Hindutva jumped the shark

I am fucking speechless.


I am shocked on so many levels. This chap believes he can speak to the Muslim condition because his children’s nanny is a Muslim.

This reminds me of that film with Emma Stone, the Help, where she is the wonderful white woman speaking about the black help (one of the black actresses later said they always regretted making that film).

Wow just wow; the level of denial floods the Nile. I’m sorry people take exception to my constant banter about Urdu-Persian (languages are not peoples especially in a South Asian context where caste, creed and community is hyper-operative) but this is just so wrong.

Hindutva either accepts Muslims who either works for them or kowtows to them. This just repulses me.

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5 years ago

Is this @BurntOutCase someone I should know or care about? He only has 700 followers.

5 years ago

“Some of my best friends are x” is a stupid argument whether used by Hindu nationalists or anyone else.

Singling out some rando on the internet who offended you just makes you look petty and sensitive, though.

5 years ago

Am I the only one who is completely clueless about this situation?

A general comment…..it’s really unhealthy (from a mental health perspective) to get so distressed by random strings of 140 characters. Why not exit the platform?

I never bothered to sign up on to Twitter (Praise the God I don’t believe in!), and hardly ever log into my Facebook account (which is either a popularity contest or a forum for posting baby pictures; serves no other purpose whatsoever!)

Reply to  Numinous

You should be on Twitter with the right attitude — to have a laugh. The more anyone gets abusive on Twitter the more I find it hilarious. The only abuses I take seriously are ones hurled in Sanskrit and to those drApa-s I respond in kind 🙂

(PS: I follow twitter accounts for work as well and I have found that very tangibly useful in the past)

5 years ago

Love twitter, helps knowing what those damn millennials are upto now.

5 years ago

Are you saying “My wife is …” is better than “My nanny is …” ?
Just kidding. Take it easy. 🙂

5 years ago

How religious is she? I don’t really get offended by comments about Jainism that easily because I am areligious.

Do you think it is a bit presumptuous to assume you are safe just because you haven’t offended one Hindu?

5 years ago
Reply to  Numinous

I was suspended from lousy twitter after I condemned veganism. am eternal milkveggie no egg.
warning to wayfarers watch out for criminal albinolike motorists who target anyone Cultured enough to cover head and hairs kesh even nominally
I no longer care for socalled eurocide. they deserve eurocide after abusing their middle Saturn finger with their infamous but stupid attempt to utilize f word with finger.
these freaks of zog need osho no lol
bad doctor must be sued to max.
they don’t care about their own females let alone any females of supposed different community. I love Persian by the way.
Religion is more important. Great man states ” when whites become religious they become Hindu. When blacks become religious they become Muslim” lol
Fortunately I am Scythian part of Aryan family.
Strip dangerous motorists of their licence. Worst invention are negro traffic lights. nonsense

5 years ago

What wrong did BurntOut Case say?
How do you know he’s “Hindutva”?
How does saying that 200 million Muslims are Indians equate to saying that he proclaims himself capable to speak of their situation?

5 years ago

White liberal Irish people are the worst. Especially white half Irish liberals, or plastic paddies, they really disgust me.

They are a dirty mongrel people with weird names.


5 years ago

You could comment on Hindu condition even if you hadn’t married one.

Its not like majority of us have married muslims or anything.

Just feel the topics on which you (rightly) train your guns, are bit 80s and 90s. Which places you in a unenviable situation, which makes you right and wrong at the same time. The Indian/Hindu society has clearly moved forward (enough) for UC hindus to retort that these problems dont’ exist. But you have many examples that it hasn’t moved (enough) which you point out (in my view correctly)

Omar Ali
5 years ago

Dude, take it easy. In the context of that thread it was a pretty benign tweet.. I was on it.

Brown Pundits