan

This link between sexual abuse and homosexuality is honestly a bit homophobic. It’s like that argument that used to be made in the US that “gays recruit children”. Gender segregation in conservative societies definitely leads to situational homosexuality (as also occurred in British boarding schools). Some people are actually gay but forced to be in the closet because Islamic societies don’t accept homosexuality. Even Indian society in general is not exactly pro-LGBT, despite the victory in the section 377 case.

Sexual abuse is a very serious issue and exists in all communities. Why is it being made out to be a Pakistani or Muslim specific issue?

6 years ago
Reply to  Kabir


I am not saying that all LGBT were abused. Some are clearly born LGBT.

However, it is not homophobic to state that there is a very strong link between homosexual abuse and the later development of homosexual behaviour in some victims. To say that they were all actually secretly gay from birth is laughable.

Watch that documentary and make your own mind up.

6 years ago
Reply to  Karan

This sounds like a right-wing argument, so I’m not going to indulge this anymore. LGBT people face enough stigma already without linking them to child abuse.

6 years ago
Reply to  Karan

Barki u member of LGBTIQ+ bro? Respect bro.

I think there is white conspiracy against my Muslamic bredrin. We ain’t no pedos bruv. Hazrat Muhammed also deflowered Hazrat Aisha when she was 10, but women used to reach nubility early then. Ignorant Muslim bredrin may try to vainly imitate Prophet by doing same and getting caught in a gigantic misunderstanding…

I think both sides need to calm down and give us Pak Muslims some breathing space.

Brown Pundits