Council in Support of the Resistance of Herat

Establishing “Council in Support of the Resistance of Herat”

Kabul-09 August 2021
As our beloved country burns in the flames of foreign invasion, and the ancient city of Herat has turned into a stronghold of honor and liberty, a number of Herat youths have come together in Kabul with much love for their homeland to form a support mechanism for a people’s resistance movement against foreign invasion in Herat. The name “Council in Support of the Resistance of Herat” has been agreed for this newly formed council.
The following were agreed in the session on August 9, 2021:
1) While appreciating and supporting the epic resistance by the People’s Resistance Movement of the Western Zone, and Afghanistan National Defense and Security Forces, and also humble thanks to their efforts, sacrifices, and guiding the free and devout people of Afghanistan, especially the people of Herat;
2) Stressing on the important role and leadership of His Excellency Mohammad Ismaeel Khan at these crucial times for the future of the country and defending our land and honor;
3) Realizing the difficult times that the country is going through and stressing on collaboration, compassion, and companionship with the brave soldiers of our country, especially ANDSF, by the political parties and figures, social, political, media and religious institutions, women, businessmen, academics, doctors, and every individual citizen of the country;
4) Believing that the fate of Herat and the West Zone of the country is not separate from the rest of the country;
5) Calling on the central government to localize administrative and security institutions, and strengthen solidarity and coordination between the people’s resistance movement and ANDSF at national and provincial levels;
6) Emphasizing the core mandate of the Council for Integrating and Supporting People’s Resistance in Herat which includes strengthening solidarity, support, and coordination among influential figures and institutions in Kabul to assist people’s resistance movement and ANDSF in Herat and the West Zone;
7) Emphasizing on the responsibility of all citizens, and national, international, regional, provincial, and local institutions in further strengthening national unity and solidarity for defending national integrity of Afghanistan, as well as defending the lives, property, and honor of all citizens of Afghanistan, including Herat and the West Zone;
The Council in Support of the Resistance of Herat is established.

This council has a leadership board, and three functional committees (political, public relations, and fundraiser/financial support). Dr. Rangin Dadfar Spanta is elected as the president of the council unanimously.
More details about the council will be released soon. For more information, please contact Faridoon Azhand at:
WhatsApp: +93 (0) 797416062


“Council in Support of the Resistance of Herat” is the nexus of the ANDSF + People’s Resistance Movement of the Western Zone (local arkebai) in Herat province. They are asking for help.


I hope that NATO (Italy and Spain in particular since they have a close connection with Herat), Iran, India, Russia, Japan, Australia, Jordan, UAE, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia begin an airlift of military equipment and supplies to the two large air bases in Herat province (or to another of the many regional ANDSF airbases that desperately need military supplies and equipment . . . for example Turkey is supplying Kabul). The two large Herat province air bases are:

  • Herat air base
  • Shindband air base (and AAF/ANA [Afghan Air Force/Afghan National Army] airbase that houses the 3rd air wing of the AAF that is not far from either Herat city of the Herat air base).

The international airlift of military supplies and equipment should be sufficient to enable the “Council in Support of the Resistance of Herat” to secure the land ports to Iran (accessing the Chabahar Port Iran India supply channel) and Russia and the roads between said land ports and Herat city and the rest of the country.  And then secure the highways connecting Herat to major 207th ANA Corps bases in Badghis and Ghor.  Perhaps Farah as well (although perhaps military supplies for Farah should be flown to the Farah AAF/ANA airbase.)

  • Please note that the major AAF/ANA air bases for 207th ANA Corps are:
    • Herat
    • Shindband
    • Farah
  • The major AAF/ANA air bases for 215th ANA Corps are:
    • Lashkar Gah
  • The major AAF/ANA air bases for 205th ANA Corps are:
    • Kandahar
  • The major AAF/ANA air bases for 203th ANA Corps are:
    • Khost
    • Bamyan
  • The major AAF/ANA air bases for 201st ANA Corps are:
    • Jalalabad
    • Bagram
  • The major AAF/ANA air bases for 111th ANA Division are:
    • Kabul
  • The major AAF/ANA air bases for 217th ANA Corps are:
    • Kunduz
  • The major AAF/ANA air bases for 209th ANA Corps are:
    • Mazar i Sharif

As a military friend reminded me, the global airlift of military supplies ideally should not go to Kabul or Bagram, where they are not needed and not helpful. Rather they should be flown to the local AAF/ANA bases that desperately need the supplies and equipment. You might ask why so many military supplies and so much military equipment is needed so quickly. One of the reasons is that the ANDSF is arming vast numbers of mostly untrained civilians with weapons to serve as a type of Arbekai, providing them with the most basic of “training”–if it can even be called that–and sending them into the fight. The international airlift should be ONLY for the specific military equipment and suppies that the regional ANDSF commanders SPECIFICALLY request. The local ANDSF do not have the time to study and learn to use any skew of equipment they are not already intimately familiar with. It is important to remember that different parts of the ANDSF use different military platform skews. This is why it is very important to determine exactly what the local ANDSF commander needs before flying it over.

My hope is that various countries in the international community directly contact Mr. Faridoon Azhand, the 207th ANA Commander, and Afghan MoD to ask what military supplies and equipment they can fly into Herat airbase and Shindband airbase.


Previous BP posts on Afghanistan include:

Afghans march supporting the ANDSF against the Taliban across Afghanistan

Afghanistan’s History (a)

Afghanistan’s History

Avtar Singh Khalsa: Lion of Afghanistan

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Mitchell Porter
Mitchell Porter
3 years ago

I have no comment on the precise strategic intentions of Afghanistan’s various neighbors at this point. But I do have a thought about America.

Something which I suspect is true, although no one is quite saying it yet, is that American relations to Afghanistan, going forwards, will be determined by its place in the geopolitical struggle against China, Russia, Iran.. That is, I think America still cares a little about Islamism and terrorism within Afghanistan, insofar as that will affect their own national security; but their top priority now is the rivalry of geopolitical blocs. To some extent that is an ideological struggle, with America promoting democracy, human rights, etc, but they will also not hesitate to break their own rules, and support minor “illiberal” forces, if they can thereby weaken their great-power opponents.

3 years ago

it is bit difficult for many in this region to believe americans. their policies change for no apparent reason. biden appears to be continuing trump’s policy of immigration, wars in middle east, afghanistan, etc.
americans promised to help pakistan in 1971 with their 7th fleet. it still has not arrived.

S Qureishi
S Qureishi
3 years ago

Herat has fallen. Ismail Khan and other Herat leaders fled via helicopter.

Kandahar is slated to follow soon.. maybe as early as tonight.

I think Ghani and his Western cabinet should flee now. If he is not captured by the Taliban, he will be overthrown or assassinated by the warlords in his own govt. Even his own ANDSF twitter soldiers are now calling for his ‘removal’ (

Right now his position is not a place for an anthropology professor

3 years ago

herat has fallen

S Qureishi
S Qureishi
3 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

Locals are taking selfies with Taliban fighters in Herat

So how can you say Heratis are anti Taliban? Like any city of hundreds of thousands, there will always be enough mass of support for opposing sides. It seems like most of the support in herat was towards the Taliban seeing how easily it fell.

S Qureishi
S Qureishi
3 years ago

Herat has fallen and Kandahar soon to follow as early as tongiht!

Its unraveling fast, people are now looking at airline departures for Afghan leaders to flee the country. TBH Ghani and his Western cabinets should flee now.. his life is in danger, and not from the Taliban but from warlords in his own govt who may overthrow him now. Already pro-govt twitter warriors of ANDSF are now tweeting for his demise (

It has all come down crashing and it’s only Day 6 of the big offensive.. reminiscent of the Blitzkreig German offensive against France in WW2

3 years ago
Reply to  S Qureishi

This is actually reminiscent of how quickly the Taliban fell to the Northern Alliance in 2001 after USA starting supporting them.

S Qureishi
S Qureishi
3 years ago
Reply to  Janamejaya

After US carpet bombing entire villages and towns?

There has been very reletaively little damage to any city in the recent offensive. Most of the damages actually came from Afgh and US airstrikes (like in Lashkargah) .. that eventually petered out.

Scorpion Eater
Scorpion Eater
3 years ago
Reply to  Janamejaya

“This is actually reminiscent of how quickly the Taliban fell to the Northern Alliance in 2001 after USA starting supporting them.”

this is quite correct. i have alluded to this too in an earlier post. afghans are among the most practical fighters of the world. they never make a last stand in a battle. if they think the battle is a lost cause, they will retreat in the blink of an eye.

this trait of pashtuns was noted as early as mughal period. from a survivalist point of view it does make sense. for a people who have always lived in a general state of war, survival is a pre-requisite to win a war later. after all you gotta live to fight another day.

this strategy worked excellently for taliban. they withdrew from power when the US moved in, offering very little resistance. then for 20 years they hung around lurking in shadows. and when the US prepared to leave, they slid back in remarkably smoothly. smart cookies.

3 years ago
Reply to  S Qureishi

\reminiscent of the Blitzkreig German offensive against France in WW2\
Blitzkriegs ultimately ended in the defeat of the Blitzkrieger.

3 years ago

207th ANA Corps soldiers still holding out for dear life in Herat. No one is coming to save or resupply them. No airstrikes in support of them.

The best and brightest of Afghanistan have been killed or are fighting for their lives.

3 years ago

215th ANA Corps 205th ANA Corps, 201st ANA Corps and 203rd ANA Corps are amazing fighters. They were defeating the Taliban just a week ago. But they can only resupply themselves from Kabul.

The ANDSF must recapture Balkh and the supply line from Balkh to Kabul. On this all depends
If Balkh is recaptured the four aforementioned corps will recapture Ghazni and reestablish their supply lines with each other and the Kabul. And then it is game on.


The problem of the ANDSF was that:

1) They tried to protect too many places versus establish defensible lines

2) The sudden withdrawal of contractor support to high end AAF and ANDSF enablers and systems. For example the ANDSF lost use of drones for intelligence and directing CAS and artillery and mortars.

3) The withdrawal of 3,500 US troops set off the withdrawal of 9 K troops from other countries and 8 K private contractors.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Taliban behaving better so far in Kandahar than in Herat and the North. I love this vlog in general and have seen many of his videos.


there is very heavy fighting right now in many places. To my surprise many ANDSF still think they can win. Including in Faryab and Takhar–where Northern Alliance and ANDSF are recapturing districts (or maybe the districts never fell in the first place)? The ANDSF are now trying to retake the provincial capital in Faryab.

The mother of all fights is taking place in Pakia and Khost. The Khost Protection Force (which I understand has operated secretly inside Pakistan) has come to Khost to help the ANSF fight.

For simplicity 203rd ANA Corps is in Loya Paktia. KPF = Khost protection force:

It appears that the ANDSF and private militias are more motivated to fight Siraj and foreign fighters than to fight the local Taliban in other parts of Afghanistan.

I have also noticed that the local Taliban respect the ANDSF and don’t kill them. The respect is partially mutual. But the more Pakistani Army and foreign type ones kill the ANDSF. The ANDSF and the Pak Army / foreign fighter militias hate each other.

But unless Mazar is recaptured, what can all the bravery of the ANDSF and Northern Alliance accomplish?

3 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

“I have also noticed that the local Taliban respect the ANDSF and don’t kill them. The respect is partially mutual.”

Because ANDSF surrender without killing or being killed. Shameful.

ANDSF is the most pathetic and cowardly army of modern times.

S Qureishi
S Qureishi
3 years ago

Jalalabad has surrendered too. 6 out of 7 ANA army corps are now knocked out

Battle of Kabul about to begin. US is planning on evacuating all citizens within 72 hours.. I doubt Kabul has 72 hours.

3 years ago
Reply to  S Qureishi

ashraf ghani has resigned and handed over the power to taliban.

3 years ago

Taliban Khan has won. One if the greatest military victories for Pak. They defeated a super power.

Scorpion Eater
Scorpion Eater
3 years ago

it is obvious that taliban are aiming for the total humiliation of US. they could have easily waited 2 weeks and launched their offensive after US troops leave. instead, they are actually trying to encircle remaining US troops in kabul. at this rate the last US troops leaving via a helicopter from the rooftop of their embassy is actually the most likely scenario!

on a side note, i am thinking of migrating to islamic emirates of afghanistan. there must be some irresistible charm in their rule so that afghan army soldiers are falling over each other to surrender their cities to them.

3 years ago

I have to give it to the ISI. They are the best bang for their buck agency in the world

3 years ago He was a great source of information on the ANDSF and a hero of Afghanistan ?? ?

He is in Jannah now 🙁

3 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

(a) this has to be BS, which sane woman tries to attend a university in the week that the city has been captured by Taliban.
(b) There has been NO real fighting. Even terrorists in Mumbai held on for longer than this. Hundred men with machine guns and air cover etc can mow thousands before being kia. This lady’s fathers and brothers earned the bangles for her with their cowardice.

I feel sorry for what is to come, how these poor people will suffer but I have nothing but contempt for the cowards. Shame. Shame on the pathetic Afghan soldiers, shame on the ‘tribal elders’, shame on the warlords, what a pathetic NATION, what a loser people. Not even one last stand not even one Shaitan Singh or Ishar Singh in this quom? Just Pathetic. This is like the modern day Battle of Plassey.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bhimrao

They fought called in an air strike which never arrived. And then surrendered, and were mowed down by the Taliban.

Overall this has been a stunning victory for the Taliban.

3 years ago

If there is a silver lining, I welcome the return of the normal world after the tumultuous few years of BLM, hindu nazis , trump and covid. Now we are back to Islamic terrorism , usa invasion and greater Middle East and all.

I missed the older world.

3 years ago
Reply to  Saurav


3 years ago
Reply to  Bhimrao

As long as it brings back 8%+ growth as well.

3 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

he has left with ghani.

S Qureishi
S Qureishi
3 years ago
Reply to  Brown

And with his money bags

Scorpion Eater
Scorpion Eater
3 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

you can’t help notice how pristine and verdant this place looks. one curious and positive side effect of any conflict is that it protects the environment. there is simply not enough industrial activity to destroy the environ.

indian himalayas used to be like this too. now the trees are all gone. all we have is floods and landslides every year.

3 years ago

Nothing short of an ISI master stroke

3 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

This is quite simply a handover by the US to an ‘approved version’ of the Taliban. The primary founders of terrorist organisations, the US, handing power on a silver platter, to their approved terrorists.


The Americans invested $ 85 billion in the government forces in Kabul and thus armed the Taliban.

According to The Military Balance, Ashraf Ghani’s army had 40 medium T-55 and T-62 tanks, 640 MSFV armoured personnel carriers, 200 MaxxPro armoured vehicles and several thousand “Hummers”. Also, with quite serious artillery: up to 50 “Grad” rocket launchers, 85 122-millimeter D-30 howitzers and 24 155-millimeter M114A1 and with about 600 mortars. It’s all in the Taliban’s arsenal now.

The Taliban also received aviation as a “gift”: 22 EMB-314 Super Tucano attack planes, four C-130H Hercules transport planes, 24 light Cessna 208Bs and 18 turboprop PC-12s. To this should be added six Mi-35 attack helicopters, 76 military transport Mi-17, 41 light MD-530F and up to 30 multi-role UH-60A Black Hawk.

None of this was attempted to disable the puppet government units in Kabul. They completely – without firing a bullet – crossed over to the side of the Taliban. Even the “pride of the Americans” – a special unit “Host” with 6000 commandos.

3 years ago

Massive nonviolent global protests against Taliban. Across Afghanistan and the world.

3 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

Like I said. Taliban is basically a division of Pak army at this point. It may go rogue once in awhile but it is largely the jihadist wing, under the ISI’s purview.

3 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

Good job, Anan. It seems to me you are Sisyphus. Linguistics Professor R. S. P. Beekes has suggested his a pre-Greek (?) origin. Keep pushing uphill your stone.

Brown Pundits