White Privilege & Protesting

In the Cambridge Eco-scene there is a distinct cleft between the white and coloured activists. White activists want to pull off hijincks like this because they aren’t really afraid of protests.

Coloured activists on the other hand (especially those that are foreign) are for more subtle forms of dissidence.

It does boil down to the relationship with the Police and the System. I don’t know how many readers have watched the brilliant show, “When They See Us”, but the relationship to the state depends, to a certain extent, on colour.

I have seen that white people have a radically different view to the state to coloured people. They feel the state belongs to them and they have a sense of proprietary over it; coloureds exist along and separate to the state.

This is from the British experience and it’s borne out that the institutions are so alien. I don’t really mind one way or the other, after last night’s theatre launch where a bunch of BAME + LGBT + Alternatives constantly performed their feelings about “straight white oppression” I’m a bit tired of victimhood (I delegated the programming to work on the event running).

I also noticed that SJWs have their equivalent to the “Royists” (left-liberal-Lutyens). Both sectors come from the most privileged sectors of society; those that feel a genuine sense of ownership in the state but at the same time resent the ruling elites. Their pet causes (less fortunate people) are pawns or fodders but never agents who can exclusively challenge them or the prevailing social order.

This is also why I find the Green Movement and LGBT movement to be interesting as it splinters the Left from its initial great victory (the Civil Right movement). Instead of letting Coloured people fight for actual influence (in the Shires and even London there is a massive disconnect between Seniority & ethnic representation); the movement splintered into other causes to give white SJWs other leadership positions.

I’m actually fairly ambivalent about all of this; identity politics gets a bit tiring at times and I can even see that I have a gulf with other activists in the sense that my views are so conservative.

I’ll end on a funny video that actually strikes a deep chord (you’ll see why 20 seconds towards the end).


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4 years ago

Sorry, what does BAME stand for?

Brown Pundits