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4 years ago

Do you have any reading recommendations for the Protestant Reformation?

Another question is: How do you read nonfiction? Do you make notes, summaries, do you underline, etc.

4 years ago

@Mayuresh Kelkar Recently on Bahador’s Alast language video this Reply was posted to one of my comments by a known man called Mayuresh Kelkar :

Linguistic, textual, genetic and archaeological evidence for the Out of India Theory of Indo European Languages
Baghpat Chariots, Weapons and the Horse in the Harappan Civilization – Dr. BK Manjul


Findings from the latest genetic study conducted by ASI in collaboration withe Reich Lab at Harvard using the ancient DNA from Rakhigarhi

slides at 29:00 mark





Here are the tribes that spread the Indo European languages from South Asia to West Asia, Central Asia and to Europe

Avestan) Afghanistan: Proto-Iranian: Sairima (Śimyu), Dahi (Dāsa).
NE Afghanistan: Proto-Iranian: Nuristani/Piśācin (Viṣāṇin).
Pakhtoonistan (NW Pakistan), South Afghanistan: Iranian: Pakhtoon/Pashtu (Paktha).
Baluchistan (SW Pakistan), SE Iran: Iranian: Bolan/Baluchi (Bhalāna).
NE Iran: Iranian: Parthian/Parthava (Pṛthu/Pārthava).
SW Iran: Iranian: Parsua/Persian (Parśu/Parśava).
NW Iran: Iranian: Madai/Mede (Madra).
Uzbekistan: Iranian: Khiva/Khwarezmian (Śiva).
W. Turkmenistan: Iranian: Dahae (Dāsa).
Ukraine, S, Russia: Iranian: Alan (Alina), Sarmatian (Śimyu).
Turkey: Thraco-Phrygian/Armenian: Phryge/Phrygian (Bhṛgu).
Romania, Bulgaria: Thraco-Phrygian/Armenian: Dacian (Dāsa).
Greece: Greek: Hellene (Alina).
Albania: Albanian: Sirmio (Śimyu).

Shrikant Gangadhar Talageri


Five waves of Indo-European expansion: a preliminary model (2018)
Igor A Tonoyan-Belyayev
I. Tonoyan-Belyayev


Is this comment and the Content in it have any Credibility. Not even the languages but also the tribes of West Asia / Central Asia are Indo- European tribes from India

4 years ago
Reply to  Harshvardhan

Talageri’s researches are very meticulous and quite consistent internally. Over the past 27 years, there has not been even one counter to his Rigvedic analysis (3 books). So much so that Witzel is now re-formulating (contorting) his ideas about a PIE homeland to ensure a fit.

So far, his “poison pills” to falsify competing theories have been sustaining admirably – the elephant, the PIE cognate for sea/ocean and the river geography of Northern India.

One independent corroboration about Iranians/Indians living together at the time of Old Rigveda arrived from Lubotsky – raya parinasa – a commonly used phrase in both the Avestan and the New Rigveda. This common innovation would not be possible if they had split off earlier in Central Asia.

Talageri’s latest needs to withstand the scrutiny of time. Until then, we can only speculate.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ugra

I read Talageri’s most recent work and I must say it was good read although very long. I personally think that the truth lies somewhere in between Talageri and AMT/AIT more like ATT (Aryan Trickling in Theory). With more time we might see more archaeological and genetic evidences for that. One simply can’t deny the genetic evidence at the same time one simply can’t deny the lack of archaeological and circumstantial evidence (in the vedas).

4 years ago

Data Collected From this Weblog in Tabular form Link to pdf:


4 years ago
Reply to  Harshvardhan

What percentage of left leaning people think that Hindu nationalism is bad and what percentage of right leaning people think that Hindu nationalism is mixed/good? What percentage of Dharmics (Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, Budhists) think that they are skeptical of god (s) and What percentage of Abrahamics (Christians, Muslims, Jews) think that there exists a god? Do you Pandas or just the excel for analysis?

4 years ago

Alright I wasn’t my comment i was Mayuresh Kelkar’s Comment on my Comment on A youtube video.

4 years ago

Documentary about the “cobra gypsies” of rajasthan…


India has a lot of diverse subcultures, need to be careful about generalizing things to brahmin or upper caste norms when making predictions.

4 years ago
Reply to  Sumit

I seen gypsies with their kids and Dogs travelling from one place to another. Quite a lifestyle. No wonder people discriminate to European Gypsies.

4 years ago
Reply to  Sumit

There was a lizard in the video. The villagers said it was poisonous. I dont think poisonous, toxic possibly.

Broadly two kinds of lizard (in SL at least).
One has regular tongue and rounded tail (Land Monitor Lizard). Non toxic and villagers eat it.

The other, the water monitor Lizard has a forked tongue and triangular shaped tail which can break a leg with a swipe. More importantly its bodily fluids are extremely toxic. (think Komodor dragon and how it kills).

In the past village would grab a water monitor lizard and would be tied to a plank.
A slow fire built underneath. The saliva, sweat whatever would be collected.

A very small amount would be added an enemies food. That person will slowly waste away and die.

I think toxic bacteria, like the Komodor Dragon.


4 years ago

I have a theory that south Asians have poor genetics due to the caste system. The strict endogamy and arranged marriage encourages inbreeding (cousin marriage) and removes the point of natural selection. Who needs to be good looking, fit, or attractive when your mom set you up with someone based on your last name. Many of the Dalits I’ve seen have good looking features, smooth skin, and would be considered attractive. And many “high castes” have bad features like excessive body hair, pimples, poor vision, etc. And because these groups have married each other for so long, it’s like they are all their own little inbred communities. Population substructure. I’ve noticed a similar trend in Europe vs. America. White Americans who are a mix of euro ethnicities look better than Europeans from places like England or Germany. And Indians from Guyana, South Africa, or Fiji look better too

I was born in America, so I don’t understand it well. Maybe the government of India should ban caste surnames and let it die out.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ambujakshan

Eat healthy and exercise daily then you can become like The new Bollywood actors like Ranveer Singh , Tiger , Hritik Roshan etc. Nobody is that inbred in India each gotra has its huge population size. You can marry a person sharing same gotra from your Dad’s and Mom’s Family. Many indians americans that are prominent doesn’t represent Indians at all. They( Indian americans) are lanky as hell.
Actually its forbidden to many within same Gotra. It can lead to family abolishment and even death in some cases and certainly prevalent in Haryanvi Jaat community and. I can say from my gotra community its not ok to marry within same gotra.
How can you ban Caste surnames idk. Maybe you can but then its not democratic. Jati can be considered analogous to tribe and Gotra to Clan and Varna to Occupation based Clan. Caste(the Word) is European construct anyways.

Son Goku
Son Goku
4 years ago
Reply to  Ambujakshan

“White Americans who are a mix of euro ethnicities look better than Europeans from places like England or Germany. And Indians from Guyana, South Africa, or Fiji look better too”

I dont think inbreeding produces unattractive look. Pakistanis are highly inbred yet no south Asian complains about their look.
Perhaps, Celtic people had better features than Germanic tribes. The English people that have celtic features, like their celtic neighbors, are quite attractive.

4 years ago

Why did the new atheist movement decline? It was all I heard about 10-12 years ago.

4 years ago
Reply to  Razib Khan

If everybody is sticking to their own then obviously everybody is inbred so that makes sense. Also given that women had the chance to marry into higher caste groups it would make sense that Dalits would be more inbred.

4 years ago

Also it seems like Indians are an unstable mix of two or three populations. I rarely see symmetric faces. Compare that with Hispanics who are also a mix but seems to have more harmonious faces for the most part.

4 years ago

Also I noticed all South Asians have this quality that it looks like they have a 5’oclock shadow right after they shaved. It appears less prominent on lower castes due to darker skin bu they definitely have it too.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jatt_Scythian

Some south Asians can grow barely any facial hair.

4 years ago

Question for Indians in India:

Do Indian Americans and Indians in the west (especially men) seem to have an overly high concern about looking good from your perspective?

(Please substitute Indian for Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Sri Lankan etc if you are from those countries)

I am curious about the non Diaspora POV.

4 years ago
Reply to  Sumit

America is at least an order of magnitude more ‘beauty’ conscious than India.

For people who grew up in India but moved to the States, it is a shock for a few months how well-kempt everyone is. I personally don’t give a shit and am still in a position not to give a shit but going into interviews (most American interviews are not as heavy on technical stuff and check likeability) and working in offices (so much more money to be made by just being presentable) changes such people profoundly. This change is much deeper than the superficial things like fake accents, picking up pop-culture or sports references, borrowing pc opinions etc. People start modifying how they eat/drink/socialize, what kind of things they discuss. So, it is normal for them to pick up the beauty-consciousness. Another factor is that usually, these guys marry and import their (relatively much beautiful and beauty-conscious) spouse from India.

On ABCDs, one of my friends joked that ABCDs can be instantly seen apart from us (Indian graduate students) by their good looking hair, shoes(loafer/boat?), sunglasses and polos. Maybe, the pressure (no arranged marriages) to conform forces this but I do find most ABCDs are whiter than Gora people in their vocabulary, (public) mannerism, conduct and tastes. Related to the point above the beautiful (beauty-conscious) wives of the first generation become beauty conscious mothers of the second generation.

Milan Todorovic
Milan Todorovic
4 years ago
Reply to  Sumit

In brief, Serbian Americans and in other western countries are not concerned with their appearance. It is a bit longer and more complex story but, in general, they think that they are smarter than locals who do not deserve such ‘grooming’ effort from them even for a job interview. However, there is some consideration about appearance among certain segments at home.

4 years ago

“Serbian Americans…are not concerned with their appearance.”

Try telling Nikola Tesla that.

Milan Todorovic
Milan Todorovic
4 years ago
Reply to  Ronen

This is actually the best example. The guy who made and abandoned zillions of dollars certainly did not care what others think about his haircut or his jacket. Pure r1a 187 cm Dinaric genetics and his match with the same height. (40 sec)


4 years ago
Reply to  Sumit

Perhaps, I can explain the situation specifically for the case of the Indian men who end up in America, they’re majorly in STEM fields and come either as engineers or as Masters/PhD students. They may not appear stellar compared to say, a startup founder, but they are definitely book smart and were probably among the ‘nerdier’ crowd in middle and high school. A desire to look good comes primarily from the perspective of courting the opposite gender. With this in mind, here are a few characteristics about the upbringing of a big cross-section of these guys (just the average small-town/small-city person, not the elite urbanite):

1. A lot of parental pressure given to these boys is along the lines of “study hard in high school and get good grades, then you can get into an IIT/NIT, after that if you have a well-paying job in Microsoft/Google, you’ll have a nice arranged marriage with a beautiful girl” or something similar.

2. The key timeframe for this is the Class X and Class XII exams (analogous to O- and A- levels) on which many university admissions are based. Most kids study for these for months. Then they take two years of coaching for the competitive exams that take place right after Class XII (IIT/NIT/BITS etc.). Understandably, time is short and competition is fierce. There is no time to develop muscles like Schwarzenegger or a hairstyle like Elvis or dance moves like Salman Khan. With every minute you lose on these activities, some more studious kid might beat you in an exam that would throw your university plans in jeopardy. The age range of this phase of life is 14-18, so not much time to develop social skills here.

3. If they get into a good engineering college, the M:F gender ratio there can be 75:25 on average, since the pressure to get a well-paying job is higher for men than it is for women (a lopsided national gender ratio partly plays a role here). Social life is better if they are in a big city like Bombay or Delhi, but not as much if you’re in a less developed place like Kharagpur or Kanpur. The smart/attractive/wealthier/funny guys would pair up with the more desirable women, but a few women and many men will get left out. Then comes the college placement system which is paramount for jobs in India (and dependent on good grades throughout college, since many places don’t have internships), again lots of students competing over a few good companies and lots of meh jobs. The selections take place in the order of the salaries paid, highest to lowest, so most desire a high-income job irrespective of the kind of work required, because family prestige and arranged marriage.

4. Once they’re in a job, provided it’s a high paid MNC like the tech giants, big 4 accounting, or high-end consulting, then some of them do get fit and smarter, become more well-rounded, etc. because with good income and a stable job they can concentrate on these things. However, if they’re in a dead-end role in a company like TCS, the problems start again and then many apply for a Master’s overseas or an MBA.

5. They then arrive for their Master’s degree at university, and see that most of the fellow students in their tech class are studious guys from India and the rest of Asia, many were top of their class back in their home countries, and all are competing for the subset of companies that sponsor H-1Bs. Again, not much of a chance to interact with women here. Now in addition to developing social skills, they need life skills. Many have never cooked before (mom cooks at home, college mess at university, domestic help in a flatshare), they have to clean the house and take out the rubbish, figure out the insurance, and much else. To a local woman, it would seem that these guys don’t have their act together.

A recurring feature of the above is that in each stage, many of the men just haven’t been conditioned to the same circumstances required to have the desire to spend the effort to look good all the time, because the societal/economic pressures were different throughout the first 25 years of their lives. They may find it confusing why one has to be fluent in sarcasm, or that the value of one’s worth is tied to how cute his dog is. Some of them do get fit and push extra hard, strike out and learn from mistakes, and gradually get the hang of social life. Many others consider whether it’s worth it, seeing the high divorce rates and pitfalls of western courtship, and decide that a high-value (as perceived by them) woman from the mother country would make for a more stable life partner.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ronen

“study hard in high school and get good grades, then you can get into an IIT/NIT, after that if you have a well-paying job in Microsoft/Google, you’ll have a nice arranged marriage with a beautiful girl”

Lol. To be honest, I think many of the parents of ABCD kids operate under the same sort of assumptions when raising them.

It’s not necessarily a bad thing in my opinion.

For eg. I know a couple of ABCD kids who had an arranged marriage with another ABCD. They seem happier and more well adjusted than average.

But I these sorts of implicit parenting assumptions, are at odds with standard mainstream dating culture. So tend to become a source of confusion for many ABCDs.

4 years ago
Reply to  Sumit

mine did to some extent. I rebelled once I got to college. But before that it was perpetual nerdom. They weren’t as bad with sports though. They did initially at least attempt to get me to like them more. But then they would do things like say they were too tired to drive me to practice. This was early on even in 1st grade with soccer practice. So in the end, they just didn’t emphasize it much. Life was all about grades to them. My sister was raised differently though. They learned by that point.

4 years ago


Not really. Many groups have been quite historically endogamous. Most people throughout history pretty much only married and reproduced those in close proximity of their villages anyway.

And the point was made earlier in this thread that Pakistanis are even more inbred by considered the best looking nationality overall in S Asia. The whole points about Dalits being more or less inbred I think is rather moot. Here is the reality, and I am frankly tired of rehashing it over and over again.

A famous quote about evolution

“Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution”
Theodosius Dobzhansky

Repurposed for our discussion today

“Nothing in S Asia Makes Makes Sense Except in the Light of the Steppe to AASI ratio”

Let’s address facial features first. S Asians have a disdain for darker and more tropical facial features. They prefer more West Eurasian looks. The steppe component is what causes the most variation in the amount of West Eurasian DNA. Phenotype correlates to genotype, not ideally on an individual level, given that the number of genetic loci is rather small relative to the entire genome, a point Razib has discussed previously; however, on a group level the trends are far easier to see.

1. Indo aryan domination. This put the more West Eurasian people on top of the dominance hierarchy.

2. This was cemented about 2,000 years ago with the enforcement of strict endogamy from then on. Empires such as the Gupta empire had their seeds in that era. This made it so the “mixing” was put largely to a halt. Those groups with higher West Eurasian at that snapshot in time, largely remained that way.

3. Invaders from the West, who tended to be more W Eurasian conquered the subcontinent several times. So once again this reinforced an association between lighter skin plus West Eurasian features to power, wealth, and prestige.

4. This occurred again with the Mughals. While the Mughals were considerably initially decently E Eurasian at first, they were still lighter skinned. They mixed with the more West Eurasian populations of the subcontinent, such as upper castes. They also brought in many Persians and Afghans, more West Eurasian groups.

5. The British. Nuff said.

6. WWII world order with the United States and USSR on top but the prior winning the cold war. This coupled with the advent of global telecommunications and media causing the dissemination of the Hollywood beauty standard, something once again the more W Eurasian people of the subcontinent have.

7. Bollywood. Some of the most West Eurasian people of S Asia, Pashtuns and Khatris, dominate the industry. This reinforces it all further. If anything, this has also contributed for inferiority complex some Indians have with Pakistanis specifically, when it comes to looks. Bollywood actors, especially of old, resembled the average indic Pakistani more than the average North Indian.

These layers have created a deep complex about the more tropical AASI features and darker skin. Tropical features have been recently historically demonized a ton in general.

African facial features were considered ugly by large segments of the world and still are openly so in places like E Asia. However, the rise of social justice education, African Americans in American sports, media, and politics, and the physique of West African people, due to recent hunter gatherer ancestry selecting for more mesomorphic physiques (evolution is not goal oriented so not all groups with this lifestyle will evolve this way), something always admired by Europeans, has allowed them to rise up in the global looks ranking hierarchy, especially African American men.

S Asians facial features are not any less symmetric. There is no data on this. And even the hardcore racist anthropologists of the 20th century never noticed this. And they made sure to write down every single physical observation possible. They went into excruciating detail.

The reality is that symmetrical features, when tropical, as discussed for the reasons above, are considered ugly. A big wide flat nose with large nostrils, thick lips, large “bug eyes”, dark circles around the eyes, dark skin, etc. are not welcome in S Asia. These are largely correlated with proportion of AASI DNA. This is exactly why S Asians venerate upper caste/agricultural tribe West Punjabi and Pashtun looks, further reinforced by the Khan Khatri bollywood hegemony.

Latin American populations are NOT more stabalized. They have their own caste system with harnizo, mestizo, castizo, and full blooded iberian/amerindian. These populations are still heavily mixing. If anything they are less stablized, because they have the presence of “pure” groups still. Indians are all thoroughly mixed enough that every group as AASI, Steppe, and related Iranic mesolithic HG DNA.


“Indians from Guyana, South Africa, or Fiji look better too”

That is because they learned proper diet and fitness techniques. They have much better style too, per Western standards. Indians who are 2nd generation look WAY better than their parents. This is not some coincidence. Again, they tend to be taller, bigger, and dress closer again to Western standards. The Guyanese are mostly dalits from UP and Bihar. A huge proportion are still unmixed today and have largely no African ancestry. Yet, they have no problems along with Trinidadians, from what I have seen, in looking and attracting people, at least in the NYC area, including the highly competitive club scene. This is because they are more muscular from working out (their bone structure still tends to look small), they have a swag about their style (similar to Caribbean blacks), they can dance, and they are confident but in what is perceived as a normal and not “creepy” way.

Yes it does come off as we are overly concerned. It is because most S Asian immigrant men tend to come from backgrounds that would automatically give them a fair chance at the better echelons of women within S Asia. They are shocked when they get to the US, a place where attraction metrics value physical beauty and swagger far more, and they suddenly are considered statistically bottom of the barrel. Btw, even that last part is an exaggeration, but does have empirical data to back it up. The overall response rates per the infamous okcupid race study were

Replay rate by race (male sender)

1. East Asians- 22.2%
2. Blacks- 21.7%
3. Hispanics- 23.0%
4. Indians- 20.8%
5. Middleeastern- 25.7%
6. Native American- 27.8%
7. Pacific Islander- 24.6%
8. White- 29.2%

Differences are there but it isn’t like this MASSIVE thing that the internet complains about and incels rant on and on about “currycels are screwed” about.

And btw, as someone who works out a lot and knows enough steroid users. A lot of bollywood guys are on steroids. There is a reason some never had six packs and suddenly get them in their 40s and 50s. TRT and supraphysiological doses is an amazing thing. They don’t even need heavy gear. A lot of their physiques aren’t natural. Hollywood is the exact same thing btw. No one gains of new 25-30lbs of lean body mass in 6-10 months without chemical assistance, especially not after their hormonal primes at the age of like early 40s-mid 50s.

That being said, once again, steroid use among athletes and celebrities is super common in general. If you ever see a guy who gains muscle suddenly in his 40s and he has been working out his entire life, he is very very likely on steroids. Salman khan is a good example. He is an inch shorter than me and weighed in at like 170 early on in his career. He had a good physique. Then suddenly in his 40s he packed on a bunch more size and became huge. Most men who train properly gain 80% of their muscle size within the first few years of training .They spend their whole lives fighting for the rest. And btw, steroids will give you muscle gains even without training. There is a reason a young boy who transitions to man during puberty will add lean body mass without even working out.

You can look up the New England Journal of medicine study

4 Groups -100 college aged men in each groups new to exercise. Looked at muscle gain after one month (these will be crazy because everyone gains a ton of muscle when they start training and then is drops off precipitously after the first 24 months or so of good training [getting big and strong off things like the bench, squat, and deadlift- bro curls and shitty form benching will not maximize these gains and people who do that still have much left on the table]).

Group 1- no steroids, no working out- gain 0 lbs muscle
Group 2- no steroids, working out- gained 4 lbs muscle
Group 3- steroids, no working out- gained 7 lbs of muscle
Group 4- steroids+working out- gained 13 lbs muscle

4 years ago
Reply to  thewarlock

Yes steroids skew perceptions of what is attainable, and genetics matters quite a bit as well.

That said its is possible to have a decent physique with average Indian skinny-fat genetics, small joints, without steroids, and as a vegetarian.

People have asked me if i am on steroids. I am not even into power lifting or bodybuilding.

I lift recreationally mainly to have a high functioning body and to correct imbalances from rock climbing.

I have posted these pics here before with regards to how meat consumption is unnecessary for phsyical fitness,

Here we go once again just in case ppl are curious approx 5 years apart. Vegan / Plant based in after pic, meat eater in before…


4 years ago
Reply to  Sumit

lol I posted mine last open thread. funny how this fora attracts streotype breaking vegetarian gujus 😉

im a powerlifter doe

4 years ago

Btw, the shock is even greater to the more W Eurasian shifted S Asians who are used to being treated liked hot commodities in S Asia. Suddenly most just fall into the “brown” group, unless they can pass as liminally white, something only a small minority of even the most W Eurasian shifted S Asians can get away aka Niki Hayley. They get a ton of negative baggage associated with their phenotype, something they aren’t sued to at all. Cue the rise of incel forum diaspora Indians and hardcore racialists of various fora, including some of the arm chair geneticists of anthrogenica who retrofit any GED match data they can get their hands on and run through R in pathetic steppe dick measuring contests.

Interestingly, in the UK during my time studying abroad, I notice, similarly to some other posters here, dark skinned Sri Lankans and S Indians shaving their heads and learning to dance, essentially co-opting “black American style and swagger” at decently successful rates.

Again, I have seen enough fair skinned more W Eurasian looking desi Americans chasing after the same few desi girls, striking out majorly in clubs often enough, and then dating their hookah pipe and bottles of johhny walker in group orgies of self validation. I have seen all types of desi Americans do this btw. But this experience is especially jarring for those who were raised by parents who gave them massive expectations, because their more light skinned W Eurasian parents were used to being treated like phenotypic gods in their native.

4 years ago
Reply to  thewarlock

Some brown-skin mid-east guy (lightish by Indian standards) photoshopped the exact same tinder pics of himself to be black passing and lighter to be latin passing and changed is name…


Both the black, and latin roleplay pics got approximately 2x the likes of the ‘brown’ looking guy.

This suggests to me much of the handicap is not ‘looks’, per se but stereotypes attached to the looks typical of South Asians.

4 years ago
Reply to  Sumit

I have done this myself. I once made the same profile with the name “Alejandro” and got about 2x many matches, albeit fewer ones from desis. Of course, I reaped the rewards of my new latin identity 😉

But if you have Indian accent, this is of course harder to get away with.

Lighter desis will claim persian, especially Pakistanis. Three in my high school were notorious for this. I remember one curly haired lighter skin one liked to claim Turkish for whatever reason. Some darker ones say stuff like “half dominican.” The stigma around the “Muslim” and “desi” identities in particular ate bad.

Hassan would do a lot better as Jose. It’s just how it is. And I am bit even saying that is entirely unjustified. Men of these groups may empirically not possess what the women of these apps want and that is what the cultural streotyped developed from, with the combination of their names and phenotypes being the identifiers.

None of this works in the UK tho. I got called “Paki” on drunk nights out enough.

4 years ago
Reply to  thewarlock

Another thought it is possible to gauge how a group is stereotyped in America based on how their accent is perceived.

I.e. the aesthetics of the sound of the accent don’t have some impact, but not as much as people think.

How would you classify the social status of Indian Americans in American society ?

On one hand rich, educated, politically connected etc.

On the other hand their dating prospects seems to improve significantly if they can pass as Mexican or Black.

Maybe kinda reminiscent of the situation of rich dalits in India ?

I am not sure.

4 years ago
Reply to  Sumit

similar to E Asians. Not considered masculine, sexy, or cool. But looked at as a non-threatening model minority. The contribute a lot to the economy, tend to be clannish and stay to themselves, and don’t make a whole lot of noise. They are an ideal import. And when they do interracially date, there is less “noise” made by whites as well. Again, they are largely viewed as safe aka less likely to divorce, have kids out of wedlock, cheat, or be abusive.

This has changed for Indians lately though the internationalizing of rape incidents and “bobs and vagene.” Indians now have additional stereotype of non masculine yet too sexually forward. Basically bordering on “creepy dork” territory.

And you are correct. The reason Indian accent is perceived badly is only partially due to its sound. The other part is that it comes out of the mouth of relatively darker, shorter, skinny fat, less groomed, socially awkward (by American standards), set of people.

4 years ago
Reply to  Sumit

“ This has changed for Indians lately though the internationalizing of rape incidents and “bobs and vagene.” Indians now have additional stereotype of non masculine yet too sexually forward. ”

Lol yes, trying to think of all the stereotypes of brown ppl not in any order …

1. Ultra religious heathens ( Unless explicitly Christian)
2. Stereotypical Occupations: Uber, Doctor, technology, terrorist, comedian, 7-11
3. Body odour / low hygiene / uncouth
4. Not athletic / bad at sports, Nerdy spelling bee champion, mathletes
5. Too sexually forward and awkward
6. Spicy food / curry
7. Colourful traditional dances, clothes and festivals

I want to say yoga / spiritual stuff is a stereotype but I think that’s more associated with urban white women.

Any that I am missing or got wrong?

4 years ago
Reply to  thewarlock

Interestingly, in the UK during my time studying abroad, I notice, similarly to some other posters here, dark skinned Sri Lankans and S Indians shaving their heads and learning to dance, essentially co-opting “black American style and swagger” at decently successful rates.

May I say light skinned Indians, who become more Yuppie than Yuppies dont have much of a success rate.

“black American style and swagger”
My gen, 60 year old and above didnt adopt African American style. I shave my head, because I was bald by age 25, and long before it was cool.

My cousins. school mates are all very conservative dressers including those married to white or African Americans.. Out of work I dress like a Sri Lankan.

I have many close African Friends, some from Harlem and the Bronx. However, I speak grammatical English, no swear words, not even “Yo” or “Bro”. I see Indians, specially the ones in Wall Street using “Yo”, “bro” gang symbols and think to myself, you guys wont last an hour in the Old Harlem or South Bronx.

I think what goes for Sri dark or light, we smile a lot. Not aggressive or pushy and laid back ambition. Dont use sentences like “my servants back home”. In general we treat women equally, and I mean my generation, Uncles to you.

Anyway, I get a hint of the green eyes. These very dark Sri Lankans who would not be given a second glance India, are making it out in the US.



4 years ago

Finally, Indians had this unfortunate incident with a BBC article titled
“Condoms ‘too big’ for Indian men
Translation: The penises of 6 in 10 Indian men measured were 5-6.1 inches long, and 30 percent were between 3.9 and 4.9 inches.
Most condoms, meanwhile, are a rather hopeful 5.9-7 inches.
That makes for lot of excess rubber in India.”

Here is where it gets really funny:
https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.thegua … penis-size
5.16 inches was.found to be average size in international study of 15,000 participants of mostly “middleeastern and white” men
So most middleeastern and white men also would fall below standard. By that very same norm

An actual study done on Indian men


Sample of 301 men in Kerela were sample age 18-60. Average was ~13.1cm or 5.12 inches. Girth was about 11.5cm or 4.5 inches. Thankfully, it was done in Kerela, a place that genetically ranges from mid caste N Indian to tamil dalit in genetics. This prevents the literal steppe dick measurers from come out about BS racialist lies about AASI inferiority in every way.

“The average flaccid penile length is found to be 8.21 cm in the present study, which is significantly lower than that of the mean length reported from USA1 and Jordan.7 The mean flaccid penile length reported from Nigeria8 is 8.16 and from Israel9 8.3 cm, which are similar to the findings of the present study without any significant difference.”

“Reports on mean erected length are available only from USA,1 Jordan7 and Israel.9 Erected length obtained in the present study (13.01 cm) does not differ significantly from the mean erected length reported by Wessells et al.1 from USA (12.89 cm), but the finding reported from Israel9 (13.6 cm) is significantly higher. The mean value reported from Jordan7 (11.8 cm) is found to be significantly low. Bondil et al.10 reported the longest penile length in the flaccid (10.7 cm) and stretched conditions (16.24 cm). In their study, measurements were obtained after three manual stretches of the penis. Owing to the methodological difference in determining stretched length, it cannot be compared with the present study. Longest erected length reported is 15.99 cm (Richters et al.11) followed by 15.5 cm (Kinsey et al.12). Details of these studies were not available for a statistical comparison. For erected circumference, the only data available are from USA1 and it does not show any significant difference from the Indian data.”

4 years ago
Reply to  thewarlock

You dont even get what BBC means

Please get street smart.



4 years ago

1. Finally, Indians had this unfortunate incident with a BBC article titled
“Condoms ‘too big’ for Indian men
Translation: The penises of 6 in 10 Indian men measured were 5-6.1 inches long, and 30 percent were between 3.9 and 4.9 inches.
Most condoms, meanwhile, are a rather hopeful 5.9-7 inches.
That makes for lot of excess rubber in India.”

2. Here is where it gets really funny:

“International study of 15,000 penises is being used to reassure men concerned they are not within the ‘normal range”
“The enduring question now has a scientific answer: 13.12 centimetres (5.16 inches) in length when erect, and 11.66cm (4.6 inches) around, according to an analysis of more than 15,000 penises around the world.
In a flaccid state, it found, the penis of the average man is 9.16cm (3.6 inches) in length and has a girth of 9.31cm (3.7 inches).
The numbers should help “reassure the large majority of men that the size of their penis is in the normal range”, said British researchers who had assembled data from studies where participants had their member measured by a professional…
The team found no evidence for penis size differences linked to race, though most of the study participants were of European and Middle Eastern descent and a full comparison could thus not be made…”

So white and middleeastern men also fail international condom standards…

3. An actual study done on Indian men

“Penile length and circumference: an Indian study” in Nature (one of the highest impact and well regarded journals there is)- just google it
Sample of 301 men in Kerela were sample age 18-60. Average was ~13.1cm or 5.12 inches. Girth was about 11.5cm or 4.5 inches. Thankfully, it was done in Kerela, a place that genetically ranges from mid caste N Indian to tamil dalit in genetics. This prevents the literal steppe dick measurers from come out about BS racialist lies about AASI inferiority in every way.
“The average flaccid penile length is found to be 8.21 cm in the present study, which is significantly lower than that of the mean length reported from USA1 and Jordan.7 The mean flaccid penile length reported from Nigeria8 is 8.16 and from Israel9 8.3 cm, which are similar to the findings of the present study without any significant difference.”
“Reports on mean erected length are available only from USA,1 Jordan7 and Israel.9 Erected length obtained in the present study (13.01 cm) does not differ significantly from the mean erected length reported by Wessells et al.1 from USA (12.89 cm), but the finding reported from Israel9 (13.6 cm) is significantly higher. The mean value reported from Jordan7 (11.8 cm) is found to be significantly low. Bondil et al.10 reported the longest penile length in the flaccid (10.7 cm) and stretched conditions (16.24 cm). In their study, measurements were obtained after three manual stretches of the penis. Owing to the methodological difference in determining stretched length, it cannot be compared with the present study. Longest erected length reported is 15.99 cm (Richters et al.11) followed by 15.5 cm (Kinsey et al.12). Details of these studies were not available for a statistical comparison. For erected circumference, the only data available are from USA1 and it does not show any significant difference from the Indian data.”

So there aren’t any differences…But again the media seized upon wrecking Indians pretty severely. Pakdefense types btw are quite gleeful. They love to cite that BBC article and some global penis ranking website (unverified one) that shows a difference in endowment favorable to them. Funny thing is that the google link below that one literally shows the exact reverse to be true. They also like to cite the whole “third most handsome” survey. In reality, they get shafted, quite similarly in the West, regardless of their racist bravado and cherrypicking of invalid data, pun intended.

4 years ago
Reply to  thewarlock

“Pakdefense types btw are quite gleeful….In reality, they get shafted, quite similarly in the West, regardless of their racist bravado and cherrypicking of invalid data”

Do you know why they behave this way? I am to understand that there’s a course called Pakistan Studies that has been responsible for a fair bit of brainwashing, but that doesn’t explain those on the forums, especially since they’re brought up mostly in the First World and haven’t been exposed to that curriculum. Why would they believe all this even after western schooling and college? Is it via parents and relatives, or the mosque and wider community?

I sometimes draw my own conclusions although my data may be wanting. My guess is a combination of the historic Muslim exceptionalism since the days of the AIML, the Punjabi + Pathan clannishness and disregard towards those more AASI shifted, coupled with the elite Ashraf standoffishness imported from the wealthier Mohajirs who migrated from the Urdu speaking cities in India.

Also, the Bangladesh war was partly caused due to the heavy racism shown towards the Bengalis by the West Pakistanis, and I guess this was before Pakistan Studies, so there were definitely some feelings of innate superiority present among the Pak establishment and elite even before Zia started Islamization. Syed Ahmed Khan said some rather disturbing things about Bengalis and Hindus back in the 1800s, I suppose his views were common among the elite Muslims and carried over to the present day?

In Europe, I noticed that there was a large gap in the average phenotype of the upper-class Pakistani and those from the working class, with a noticeably higher Steppe:AASI ratio among the elite vis a vis the subalterns. The former were shopping expensive stuff like you see new money do, while the latter were primarily restaurant owners and ran some essential services. Were those the landowner/ industrialist or elite professional types? Perhaps many of the Pakistanis settled in the West commenting on those forums belong to this upper-class, which might partially explain their racialist views towards those geographically east of them. Then again, many of those who work the fields in Pakistan have the same physical features as many Indians do, I assume those elites don’t consider these people ‘real’ Pakistanis (like Asia Bibi) when they compare looks.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ronen

Yeah pretty much all of that. Their hatred of the AASI is even deeper and more complex than the 6 reasons I laid out above. They desperately want to cling to superiority no matter what. Their country can be a giant hole full of nuclear waste and the other side of the border doing well, and they would still find away to bring up “sharper features” and “lighter skin” and descent from “mughals, arabs, turks, persians, and afghans.” The more educated ones on the internet will go into how they are the true foreberarers of all good inventions and cilvilization in S Asia. And the gangetic plains is a barbaric place that just stole and took credit from them.

They are the ones to use terms like “Ancient Pakistan” when referring to Indus Valley, despite the fact that the valley spanned into places like Gujarat and Haryana and the locals were genotypically more similar to people like modern day Patels, low caste Indian Punjabis, and mid caste S Indians than the current steppe infused people’s of Pakistan. As an invasion corridor, the people’s residing in what is now modern day Pak needed this strong identity though. They went through some of the harshest repeated historical cuckings in history. So it makes more sense to glorify a rapist warlord set of grandaddies than the loser lower tier AASI peoples. The lies never end. The lies about being Buddhist and not Hindu ever. The lies about all the good of Hinduism like philosophy of karma coming from them but the bad like caste having nothing to do with them. The lies about an inherent propensity towards bravery. The lies about the majority of Sikhs supporting them. The lies about them winning every war against India. They live in a world not based on facts. Everything, their entire identity, is predicated upon a racial and religious superiority complex, with the latter reducing in importance as the world becomes less religious, especially after two nation theory sank in the Bay of Bengal in 1971. This will only get worse. The new generation of Pakistanis are even more hardcore racialist. And they are mixing with groups like high birth rate Pashtuns a lot more. Whereas, Indian Punjabis are importing brides from UP and Bihar to fill the dearth of women there from selective female abortions.

Heck, I have seen a good chunk even take pride in the Miripuri second generation rape gangs in the UK, stating how tough and “alpha” they are for exploiting little white girls. They feel it feeds into some weird Imran Khanesque lothario image and the reality is the world is conspiring to undermine their inherent attractiveness via these rape accusations. The level of delusion is insane.

4 years ago
Reply to  thewarlock

Is there a close relation between people from Mirpur and people from the Potohar plateau?

4 years ago
Reply to  DaThang

yes. They are likely Potahari Punjabi migrants. Also, legit half of indic non mohajir non dalit Pak claims “rajput” status, from Potaharis to Arains. They at the same time claim “high caste” hinduness yet say they are true Muslims. They practice casteism heavily and then criticize India for caste.

They claim India follows a faith of foreigners with Hinduism, ignoring that Hinduism has changed massively from the Rig Veda. Heck the entire main pantheon of Gods has been replaced and the paradigm has philosophically shifted so much. You think anywhere close to 1/3 of indo aryans were vegetarian lol. In reality, they heavily lost their identity to Islam, a completely foreign entity with only small remnants of indic influence in Sufism, that too something that declined recently as the few decades in the favor of more overt Wahibist style Saudi stuff developing. It is land of deep seated contradiction that can literally only truly be understood in the context of Indian civilization. As much as it pains them, they are part of it.

And they are still largely viewed as responsible for breaking the one recent opportunity in history to fully unite it. It’s fine now. Everyone should go there own way. But the racist language and superiority complexes need to stop. Pakistanis and their Khalistani allies sound like Nazis describing gypsies on the internet. Just hateful people spewing hateful stuff. Really not so unique. Heck Razib has to filter out enough who want to call us all “black animals.”

4 years ago
Reply to  DaThang

“sample”: “Kshatriya:Average”,
“fit”: 1.5555,
“IRN_Shahr_I_Sokhta_BA2”: 43.33,
“CustomGroup_Simulated_AASI”: 22.5,
“RUS_Sintashta_MLBA”: 20.83,
“IRN_Shahr_I_Sokhta_BA1”: 13.33

“sample”: “Potohar_Rajput:Average”,
“fit”: 1.7699,
“IRN_Shahr_I_Sokhta_BA2”: 45,
“IRN_Shahr_I_Sokhta_BA1”: 22.5,
“RUS_Sintashta_MLBA”: 22.5,
“CustomGroup_Simulated_AASI”: 10

They seem to be like Kshatriya with the main difference being more BA1 and less AASI.

4 years ago
Reply to  DaThang

Within the limited compass or Punjab/J&K Mirpur is not Potohar. That is to say, Potohari the dialect of Potohar is not the same as that of Mirpur. Mirpur was in J&K, East of the Jehlum river. Jehlum district, which is part of Potohar is west of the river. Hindu Mirpuris migrated to Jammu in 1947, reluctantly, after the killings started and many were massacred. Muslim Mirpuris migrated to the UK when they were displaced by the Mangla dam on the Jehlum. They like to pass for Kashmiris in Pakistan and in the UK, which is something Mirpuris in Jammu never do; there they identify with the Dogra community against Kashmiris. They are not Kashmiri in any culturual or linguistic sense. Actually Mirpuris are a kind of hilly Punjabi, neither Dogra nor Kashmiri.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ronen

I don’t see much purpose in insulting their ancestors, to be frank. On the contrary, I do think that many in North India should be thankful to the medieval-age Hindus from present-day Sindh and West Punjab for holding out as long as they did and delaying the onset of Muslim rule from Delhi by absorbing the blows from the Ghaznavids and Ghurids among others in the pre-sultanate period (~900-1200AD). I’m fairly certain that a large proportion of Hindu casualties you see mentioned in the present era academic work would have been of those living around the Indus, and consequently the ancestors of many Pakistanis today.

“They feel it feeds into some weird Imran Khanesque lothario image…”

I personally believe that Tendulkar and Dravid are much better role models for sport-oriented boys in terms of their private lives, both were middle class, they’re loyal to their wives and families, humble, and treat others who are junior to them with respect.

Imran Khan is from a well-known family and studied at Oxford in the 70s, a student’s parents from the Indian subcontinent back then couldn’t afford that education unless they were significantly wealthy. Yes he was a good cricketer, but would you want every middle-class aspiring sportsperson to follow his lifestyle? It presents the ‘harem’ problem; if there were a few thousand men like him in Pakistan and the country had the same level of women’s freedom as the UK, they would each have affairs with multiple upper-class women, with kids here and there, and leave many of the men resentful. Not optimal for social stability.

“The lies about being Buddhist and not Hindu ever.”

I don’t think this will stand much scrutiny in peer-reviewed circles though, there are enough ruined temples around to serve as a reminder. Additionally, there are religious surveys the British carried out in Punjab in the 1800s, hard to parse those numbers with a clouded mind. Then there’s the biggest smoking gun- caste among the Muslims. The ‘not Hindu ever’ meme is probably more of a self-reassurance than anything else. A bit like a child wanting to see Santa Claus, they know he probably doesn’t exist, but would have been nice if he did, and until the child matures to a certain age the parents play along by sending gifts.

“This will only get worse. The new generation…selective female abortions.”

Even then, many in rural Sindh, rural Balochistan, large stretches of Punjab, and a good many Mohajirs can’t really be distinguished if they walk around in an Indian bazaar. I don’t see how the more Steppe shifted racialist Pakistanis can sustain those views once these people are involved in their circles. I realize that their ruling class is rather zamindar heavy, which may account for most of the AASI shifted poorer people locked out of politics, and consequently resources. Eventually though, they’ll have to be involved in decision making, perhaps in 50 years or 100 years, and then it’d be awkward for 20-somethings to talk this way about ‘sharper features’ on the internet.

I remember Aatish Taseer in his book mentioned that upon meeting his half-sister was told “Oh, I’m so happy so glad you weren’t a little black Hindu”. [page 21, Stranger to History]

(personally, I don’t have an issue with someone being either little or black, but she had negative connotations in her mind when she said this)

“Heck Razib has to filter out enough who want to call us all “black animals.””

Maybe one of these days one such comment would pass through. It would be interesting for me to figure out their mindset.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ronen

lol little black hindu. I always find those comments. Empirical analysis doesn’t follow. These are probably some of the most hardcore racist people on the planet. If it was up to them, they would send the AASI part of themselves to the gas chambers. They really hate that part of themselves. It is the funniest when they larp as Indians in post 9/11 america. Many are now even begrudgingly realizing India is doing some stuff right. And rather AASI mixed looking Virat Kohli is a sex symbol there. That and the new crowd will get enough “woke” education by mixing with leftists and attempting to court dalits in an attempt to undermine India. All this will serve as mitigation.

Alas, I think the hardcore racialism though is still only to get worse. They see this as their only hope for unity. It is the trump card against insecure Indians.

A Pakistani on quora once commented

” The biggest compliment an Indian girl can get is: ‘you don’t look Indian'”

The reality is that this is true for men and S Asians in general. It is just more funny when someone who looks less W Eurasian does it. This phenotype stuff is a weak point for the Khatri and Khan bollywood looks loving Indians. Indians have to change and embrace more of their own phenotypic diversity.

4 years ago

Warlock bhai, I think you should make an FAQ out of these comments because I am pretty sure these same questions will come up again and again.

Fun Fact: I discovered BP while going through the internet rabbit hole of average national penis sizes and IQ. This must have been almost a decade back when I was in college in the early days of this blog.

4 years ago
Reply to  Prats


4 years ago
Reply to  Prats

I discovered BP trying to find out a desi conservative place after moving to US. Then i found Omar on twitter and BP

H.M. Brough
H.M. Brough
4 years ago
Reply to  Saurav

Hard to find any conservative (or even just “not Lefty”) space. 2nd-gen Desis go whole hog on progressive dumbassery.

I see more people referring to themselves as “South Asian” than as Indian” on my FB Wall.


4 years ago
Reply to  H.M. Brough

absolutely. The “woke” crowd are some of the most self hating people I have ever met. /rIndia is full of them. Granted, it has a pakistani muslim mod from Canada kinda similar to Vice news actually

4 years ago
Reply to  thewarlock

I’m with you on that. Especially when these idiots try to shame you for not being an ally of other minorities. Fuck affirmative action, BLM and reparations. Why should I support those things? Because African Americans are darker than whites and so am I?

4 years ago

“Do Indian Americans and Indians in the west (especially men) seem to have an overly high concern about looking good from your perspective?”


Yeah, man. This might be a general American thing.

I can usually distinguish between Indian Americans and British Indians, even though I have not been to either of these countries.

You can just tell.

The complexion is more even and the teeth are all well set and really white. In fact, this might be the pan-American upper class look. Refer to those official photos in front of the flag. Every person looks ‘American’ irrespective of race.

Dental braces are a good example, which I feel a lot of Americans wear as kids to get a more symmetrical smile. They aren’t very common in India.
(This might address Jatt_Scythian’s point as well)

4 years ago
Reply to  Prats

lol yea the straight, white, teeth thing is quite high socio economic status American thing.

UK may be the least image conscious anglo-sphere country.

I think Australia is the most image conscious overall.

Although parts of the US like LA are more image conscious than any Australian city.

Btw this discussion reminds me of the famous “Body Ritual Among the Nacirema” anthropology satire, a must read for people interested in this type of stuff imo…


4 years ago

Post number 61983 didn’t go through.

4 years ago

The issue is that they have outsized influenced. Media emphasized their protestors during Howdy Modi rally in Texas. They are also seen with Kashmiri protestors vandalizing the Indian Embassy post 371 abolishment. They also have expert politicians like Jagmeet Singh win the leftist seats in places like Canada via woke politics and advocating hardcore socialism. They are experts of trying to sway public perception. The mainstream right wing crowd of desis is totally politically inactive compared to these people. They make their lifestyle to advance their agenda. The West still has disproportionate power in the world. And they are working to get in bed with the leftist elements of the West. Heck Jagmeet Singh won the position of deputy PM with a past including refusing the condemn the biggest Canadian terrorist in history, the Khalistani Hijacker who caused the deaths of hundreds.

One thing that is going to mitigate stuff is that other types of Indians are now surging in Canada, with visa options becoming more lenient. They will balance out some of these clowns.

4 years ago


There’s this Pakistani nationalist (been banned multiple times, currently goes by the name Canadian_786) on Reddit who runs this garbage site called “Materia Islamica”, he keeps posting that BBC link about penis sizes all the time in the comments while spreading his anti-India and anti-Hindu propaganda on Reddit.

He also posts the “3rd most handsome” thing all the time. I checked that survey, the “Pakistani” man they picked for that survey was none other than Zayn Malik.


Zayn’s mother is white (English + Irish). And he’s so famous among teenage girls (I mean there was literally the whole “cut4zayn” circus going on when he left 1D), of course many ardent fans voted for him. And if you look at all the men used for the survey- it’s filled with popular actors, artists and athletes.

Ireland was voted #1 in that survey, and I’m not surprised because they used Colin Farrell, but here’s another report from an Irish site, 2020-


Safe to say that the MissTravel survey was pretty skewed because they used popular people.

Another point they post in those Reddit comments is IQ scores – They quote the scores from “IQ and the Wealth of Nations”, 2002, by Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen-


India’s IQ is listed as 82 and Pakistan is 84, needless to say, they love to brag about those 2 points.

However, if you take a look at the sources, there are 13 different papers listed while taking into account India’s IQ. And out of 13-

1 paper measures IQ scores of Kond tribals in Odisha

3 other papers measure the effects of consanguinity on IQ

1 paper involves scores from Kolkata and Agartala (Kolkata is 7 points higher), but the scores are mixed together.

I couldn’t find a few of the other papers online, wanted to know whether the populations they used were rural or urban.

Like @Prats said, we need a blog or something to clear such mess/propaganda

4 years ago
Reply to  IsThisReal

With regards to IQ stuff, instead of listening to biased people of different stripes on race and IQ of brown people.

I encourage brown people to watch the documentary “daughters of destiny” about am Indian origin millionaire who retired and opened a boarding school in India for poorest of the poor…


The school is 95% south indian dalits, and accepts boys and girls from only the poorest families based solely on need and in accordance with its rule of only accepting 1 child per family.

Then their foundation pays for a world class education, food, and healthcare at the private boarding school and also helps fund their college.

This has been going on for a couple of decades. Many of the kids have now graduated, some of them work in complex high IQ fields (medicine, finance, law etc).

You will be able to a feel for their intelligence or lack there of, since he decided to educate the kids in English.

One of the points in the documentary series hit me quite emotionally when I realized one of the kids would have a very different life trajectory from her sibling.

Seems clear to me the limiting factor in India is not IQ or individual cognitive capacity, it is a lack of opportunity.

4 years ago
Reply to  Sumit

Thanks will be sharing on FB

2017 article
The girls will live at Abraham George’s institution until graduation and university beckon, something that is just a dream for their siblings. The school accepts only one child from each family, in the hope that their improved life chances will benefit the whole clan.



4 years ago
Reply to  Sumit

I’d say that the average Indian IQ should be comparable to that of South American Latinos (Costa Rica and Argentina), which is to say that it is higher than what it is currently thought to be. This would mean that if the human capital is appropriately used, India would eventually become an upper-middle income country- a considerable improvement from the current low-middle income status (and roughly at the middle of the low-middle group).

On the other hand, I doubt that Pakistan will ever get it’s act together to get to that stage.

Aditya Dutta
Aditya Dutta
4 years ago
Reply to  IsThisReal

He has plenty of account he has been banned again by the way he claims that Brahmagupta was Sindhi when he came from Rajasthan and he also claims tha Gujarat is historical Pakistani land. He has also larped as a guy with a Sikh girlfriend who once came to India and was 6foot with a look of a European.In reality the guy is supposedly a 28 year old incel who has never talked to women before he claimed that in one of his previous Reddit account guy is mentally deluded.

4 years ago

Any other Desi immigrants to USA/UK/Canada/other Gora Lands don’t understand why dogs are such a big part of people’s lives here? Other desis I know are nervous around the big dogs here too. The usually white owners are always going “He’s friendly, don’t worry, he won’t bite!” or “He just wants to play with you, bro!” as the beast slobbers all over you, bares its teeth and barks the roof down. Don’t even mention the self-proclaimed “dog moms” and Namaste types who pride themselves on having “rescue dogs” (which usually have aggression/behavioral problems). You didn’t “rescue” a dog from a burning building or from drowning in a river, you just went to a pound and paid a guy, you cheap fuck.

4 years ago
Reply to  Curious

I always thought dog is replacement for kids in Europe

4 years ago
Reply to  Curious

“why dogs are such a big part of people’s lives here? ”

Aren’t they fairly popular in India as well ?

They are cute. Kinda too needy. Cats are more chill.

4 years ago
Reply to  Curious

I mean these are the same people who are into “cucking” as a fetish. There’s bigger things to criticize them on. Wokeness in particular.

4 years ago
Reply to  Razib Khan

Very cool. DO you know if they will ever test anything related to the Mittani?

4 years ago
Reply to  Razib Khan

Thanks for the heads up Razib, sounds interesting.

Jaydeepsinh Rathod
4 years ago
Reply to  Razib Khan

Thanks Razib for the info.
That’s something to look forward to. Let us see where those Indians hailed from.

4 years ago


Love your posts.

4 years ago

@Aditya Dutta

Yeah, I know.

He LARPed as a an Indian Sikh a few weeks back. Claimed that all Indians are hateful and Pakistanis are peaceful and generous people, and that he realized this after moving to Canada. And then he proceeds to post links to his “materia islamica” garbage (a Sikh posting links to materia islamica, how believable).

I reported that account and told the mods that he’s the one who made the fake account. Thankfully they banned it within a few hours.

Seen many other such fake accounts where the Pakistani nationalists pretend to be Hindus and Sikhs.

Aditya Dutta
Aditya Dutta
4 years ago
Reply to  IsThisReal

Yes i remember him larping as a sikh that site of his is usual islamist propoganda the guy is a jihadist but one who doesn’t have the balls to go all the way so he sits on the internet and spews his nonsense interacting with pakistanis online will move anyone to right.He is also probably one of those who calls himself South Asian.

4 years ago


“???? ???? ?? ???? ???? ??? ??????? ??? ???? ?????? ????? ??????? ??????? (?????????? ???) ???? ????? ? ?????????? ?? ????????? ????????? ?? ????.”

Which site was it?

I could only find this one site with a penis sizes table-


And it clearly lists Indians as being more well-endowed than Pakistanis.

Speaking of penises. Did any of you know that Keiran Lee (real name is Adam Diksa, very popular male pornstar) is actually half Indian (Punjabi dad)?


4 years ago
Reply to  IsThisReal

lol, a literal dick measuring contest.

4 years ago

Fascinating discussion. Wonder how much of the anti-India hate in these Paki online forums mentioned comes down to internet anonymity? I think online anonymity brings out the worst in people.

Personally the Pakis I’ve met in the UK have been very friendly, to my initial surprise. Growing up in Mumbai and losing an acquaintance in the 2008 attacks, I’d a very negative perception of the country but I’ve learned to separate the country (still a rogue agent) from the people to some extent. I’ve a few colleagues, young Pakis who came for Uni and stayed to work who are your standard issue Punjabis with a love for Bollywood, etc. A couple of Pathans from an elite army background who could pass for Lebanese, but they overcompensate for that with their OTT desi-ness. Granted that these are the social elites from the country and not representative of the larger populace, unlike the Indian immigrants who I think are a more representative cross section of society. The Mirpuri taxi drivers instantly switch to Hindi when they’d ask where I’m from, and love talking about cricket, etc. And when the topic world veer to politics, they’d say that all politicians are the same, corrupt, etc. The stereotypes about tall, fair, etc are all just that – stereotypes that don’t stand IRL to anyone who’s got a pair of eyes

4 years ago
Reply to  Siddharth

“In Islam, Taqiya or Taqiyya (Arabic: تقیة‎ taqiyyah, literally “prudence, fear”)[1][2] is a precautionary dissimulation or denial of religious belief and practice in the face of persecution.[1][3][4][5]

A related term is Kitmān (lit. “action of covering, dissimulation”), which has a more specific meaning of dissimulation by silence or omission.[6][7]

This practice is emphasized in Shia Islam whereby adherents are permitted to conceal their religion when under threat of persecution or compulsion.[3][8] The practice is much less prominent in Sunni Islam, but may be permitted under certain circumstances such as threats to life (though martyrdom in such instances is still regarded as more honourable).[9]

Taqiyya was initially practiced under duress by some of Muhammad’s Companions.[10] Later, it became particularly important for Shias due to their experience as a persecuted religious minority.[8][11] According to Shia doctrine, taqiyya is permissible in situations where there is overwhelming danger of loss of life or property and where no danger to religion would occur thereby.[8] Taqiyya has also been politically legitimised, particularly among Twelver Shias, in order to maintain unity among Muslims and fraternity among the Shia clerics.[12][13]

Yarden Mariuma, sociologist at Columbia University, writes: “Taqiyya is an Islamic juridical term whose shifting meaning relates to when a Muslim is allowed, under Sharia law, to lie. A concept whose meaning has varied significantly among Islamic sects, scholars, countries, and political regimes, it nevertheless is one of the key terms used by recent anti-Muslim polemicists.”[14]”


I mostly joking. Most people are friendly. But remember there is culturally sanctioned deception.

Milan Todorovic
Milan Todorovic
4 years ago
Reply to  thewarlock

Taqiya is a common ethical norm among muslims in Balkan. It took so many years and too many lives for Serbs to understand this because their norm is 180 degrees opposite. Many times they have given their lives to fulfil the given word. It was extremely present during the 90ies civil war. Western media were not familiar with such practice and muslim politicians used this until extremes although, it is also present on the lowest levels among the nearest muslim-christian neighbours. It is interesting that not any muslim including so-called muslim-atheists(!?) denounced such ethics as unacceptable. Because, it is questionable in a case of another oxymoron, muslim-intelectual, if such muslim, nominally atheist or not, can be considered as an intellectual.

4 years ago
Reply to  Siddharth

The anonymity factor applies to most of them, yes, but the guy I mentioned (canadian_786) is at, well, you could call it the bottom of the rabbit hole.

He doesn’t care much about his anonymity, he mentioned his name (Farhan or something) on materia islamica along with his educational qualifications and other related stuff.

He’s delusional on a whole new level and goes through the extra effort to twist historical facts and portray that most of the inventions in the Indian subcontinent actually took place in “pakistan and islamic india” (that’s what he calls it). Him and many others like him are actively spreading falsified information on Reddit and Wikipedia.

He claims Gujarat to be a part of “extended Pakistan”.

Claims Punjabis, Kashmiris, Sindhis, Parsis and Pashtuns are all Pakistani ethnic groups that have nothing to do with India. And to claim this he edited the genetic data picture from a paper which took Punjabi, Kashmiri and Parsi samples from people in India.

Claims that all Pakistanis were Buddhists who accepted Islam to escape “Hindu persecution”

Claims that Sati is still being practiced in India

Claims that Brahmagupta is from Multan (they’re still trying to edit the Wikipedia page)

The list is endless

They’re currently trying to get rid of any evidence that shows Pashtuns exist in India on the Wikipedia page for Pashtuns.

They’re actively trying to rewrite history using Wikipedia, every page related to the subcontinent’s history that I’ve checked so far has been vanadalized. This is quite dangerous and something needs to be done about it.

4 years ago
Reply to  IsThisReal

Pakistani propaganda is way better than Indian propaganda. What happens when tour spy agency and military own the country and put all profits into a combo of military and information wars aka trolling

4 years ago
Reply to  thewarlock

Most of these Redditors don’t have anything to do with the govt. or military though, they’re just jingoistic people with a major identity crisis.

Indian right doesn’t really try to manipulate history to such a crazy extent because it simply doesn’t have the need, they’re more concerned with the present, although debates about the past do eventually creep up every now and then. Whereas Pakistani nationalists are trying too hard to rewrite the past too. Hence the insane attack on Wikipedia by these people. The rest of the country doesn’t really care much about their Vedic past that has nothing to do with Islam.

They’re even trying to edit the Wikipedia page for Pāṇini.

Also, you said this earlier-

“They love to cite that BBC article and some global penis ranking website (unverified one) that shows a difference in endowment favorable to them.”

Which site was it? I only found this one site with a table and it shows Indians to be bigger-


Aditya Dutta
Aditya Dutta
4 years ago
Reply to  IsThisReal

Yes i remember he came up with those genetics and claimed parsis are an indus ethnic group which is fucking ironic considering most parsis have always live in Gujarat or maharasthra which is india he also claimed that haryana uttarakhand and himachal part of historical pakistani land and also has said pakistan should be funding more terrorism in india so that it breaks up yes he claimed brahamgupta was from multan a lot of pakistanis have now started claiming that the mauryans and guptas were jats from pakistan last time i checked bihar is now where near pakistan even their language came from U.P the land that now make up pakistan have been the places that have always been invaded and most indian discoveries and inventions happened in modern day india not pakistan and that we are stealing their history these people are brainwashed beyond belief.These people also call you gangu imagine thinking a name of a river is a fucking insult.

4 years ago
Reply to  Siddharth

One thing I notice is that the India vs Pakistan hate online seems to be a North West Indian Ethnic group Phenomenon (Punjabi’s, saraikis, haryanvies etc).

Moving further Indo-Aryan speakers like UP, gujju, Sindhis are a bit less involved than the mud slinging of the Punjabi-sphere.

Pakistani Afghans, Baloch, Indian Tamils, Assamese etc support their own country but aren’t as emotionally invested in the minutiae of the conflict.

So the hate seems to be concentrated within fairly similar ethnic groups. And the dissimilar ethnic groups don’t really have as much emotional investment in the conflict.

It’s kinda weird. The most dissimilar ethnic groups of the countries are actually pretty chill and don’t have a problem with each other. The most similar people are the ones that have the biggest issues.

4 years ago

Lots of stereotypes on this thread that I didn’t know existed.

Indian Americans aren’t stereotyped as particularly stylish. Actually in college the international students dressed much better. Americans in general aren’t known as stylish. That’s something we mainly reserve for Europeans or those who emulate European style. Indian-Americans emulating whites typically emulate the slobs and their woke language. They aren’t adopting eloquent speech/defense of free speech or wearing high class suits and suits but adopting the worst of white culture.

4 years ago

Did you miss

sbarrkum says:
May 24, 2020 at 8:44 am
Your comment is awaiting moderation.

sbarrkum says:
May 24, 2020 at 2:49 pm
Your comment is awaiting moderation.

4 years ago

Somethings that I added to my lifestyle from past 6 months:

I try to do the following 2-3 times a week depending on time and motivation:

1. 5 mins of full body stretch from head to toe.
2. Shoulder width pushups (35-40) at once and up to 50 with a break.
3. 6 mins of “kapaalabhaati” with 4-5 mins of actual sweat breaking heavy breathing and 1-2 mins of break for the lungs.
4. 3-3.5 mins of plank.
5. 3 mins of “praaNaayaama” + 3 mins of “ujjayii”
6. 6 mins of continuous dumbbells (8 pounds)

Apart from the above I go mountain biking 2-3 times depending on weather and time. I climb and descend 1000 feet in 1hr15mins (11 miles), regularly I hit speeds of 25-27 MPH downhill. So, I am more of a cross country style.

My goal is to gain core strength and durability.

4 years ago

Interestingly, in the UK during my time studying abroad, I notice, similarly to some other posters here, dark skinned Sri Lankans and S Indians shaving their heads and learning to dance, essentially co-opting “black American style and swagger” at decently successful rates.

May I say light skinned Indians, who become more Yuppie than Yuppies dont have much of a success rate.

“black American style and swagger”
My gen, 60 year old and above didnt adopt African American style. I shave my head, because I was bald by age 25, and long before it was cool.

My cousins. school mates are all very conservative dressers including those married to white or African Americans.. Out of work I dress like a Sri Lankan.

I have many close African Friends, some from Harlem and the Bronx. However, I speak grammatical English, no swear words, not even “Yo” or “Bro”. I see Indians, specially the ones in Wall Street using “Yo”, “bro” gang symbols and think to myself, you guys wont last an hour in the Old Harlem or South Bronx.

I think what goes for Sri dark or light, we smile a lot. Not aggressive or pushy and laid back ambition. Dont use sentences like “my servants back home”. In general we treat women equally, and I mean my generation, Uncles to you.

Anyway, I get a hint of the green eyes. These very dark Sri Lankans who would not be given a second glance India, are making it out in the US.



4 years ago
Reply to  sbarrkum

thanks for the correction. No envy. Happy more AASI do better in more even ground. I wish it was.more fair in S Asia. If anything, the others need to learn from them.

4 years ago

I might be wrong, but I’ve noticed that with many of the ancient dna studies that provide y-chromosome data, the subclades aren’t particularly deep. Because of private testing, primarily ftdna, we know a lot more about sub, sub, subclades, etc. Is this because ancient dna not being robust enough to allow for the extensive testing of on the order of the ftdna Big Y, or is it a lack of interest? Maybe it’s in the supplemental data and I’m not expert enough to access or analyze it.

4 years ago
Reply to  Dave

It would clarify if H is very old in the suboncitnent or a recent expansion from SW Asia.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jatt_Scythian


As someone who suggested this, I wouldn’t claim that it is recent, it would have to be so old that it separated from the other H a long time ago and vanished from the hypothetical original homeland tens of thousands of years ago.

Even conservatively I’d say that if there was an H migration to India (assuming it didn’t come from the original ENA Homo Sapiens Sapiens Indians in the first place) it would have happened ~30,000 years before present.

4 years ago
Reply to  DaThang

I haven’t had the chance to analyze yfull but don’t most South Asians belong to clades that originated 20000-7000 ybp. The descendants of clades that formed 45000 ybp are primarily found in Europe and West Asia no? It wouldn’t surprise me if Iran_n is related to y H.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jatt_Scythian

YFull isn’t the end all be all of yDNA research, however even on yfull, there are 2 sub- branches of H-M2826 in south Asia- one is descended from Z5857 with a TMRCA of 29,600 ybp and the other is M96 with a TMRCA of 38,800 ybp. IDK when these moved into south Asia, but they would have separated from the other Hs before 30K or even before 40K years before present. From here I guessed a movement entering south Asia around 30,000 years ago.

So far we don’t have a lot of neolithic and pre-neolithic Iran samples, but the ones that we do have show no yDNA H at all, meanwhile ancient Anatolians (heavily descended from locals going back tens of thousands of years) have H2. I was talking to someone else who was modeling south Indian middle castes and tribal populations and there was something strange going on with the Anatolian component appearing and disappearing with them. This lead me to guess that the H in south Asia could have something to do with 30,000 year+ old Levantines. Another assumption that I am operating under is that the 30,000+ year old Levantines would be similar to Anatolians. I picked Levant because there is an old separation and the fruit of this separation has thus far not been seen in ancient Iran so I thought that the separation would be elsewhere in the middle east- between early UP Anatolia and Aurignacian Levant.

4 years ago


lmfao. another edited one. Wow just wow

Pak trolls never sleep

Aditya Dutta
Aditya Dutta
4 years ago
Reply to  thewarlock

What have they changed this time.

4 years ago
Reply to  thewarlock

They’re really busy on the ABCD reddit whining about Hindu nationalist LARPers. No surprise the woke crowd over there eats up their bullshit.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jatt_Scythian

“They’re really busy on the ABCD reddit whining about Hindu nationalist LARPers. No surprise the woke crowd over there eats up their bullshit.”

The Araingang guy made the same post on the Sikh subreddit too. Great reception there given the anti-Hindu sentiment there.

4 years ago
Reply to  Hoju

Well I guess we’re just gonna keep losing ground unless we call them out and refute their claims.

Nothing is gonna change with us just sitting and talking about this on BP.

4 years ago
Reply to  Hoju

they have a voluntary army of Pak Punjabi Sunni religiously bigoted ethnic chauvinists

4 years ago

This one is epic. Modi is engaged in Dravidian supremacy !


4 years ago
Reply to  iamVY

lmao wow

big celebrations anticipated in TN once they find out.

4 years ago
Reply to  iamVY

Can’t decide what’s funnier, the fact that he’s the FM or the fact that it has 1.3k likes already.

Goddamn Indians and their *shuffles deck* Dravidian supremacist ideology.

Well I guess he is kind of right, you know.

Dravidians have won like 3 Nobel Prizes in the sciences (one of them is currently the President of the Royal Society) and a Fields Medal, and also produced Ramanujan.

Then there’s Vishy Anand and the fact that 2 out of the 4 youngest Grandmasters in history are from Tamil Nadu.

After that you have the likes of Narayana Murthy, Sundar Pichai, Satya Nadella etc.

4 years ago
Reply to  IsThatReal

“Well I guess he is kind of right, you know.

Dravidians have won like 3 Nobel Prizes in the sciences (one of them is currently the President of the Royal Society) and a Fields Medal, and also produced Ramanujan.

Then there’s Vishy Anand and the fact that 2 out of the 4 youngest Grandmasters in history are from Tamil Nadu.

After that you have the likes of Narayana Murthy, Sundar Pichai, Satya Nadella etc.”

Only issue is that Dravidian chauvinists don’t recognize any (or most) of them as Dravidians.

4 years ago
Reply to  iamVY

Because they reserved the Aryan Supremacy for themselves! Don’t you know that this buffoons think themselves as Aryans? They can serve a Shreshta Brahman for thousand years yet they will never reach half the spiritual and intellectual quotient as a Shreshta Brahman.

4 years ago
Reply to  iamVY

like I said delusion never ends. They want all the credit for rapist grandaddies
lmfao like I said. They want acceptance so bad as pure west eurasians. Funny thing is that they are nearly always perceived as brown, despite their love of trying to pass of cherry picked gilgit baltistanis and lighter pashtuns as their “typical” look

lol now Pakthings cannot even accuse Indians of exclusively venerating oppressive aryans lmfao

4 years ago
Reply to  thewarlock

Wait I thought all Punjabis in Pakistan looked like Fazal Mahmood and all Pashtuns looked like Imran Khan.

It is weird though how Baltis look so steppe influenced. THey’re Sino-Tibetans for god’s sake

4 years ago
Reply to  Jatt_Scythian

And the Burusho are East Asian admixed.

4 years ago
Reply to  iamVY

I see wing commander Abhinandan did pass on some state secrets while captured.

4 years ago

If H is associated with Levant or Anatolia that would be really interesting. I have my doubts as that component seems to be low throughout South Asia except Punjab/Sindh whereas H is omnipresent but weirder things have happened (little steppe in Iran for examples despite plenty of R1a and R1b).

4 years ago
Reply to  Jatt_Scythian

It is natural to doubt an entirely hypothetical proposal. It isn’t even at a proper hypothesis stage yet, let alone at stage where it can be tested.

4 years ago
4 years ago
Reply to  Jatt_Scythian

it is ironic they accuse India of genocide. Their delusions have caused (1971) l, are causing, and will cause more genocide in the future.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jatt_Scythian

I read that and a few other suggested ones and my goodness. It’s revolting.

4 years ago

I’m finding it hard to decode the different views on the India-China border skirmishes at the Ladakh LAC, there’s too many opinions from all ends of the spectrum on this.

Some are downplaying it, while some are quite alarming

If there’s any truth to what seems the agreed consensus (heavy buildup of Chinese troop and hard infra on this side of the LAC), then the Indian army and intelligence has been caught napping at the wheel again. This, despite repeated warnings and skirmishes over the past months. India’s soft, bloated babu-driven diplomacy and defence policy is just no match for the CCP/PLA.

Question for the pundits – prior to being absorbed into the Dogra Kingdom, was Ladakh ever on the radar of Indian empires? Guess what I’m asking is has Ladakh been politically part of Tibet for most of its history or separate

4 years ago
Reply to  Siddharth

Isn’t Western Ladakh home to Dardic Bropkas? Aren’t they the natives of that region? I would assume they had some relations with Indian powers no? Not sure about the history of the Eastern Region.

4 years ago
Reply to  Siddharth

“India’s soft, bloated babu-driven diplomacy and defence policy is just no match for the CCP/PLA.”

Or even Pakistan of late. Diplomacy-wise, Pakistan is doing an excellent job isolating India by portraying it (rightly or wrongly) as Islamophobic. Once the Democrats come into power in the US, India is going to be all by itself. Defense-wise, we saw what happened last year. India got clowned.

4 years ago

Remember that the Chinese chose to act in 1962 when the US was all consumed with the Soviets in the Cuban Missile Crisis. Injection of the US air force in 1962 would have had massive impact on extended Chinese forces. China taught India and Nehru a lesson and withdraw from many of the areas that it had captured. All before the US could enter the conflict in any fashion as Nehru started throwing away the trappings of non-alignment in sheer desperation.

Right now the US (Trump) is consumed by Coronavirus and re-election. Trump has no interest in military adventures abroad. If there is doubt about whether the US will come to Taiwan’s aid in case China decided to invade Taiwan, very remote chance that it will help India in any meaningful way other than to ensure that arms supplies continue for the defense equipment that India has acquired from the US. And perhaps pass on satellite and cyber intelligence. So India is going to be pretty much on its own.

I think the Indian border is a side show. A feint. The real action is likely to be in the South China Sea / Taiwan.

China does not have that much to gain from humiliating India once again. It would rather sell more goods to the huge Indian market.

4 years ago

Its not a sideshow, its both show of strength as well as an opportunistic raid. The areas can be made defacto Chinese territory if India does not physically push the PLA back. Will India be willing to do that, and at what cost? Cost of live wiring the Indo chinese border which hasn’t seen a bullet fired from the 80s. The Chinese are testing that. BTW this is the repeat of Doklam episode where India moved into disputed territory to stop Chinese building roads, now China has done the opposite. If India assures it does not build infra even on its side of LAC , Chinese will move back.

India wasn’t caught napping. On the contrary, the whole reason of this skirmish is India’s buildup on the border regions. Earlier, the border patrols were only done by the Chinese (and they had no issues) , and in the last decade India has started patrolling and now both armies are rubbing against each other.

Finally on India’s babudom, why single them out, when entire ethnicities (Dravidian, Bengali) and institutions (JNU, TISS) are sinophiles? When whole population are chinese suckers then of course the people who come from and man those posts are anti american and in awe of Chinese.

4 years ago
Reply to  Saurav

Dravidians are sinophiles?

4 years ago
Reply to  IsThisReal

“Dravidians are sinophiles?”

Obviously. The only true loyal patriots are from the North and the West.

4 years ago
Reply to  Hoju

Obviously you’re being sarcastic but we have an entire country of essentially NW Indians selling out their people to CHina.

4 years ago
Reply to  IsThisReal

Well which 2 states house the Chinese party and the Chinese paper in India?

4 years ago
Reply to  Saurav

That’s communism.

Communism was popular in southern India in the past, today it’s limited to Kerala, although none of this has anything to do with the Chinese people or Chinese culture or the CCP. They were inspired by the Soviets.

M. Karunanidhi, the longest serving CM of Tamil Nadu, was also into communist activism in his early days. He was so drawn into it that when Joseph Stalin died, he named his own son after him (M. K. Stalin).

Most Dravidians (especially the ones outside Kerala) don’t even care much about communism today, let alone China and the CCP which have little to nothing to do with their everyday lives.

4 years ago
Reply to  IsThisReal

The way we are going even mallus might say they have nothing to with communism, despite being ruled by communists.

No true Scotsman

4 years ago
Reply to  IsThisReal

Kerala is a sad place. Their politics have failed them. They should give up their politics and aspire to emulate states like UP.

4 years ago
Reply to  Saurav

“Well which 2 states house the Chinese party and the Chinese paper in India?”

The Indian communists don’t have the same nostalgia for China anymore. The smarter ones realize that the CCP is a Han nationalist party, their claims to communism are to gain support from the useful idiots in the left who don’t know any better. Most of the pro-Chinese faction (Jyoti Basu et al.) is dead or in their 90s. Commies can win in Kerala only as part of a coalition, as for Bengal it’s unlikely that they’ll win ever again.

Some of those hardcore communists are confused, they know that China got wealthier after switching to a capitalist economy but won’t admit it as they can see that it works better than a real communist-run place.

4 years ago

Not only in pakistan, some people in North western India also do this
Read the first answer by gaurav
I think, This guy is still living in 1980s era. Racial map was very funny though.

4 years ago
Reply to  Akhilesh

Yup, a lot of the same attitudes and beliefs of superiority you find among Paks in the context of Pak vs India is mirrored in the North+West vs South+East context within India.

4 years ago
Reply to  Hoju

TBH South Indians actually have facial shape and structure resembling Europeans more often. With NW Indians/Pakistanis its usually a resemblance to Iranians or Afghans (see Imran Abass).

4 years ago

I wonder why Indian Army is backing off now in the Ladakh standoff. I think they should use force. I would say even if India ends up loosing some territory if it puts a fight then China can be shown as the big bad aggressor who not only unleashed COVID-19 onto the world but also aggressively conquering the neighbouring less powerful nations. I think India has less to loose in long short term even if it ends up loosing territory only if it puts a fight though. This whole China border issue has been a big embarrassment for Modi though. All his hugs with Xi and trips by Modi/Xi didn’t give any results. Heck, even as Xi was visiting India PLA was encroaching on LAC. I am not sure if Indian side understood the intentions here? I think PLA/CCP made it clear by indirectly saying that disputed border is ours and this talks with Xi are going to be nothing about that? I think the world will understand even if India snaps. PLA/CCP knows the art of war too well. Meanwhile our babus know the history textbooks very well to crack IAS/IPS exams.

On a side note, generally Indians/Indian Army is perceived as weaker and not a proper killing machine. We boast about Yoga, ahimsa/non-violence, spirituality, meditation etc but at the end of the day it’s your bravery, aggression, cunning attitude that will save your ass and will bolster your image in enemy’s mind. I think Indian society in general didn’t develop the latter qualities. For a nation to rise from the ashes it needs both kinds of above stated qualities. Many nations like Japan, Russia, France, China, USA, England had to sacrifice at least a couple of generations to achieve what they did. On the other hand in India I don’t think we ever went through such rough times. During partition only a section of the country faced such existential threats but life went along in majority of the country. British left us just for the heck of it as it got tough to rule us after a devastating war. Just as India was being consolidated as a Dharmic state by Marathas and Sikhs the Brits arrived and took all of India by luck, might and their divide and rule policies. India never in reality coalesced into single civilizational entity let alone a nation state. China on the other hand more or less started as a civilizational state and coalesced into a nation state by slowly but surely wiping any diversity, although they chose to keep some diversity alive for the propaganda purposes. I don’t favour nation states, I think unity can be achieved even in a civilizational states and given some time civilizational states tend to understand diversity better.

4 years ago
Reply to  Dravidarya

How do you think history would have gone down if the British were butterflied away?

Also this is the truest statement I’ve ever read.

“We boast about Yoga, ahimsa/non-violence, spirituality, meditation etc but at the end of the day it’s your bravery, aggression, cunning attitude that will save your ass and will bolster your image in enemy’s mind.”

We shoul brag about intelligence, hard work etc but you need hard power which we lack. I also think we lack soft power but that’s another discussion.

4 years ago
Reply to  Dravidarya

The intrusion comes in the wake of India getting some kind of temporary WHO position and having to decide if they acknowledge Taiwan or not. So far India has decided to play the neutral game so China is pushing India to give a fixed stance- pro China non acknowledgement or pro US acknowledgement.

4 years ago
Reply to  DaThang

Interesting. What do you think India should do?

Also do you have more info on the Anatolian component in tribals?

4 years ago
Reply to  Jatt_Scythian

I don’t know what India should do. I will ask him for his models for the south Indians.

4 years ago
Reply to  Dravidarya

“ This whole China border issue has been a big embarrassment for Modi though. “

I think u rate nationalism too highly among priorities for the Indian public. Unless there is full scale war, I would say Indians see patriotism as a nice to have feature. The best example is 2008 Mumbai attacks, which hardly had any impact on electoral outcomes just 9 months down the line in 2009 elections, either in Maharashtra or India. Also most of this patriotism/nationalistic fervor is a N-indian phenomenon.

WRT modi I see his image in general public hardly getting affected either way with this standoff. And the reason is his opposition consists of people who are seen as nincompoop especially when it comes to security matters. He is seen to have “done enough” and no amount of handwringing by his liberal or leftist opponents would change that. And finally China is no Pakistan so it doesn’t have the emotional attachment, and the public( which we don’t give them enough credit for) knows that dealing with China is tougher and factors It in their response.

Milan Todorovic
Milan Todorovic
4 years ago

Briefly skimming this thread I found in BOLD:

“Here are the tribes that spread the Indo-European languages from South Asia to West Asia, Central Asia and to Europe”

…with a respective list of languages.

I haven’t seen for long time something stupid as that. Even if it is coming from a self-styled linguist aka mathematician. But, even in this galimatias, one thing is interesting. In this long list of so-called ‘Indo-European’ languages there is not Serbian language. To play safe there are no other Serbian incarnations (Croatian, Slovenian, Macedonian, Bosnian) either.

It seems, the name of the game is – where is Wally? Serbian is actually hidden behind the different names (some are idiotic, but this is a different story). Some of the names where the Serbian language is hidden behind – Thraco-Phrygian, Dacian, Hellene, Alan, Sarmatian, Mede, Phryge/Phrygian (Bhṛgu), Bolan (in Serbian = painful) etc.

….The other observation….it was mentioned somewhere Kashmir and some recent Indo-Pak happenings. When I mentioned last time Serbian toponyms in Kashmir one anonymous guy/girl got personally offended and started jumping up and down, requiring from the Emperor Razibishka to prohibit my commenting.
Those interested in such toponyms can find them in my previous comments. Just to repeat that probably all toponyms (anywhere) which contain MIR are Serbian. Ladakh is also a Serbian toponym.

4 years ago

How useless is the humanphneotypes.net website? Wtf is an Indo-Nordic? The .0000001% of Punjabis that look like Fazal Mamood and Hrithik Roshan.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jatt_Scythian

Also pretty sure the Mountain India type was invented by a guy on anthroscape.

4 years ago

I asked about Bhirrana and Mehrgarh on one of the previous open threads and DaThang said this as a part of his reply-

“David Reich alluded to this back in early 2019 or late 2018. I remember seeing a map showing unpublished samples back in late 2019 and a few of those dots were in south Asia. IDK about the time period or any other details, but the data points needed for a paper on the topic of neolithic and pre-neolithic south Asia might already exist in a backlog.”

Does anyone have a link to this map or know where exactly the samples are from?

4 years ago
Reply to  IsThisReal

Yea I’m dying to see that map. I hate that Indian Universities aren’t taking the lead on this. I doubt Europeans care about South Asia without an Indo-European context.

4 years ago
Reply to  IsThisReal

Here is the map that I am talking about. The blue dots represent all of the samples, plenty unreleased.

comment image

4 years ago
Reply to  DaThang

Thanks. I’ve seen this before actually and from the discussion on the Eurogenes blog people came to the conclusion that the blue dots represent modern samples.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jatt_Scythian

Oof, I know nothing about genetics but I’m still disappointed.

4 years ago
Reply to  IsThisReal

I hope I’m wrong.

On a related note what’s the consensus of Western researchers on whether the Saraswati river ever existed in this form. I also read South Asia was more temperate during its existence

comment image

comment image

Obviously there’s too much nationalism on both sides when it comes to this river.

Also does that Anatolian component extend to the eastern part of the subcontinent?

4 years ago
Reply to  Jatt_Scythian

Here was Davidski’s response to that person:

“That would be very strange, since the blue dots don’t show up in many areas that are covered by Harvard’s Human Origins dataset of modern samples, but do show up in areas which are only covered by datasets of ancient samples.”

Likely ancient samples, and this is no secret, they have a lot in their backlog. There was yet another infographic, not a map but one that showed number of published vs unpublished samples, I don’t have it with me but I do recall that the unpublished number absolutely dwarfed the published number.

4 years ago
Reply to  DaThang

Let’s hope that’s the case. Looks like a ginormous cluster of samples from Balochistan-Sindh. And hopefully more dots east and south in India on the map are cut off.

4 years ago
Reply to  DaThang

@Jatt_Scythian: More recent work on Saraswati.


I think the river might have existed in at least a semi-perennial form. There is simply a lot of circumstantial evidence from the Rig Veda also. Unless the ancient Rishi’s were so weed whacked that they started seeing this things that includes a great perennial river in the deserts of NW India, Afghan-Pak borders and suddenly it vanished.

4 years ago

The 3 Indian of the larger states to have crossed the first peak of COVID-19 infections seem to be Kerala, Punjab, and Haryana.

These are also the three with the best HDI.

Though Tamil Nadu with its high HDI is still doing bad lately. Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Delhi are pretty much screwed.

UP/Bihar got in the game late but are going to get badly fucked now that restrictions are lifting.

4 years ago
Reply to  Prats

Get out of here with your so called facts. We dont need u here. Why are u against our pure Dravidian AKA Scandinavian countries.

And stop this vulgar comparison of our glorious commie-but-not-really states with shithole states like UP and Bihar. Are people still alive in those states? And why?

4 years ago
Reply to  Prats

“UP/Bihar got in the game late but are going to get badly fucked now that restrictions are lifting.”

Maybe not. Seems like it affects large urban areas more? Mumbai, NYC, Milan. There aren’t any large cities between Delhi and Kolkata, although there are multiple medium sized cities.

Who knows, just speculating.

4 years ago
Reply to  Hoju

“Seems like it affects large urban areas more?”

I think that’s because of population density.

Even medium sized cities in this region are extremely dense. Meerut, Kanpur, Varanasi, Lucknow, Patna etc

Could be catastrophic.

4 years ago


This is why I keep harping that Pakistanis don’t just have territorial differences with us, they irrevocably/implacably hate us and should be paid back in the same coin. These guys had ceded Shaksgam to their sugar daddy and maybe will happily hand over Ladakh too if given a chance. I mean if it is about territory why doesn’t Pakistan or their Jihadi proxies fight over Aksai Chin too?

The reassuring thing is that even their brightest and most powerful are dull as dirt and completely devoid of thoughtfulness as repeatedly shown by FM Qureshi.

4 years ago
Reply to  Bhimrao

The simpler explanation is that India is our enemy and China is our ally (because it is also India’s enemy). Supporting your ally in a border dispute with your common enemy makes perfect sense.

This whole situation wouldn’t have arisen if Kashmir was not Disputed. If Pakistan didn’t claim it, we would not get involved either way in India-China issues. Also, the enimity would be much less (if it even still existed). Most of the wars since Partition have been fought over Kashmir.

It is interesting though that Indians love to foam at the mouth over Pakistan but when China invades “your” territory, there’s nothing much you can do. Even your media prefers to show that a pigeon has been captured from Pakistan (lol) rather than dealing with the fact that you all have lost territory in Ladakh.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kabir

‘Only because of Kashmir’ is another quip employed right next to ‘Partition could be avoided only if Congress did….’

For all the love of disputed princely state of J&K that Pak professes (with reference like jugular vein) they seem to be really eager to hand it over to china at drop of hat. And then what remains is this empty rhetoric of teaching India a lesson.

The facts about 62 war as well as current situation are well discussed in India including media. In no way similar to Pak where they deny, then throw tantrums, and then invent false history to cover up failures.

And just like Doklam no one has ceded any land

4 years ago
Reply to  iamVY

There is nothing wrong with settling the Pakistan-China border by giving China the Trans-Karakoram Tract. This is a provisional settlement pending the resolution of the Kashmir Dispute. If that territory eventually becomes part of India, China will settle the border with India. In reality though, G-B will remain with Pakistan so the Pak-China border isn’t going anywhere.

I do believe that if it were not for the territorial dispute, India-Pakistan relations would be a lot better. Yes, there was a lot of bloodshed at Partition but the scars of that would have healed after a decade or so. It is a fact that all Indo-Pak wars (except 1971) were fought over Kashmir. If the territory had gone to Pakistan in 47, there would have been no reason to fight any wars with India.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kabir

‘There is nothing wrong with settling the Pakistan-China border by giving China the Trans-Karakoram Tract.’
‘Pakistan doesn’t criticize China’s treatment of the Uyghurs because China is an important ally.’
There is nothing wrong in anything Pak does. Its just cutting nose to spite at you face kind of logic. With such logic they could even sell Balochistan to china. Unfortunately there’s no cure for Pakistan syndrome

‘I do believe that if it were not for the territorial dispute, India-Pakistan relations would be a lot better.’
You believe in lot of things, doesnt make them right

4 years ago
Reply to  Kabir

a) It’s our border with China. So we had the right to settle it however we liked. As I said, it’s a provisional settlement. If India ever controls G-B, China will have to renegotiate that border with India. Giving China some land in order to get an important ally against India seems like a good deal.

b) It is a fact that every Indo-Pak war (with the exception of 1971) has been about Kashmir. If that territorial dispute didn’t exist, there would be no reason for such enmity between the two countries. We may still not have been the best of friends, but we would probably have been neutral towards each other instead of at each other’s throats.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kabir

“It is interesting though that Indians love to foam at the mouth over Pakistan but when China invades “your” territory, there’s nothing much you can do.”

Soldiers from both sides from injured in the standoff, don’t know what you base your statements on.

On the contrary, what you just said actually applies well to Pakistan.

You love to call India (and Israel) “Islamophobic” and “intolerant”, however you refuse to say anything at all about China’s Uyghur camps.

And not just Pakistan, several Islamic countries actually even defend China’s crackdown on the Uyghurs. Not a single one of them has criticized China yet (Turkey did try, but Erdogan later did a 180 and claimed everything is fine in China).

India isn’t silent about its issues with China, Pakistan is though.

4 years ago
Reply to  IsThisReal

Pakistan doesn’t criticize China’s treatment of the Uyghurs because China is an important ally. Publicly embarrassing your ally is not a good move. This is certainly hypocritical but that is how geopolitics works. Countries don’t attack their allies but go all out against their enemies.

India loves to pretend it is a superpower but China is the actual superpower in the region. It’s easy to beat up on Pakistan but not so easy to fight the Chinese. It’s quite telling that even when Chinese soldiers have entered into “Indian” (actually Occupied) territory, the Indian media is going on about the Pakistani pigeon you all captured.

If you think India is able to push China out of any territory it wants to acquire, you are sadly misguided. Can’t bully a country more powerful than you are, unfortunately.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kabir

“India loves to pretend it is a superpower but China is the actual superpower in the region.”

China is certainly a stronger force in terms of the level of influence it has, no debating it, but India doesn’t “pretend” to be a superpower, it does indeed have a lot of influence, whether you like it or not.

The recent OIC meeting was a good example. Pakistan tried labeling India “Islamophobic” and wanted everyone to take some action, but they got snubbed by the Maldives and UAE.

“Indian media is going on about the Pakistani pigeon you all captured.”

I didn’t even know about this until you mentioned it. And if you think this was a tactic to somehow ‘divert attention’ then I don’t know what else to day. Most of the media is still focusing on the China issue, nobody is steering away from it like you claim. There are news reports about the whole issue being published every few hours by pretty much every media house, yet you choose to pick that one report about a pigeon with markings on it, insinuating that India isn’t doing anything about China.

“If you think India is able to push China out of any territory it wants to acquire, you are sadly misguided. Can’t bully a country more powerful than you are, unfortunately.”

Well if you maybe actually read any reports about the Indo-China conflict (and not report about pigeons), you would know that China is trying to pressure India into stopping the construction of roads and an airbase in Indian territory, not acquire territory (at least not right now). It’s about whether India can resist China’s bullying, not whether India can bully China or not.

And China already has a huge messy situation in the South China sea too, which involves multiple countries. They have a lot on their plate.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kabir

Bottom line is China is not Nepal or even Pakistan. You all can’t mess with China and you know it. Sorry reality hurts so much.

There are only two superpowers on earth right now: The US and China. India is not even close, though of course you all want to be the regional hegemon. However, since Pakistan has nuclear weapons, we will not be bullied by you.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kabir

Honestly, I don’t really care that much about the details of the India-China border. But it is certainly a bit satisfying to see India being bullied for once instead of the bully as it usually is.

Love how you all think you are so great, when you’re only a regional power.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kabir

‘ India loves to pretend it is a superpower’
India has never pretended other than in your mind where it hurts maybe. It is a regional power and you feel effects of that.

‘Bottom line is China is not Nepal or even Pakistan’
Bottom line is you keep on making points that have no basis in reality. You said India is ignoring China’s activities for some pigeon. Turned out to be false. I dont know why anything from Pakistan should be ignored because china is upto something. That doesnt mean china’s acts are unchallenged. And we know China is not pakistan. Doesnt take a genius to tell that.

‘However, since Pakistan has nuclear weapons, we will not be bullied by you.
And so does India, to not get bullied by china in same rhetoric. And the bullying is relative. Pak bullies Afghans as their 5th province. So no need to show how pious you are. People trying to play rogue state should not lecture others.

‘Honestly, I don’t really care that much about the details of the India-China border. But it is certainly a bit satisfying to see India being bullied for once instead of the bully as it usually is.
Love how you all think you are so great, when you’re only a regional power.’
It seems you care a lot from your comments.When they dont stick you usually say you dont care. Take all the satisfaction you want. Thats the max you will get in Kashmir. Also really sad to get snubbed around by ‘only a regional power’.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kabir

Wow, so butthurt. You people are pathetic.

Glad at least one country is showing you your place.

As for Kashmir, you Hindutvadis have not yet been able to get Azad Kashmir and G-B. Just try taking one inch of Pakistan’s territory and see what we do to you. It’s no longer 1971. India can never break Pakistan again.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kabir

Relax! You keep having meltdowns ever so often when your PC viewpoints gets challenged. Last time that happened you complained that this whole BrownPundits platform is hindu RW. And the thin veneer of being left and woke gets exposed in these sudden outbursts exposing the paknationalist in you

‘Glad at least one country is showing you your place.’
As a client state you have no seat at the table. Let others sort it out for you.

‘As for Kashmir, you Hindutvadis have not yet been able to get Azad Kashmir and G-B.’
The same hindutvadis have brought Azad kashmir and GB back in conversation which was focused exclusively on valley. That itself is noteworthy. Finally Pak is bound to declare victory on exact same point.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kabir

You don’t like being bullied. So don’t do it to other countries. Right now you all are building roads through Nepali territory as well as Occupying Kashmiri Muslim land. No one likes the regional hegemon.

You can keep pretending that AJK and G-B are “Indian” territory and showing as India on your maps (and now even including them in your domestic weather reports) but the truth is that the Muslims of those regions have no desire to be part of Hindu India and they haven’t been part of your country ever since it was created in 1947.

India will never get AJK and G-B. Pakistan can also not take the Valley militarily. The only solution is a diplomatic one that addresses the legitimate needs of all stakeholders–especially of the Kashmiri people who are the natives of the land.

I’m not a “Paknationalist”. I have great respect for Nehruvian India (which Hindu Hriday Samrat is destroying daily). I don’t think Pakistanis are racially different from Indians or superior. In fact, “Indian” is not a race but a nationality. I simply don’t like it when you all act like the regional bully. That’s why it is nice to see the shoe on the other foot for once.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kabir

You are back at enumerating all your points like you always do and talking about Kashmiri muslim land. Seems like your happy place. Enjoy !

Current crisis is not result of India’s action but according to china plan. That nepal under oli made a outsized claim at same time china flexes it muscle. It was coordinated. Nepal has since taken a step back as domestic politics intervened. India is building road on their side of border exactly because it has weak infra vis a vis china in event of confrontation.

China is trying to put roadblocks in that design. This is in accordance to what it is doing in South China sea. India did stand up in doklam and will do same now.

Rest Pak getting happy about it and you repeating your list of complaints is nothing new. That is just not letting a good opportunity waste. I don’t think those points need to be answered again or focus of discussion changed.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kabir

When you all unilaterally made Ladakh a “Union Territory”, China warned you that it would take action. That’s exactly what’s happening now.

Your own media has noted the lack of “fire and brimstone” because you are dealing with a country that is actually stronger than you. I’m enjoying you people being bullied for once.

You Indians are really something else. Pathetic.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kabir

Got your point of injury. Article 370 abolition. Again powers that matter were informed that this change doesn’t change any of the working boundaries. The claim from all parties is not dependent on how India internally handles the land in its control. Quite similar to pak china boundary swap or cpec. Only you are making connection for whatever your psychological need to get back at India. Well expect no change on that front.

There is no respite for Pak nationalist and they are having jingoistic celebrations at events not even involving them. Thats surely worse even than vain confrontational positions taken on Indian news channel that you mentioned.

And you are textbook def. Of pak nationalist. Read your own comments for confirmation

4 years ago
Reply to  Kabir

If you think I’m a “Paknationalist”, you don’t know any real Paknationalists. They are the people who believe Muhammad bin Qasim was the first Pakistani.

I simply don’t like bullies and am glad that India is being pushed around for once.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kabir

You are most welcome to be happy about any problem your adversaries have. I have no issues. Just don’t claim moral high ground while doing so.

If you don’t like bullies china is the biggest one globally or atleast around indian subcontinent. You can ask countries in far off south east asia for that. Or did India somehow also cause that?

Your problem like most pak nationalist is the strange need to cause harm to others ( specially India) even at personal loss aka pakistan syndrome. That is seen in statements coming out of pak officially which are trying hard to somehow get back at India making tenuous connections.

The failure at every forum to raise a storm after last year’s decision is frankly starting to affect pak right from top.

4 years ago
Reply to  Bhimrao

That FM Qureshi is entertainment personified. Recently he attacked India being ‘dravidian supremacists’ on twitter which he deleted.

4 years ago

What’s the potential for India in team sports such as rugby, lacrosse and soccer?

4 years ago
Reply to  Jatt_Scythian

lacrosse isn’t international enough to be a worthy investment. soccer I can see because mant body types can do it. India would benefit from switching to soccer instead of cricket nation. Rugby can be played by the current kabbadi players probably

4 years ago
Reply to  thewarlock

As someone who has played soccer at a decent level and followed it intently for more than a decade, cricket is a better sport overall. It creates more arresting narratives, leverages more physical dexterity and requires high levels of strategy, planning and leadership.

The other sports like rugby, lacrosse and American football are not even close to soccer. We overcame colonization decades and have created our own markets for sports and entertainment. We are no longer subject to the Western gaze like first generation American Indians are, so your suggestions do not resonate.

4 years ago
Reply to  Vikram

Is there a class divide in India with regards to soccer vs cricket?

I feel like Cricket is a sport of the masses.

European soccer seemed popular among a certain westernized Indian crowd. But I am not sure?

4 years ago
Reply to  Sumit

“I feel like Cricket is a sport of the masses.

European soccer seemed popular among a certain westernized Indian crowd. But I am not sure?”

This is generally true in larger cities but in some regions football is as popular if not more than cricket – Bengal, Goa, Kerala, north East.

I think football will make inroads this decade as it’s seen as more aspirational.

4 years ago
Reply to  thewarlock

No need to switch over — why not have both cricket and football?

In the US, traditionally the most popular sports are American football and baseball (and there’s basketball, hockey, and soccer now as well). Many other countries have multiple key sports, too, e.g., football and hockey in Sweden and Russia; football and basketball in Spain.

Just create a good competition calendar. I think football traditionally is played in fall / winter / spring (at least in Europe). So football in the winter and cricket in the summer with some overlap? Football in Indian summers would be killer without indoor stadiums, and that’s probably a big ask given the limited interest and widespread severe poverty.

I wouldn’t want to get rid of cricket. I’d love to see the IPL become something like what the NBA/NHL is to basketball/hockey. The game needs to grow if anything.

4 years ago
Reply to  Hoju

I think such a calendar is naturally evolving in India. March-May for IPL, monsoon season for kabaddi (which is indoors), ISL from September to March, and international cricket in Oct-Nov, and Feb-Mar.

The only thing not working still is field hockey.

4 years ago
4 years ago


That defencepk link you posted-

The Pakistani nationalist posted the link to the Giosan et al. paper. I’m surprised he even did that, because it also mentions the following-

“Urbanism flourished in the western region of the Indo-Gangetic Plain for approximately 600 y, but since approximately 3,900 y ago, the total settled area and settlement sizes declined, many sites were abandoned, and a significant shift in site numbers and density towards the east is recorded.”


“Eventually, over the course of centuries, Harappans apparently fled along an escape route to the east toward the Ganges basin, where monsoon rains remained reliable.”

Would be nice to see them acknowledge that the IVC people left the cities near Indus and moved east towards the Ganges, given how many of them always try to portray that Indians have nothing to do with the IVC.

4 years ago
Reply to  IsThisReal

Haha he owned himself.

Do you think everything east of the Indus Valley was AASI till that point?

4 years ago
Reply to  Jatt_Scythian

Rakhigarhi is east of the Indus valley and it was not entirely AASI.

4 years ago
Reply to  DaThang

Should have said east of the Indus Valley Civlization

4 years ago
Reply to  Jatt_Scythian

In that case, it should really be called something like Indus-Yamuna cultural complex/civilization since it does extend to at least Rakhigarhi and Bhirrana.

4 years ago
Reply to  DaThang

Do we have any genetic data at all from eastern sites like Alamgirpur, Jhusi and Lahuradewa?

4 years ago
Reply to  IsThisReal

So far only the shahr periphery and the rakhigarhi samples have been published, nothing else.

4 years ago
Reply to  IsThisReal

Wealth of ME DNA out today. Hopefully we will have the same for South Asia one day.

4 years ago

like I said. their goal is to claim all that they perceive good and disown all that they perceive bad. Objective achievements like science and linguistics are things they rationally should want to jump to claim, even if unfairly, so as to enhance their image.

The “dravidian” quote, “pure” caucasians quora posts, Pakdefense twisting of genetics, and overt racist statements about “little dark hindoo animals” show an incredibly hateful and obviously irrational side. They view their AASI heritage as bad and choose to disown it.

4 years ago
Reply to  thewarlock

No wonder they were hammering poor and helpless Bangladeshis until maa Durga arrived in the form of Indira Gandhi. I think even if it means to compromise with China India needs to single out Pakistan and hammer the heck out of them to get rid of self loathing morons of Pakistan who go around claiming all the nonsense. These people are threat to humanity.

4 years ago
Reply to  thewarlock

I notice India / Pakistan comments on a random youtube songs and stuff are generally very positive and friendly wishing each other love and joy.

On some what more nerdy websites like Wikipedia or Quora they tend to be more adversarial.

Normally the opposite is the case, where the youtube comments are toxic, and the nerd comments are more well thought out. Not sure why that is.

Brown Pundits